Out of Character

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"Hey my  love. Come sit." Stef said to Callie as the young adult entered the home after dropping baby Andrew at a birthday party. With the other kids with Miss Rose at church  the blonde and Lena finally had a little time to themselves. Which was much needed as Callie hesitantly walked in not wanted to disrupt her mothers.

"Are you sure I don't want to disturb you. I know you both don't get alot of time alone."

"It's fine my love what's up." Stef asked softly. "Everything ok with you? Work ok? The babies? Ali?"

"Yeah that stuff is fine. It's just I haven't heard from Tracey." She said as the blonde instantly shut off and Lena let out a concerned look. The slim woman knew well enough her and Callie had been close ever since Chowchilla and had maintained that relationship despite the girls issues. "Is she ok because I'm really worried. She's not answering her phone and I stopped by her place and nothing."

"She is honey. I put her in rehab." Lena said softly as the blonde remained quiet.

"Oh. Why didn't she tell me or call me?"

"She didn't have time honey. I went over and helped her pack and took her. She will be ok but needs some help right now."

"I didn't know it was that bad Mama Lion. I really didn't." Right now Callie could feel the tears start to form in her eyes as they began to roll down her face for Tracey was someone she cared about more then anything and had been the first person she had gotten close to in jail. "I knew she was having problems but I didn't know they were that bad."

"Well it's her own issue and she was dumb enough to start using again. Now she has to pay the fucking consequences."

"Stef." Lena reprimanded.

"What? Tracey knows she has past issues with drugs. So why the fuck would she even do that to herself. I told her Lena I told her...

"Yeah when we were in jail but we aren't in jail Stef. You can't just throw her out like that or dismiss her from your life because she messed up."

"I didn't say I was. She knows I have no tolerance for that shit so let her figure it out."

All Lena could do was shake her head at her wife who seemed to just have no sympathy for the girl. Not one ounce and she just couldn't understand why.

"Is that what you would tell me mom?  That I would have to figure it out?"

"What babe?" The blonde asked now looking to Callie who seemed rather irritated at her mother's reaction toward Tracey for she to could hear and see how cold she was being.

"Is that what you would do to me. If I had a problem like Tracey. Would you kick me out and tell me to figure it out on my own?"

"Callie you know the answer to that."

"I don't mom that's why I'm asking."

"Callie I would not kick you out you know I would help you and I always have."

"Ok why? Why do you treat me so different?"


"Why do you still treat me like I'm that sick girl in Chowchilla?"

"Love I do not treat you like that. You have come along way and...

"And you still see me that way. You don't even treat Frankie like that. You just yell and scream at her the same as you do to Tracey." Looking perplexed at her daughter Stef had no idea where this was coming from and it was very unlike Callie to speak to her this way. Never in her life had she and it was throwing the blonde off. Big time.

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now