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Maybe in some people's eyes the family was a complete mess in some sense. Was it really? Sure maybe it was as Sharon continued to make her presence known, Roxy continued to try to convince herself along with Peaches she had changed and the kids were doing their best along with Stef and Lena.

Tracey however continued to spiral the longer time went on. Lena helped as much as she could along with Mama Rose. Stef on the other hand had not called or even stopped by. What was her anger really about because she was known to go far and beyond for people she loved. Why was she not helping Tracey or even reaching out. To some extent she was avoiding her and pretending nothing was wrong. Was it too painful or did she not have the energy. No one was sure but what Tracey knew was she felt abandoned by Stef, heartbroken and lost. Lena saw it as well and knew the blonde was one of the few people that could help but she was trying her hardest to help Tracey as much as she could. Was it working? That she didn't know.

"Listen honey I think you should attend in patient treatment at the center. Not outpatient treatment. I think it would help you more." Lena said to the girl whose apartment was now a complete mess as she tried to help pick things up. Seeing an older girl leave the room Lena was very well aware Tracey had been sleeping with all kinds of people lately. "You need help honey."

"I'm all good Mama Lion. Seriously  out patient treatment is ok."

"Yeah? I'm not so sure. Your behavior is risky and we are all worried.  Very much."

"I'm really ok Mama Lion." Lighting a cigarette Tracey was anything but ok and Lena now took a seat beside her. Affectionately she placed her hand under the girls chin lifting her face up and seeing how void of life she was. That spark was gone, that excitement and that joy. All washed aside.

"Babygirl you have not gone to any meetings or treatment because I checked."

"Ahh man." The girl said letting out a sigh and knowing it was true that she had not attended any meetings at all.

 "Honey I'm not mad but I know you want more then this and I know you have been having a hard time. There is no need to put up a wall with me. I'm here for you and I know mom is."

"It's fine. I'm fine without her and I don't need her in my life anymore. Clearly she doesn't need me  because I made one fuck up and she's done with me. It's whatever." Getting up from the couch Tracey now glanced out the window as Lena let out a sigh for what the girl said was not true. Stef wasn't done with her it was just the fact that she just couldn't seem to face it. But that was not good by any means for it was evident Tracey really needed her. " I was fine before I knew her and I'll be fine now. I don't need a family." Feeling tears swell in her eyes Tracey was trying so hard to prevent them from falling but they were there and almost ready to spill out.

"Tracey that is so far beyond the truth." Getting up Lena stood next to the girl and grabbed her hand and seeing the tears fall which she wiped. From what she remembered and what she knew was that Tracey was sensitive. Regardless of how she behaved and her tough attitude she was very sensitive especially when it came to Stef.  "So far beyond it and I am speaking for me and mom right now. I know it doesn't mean much coming from me since she is not here to tell you herself but she loves you. She loves you very, very much and you both need each other and always have.  I will not let you fall to the waist side neither will she regardless of what is going on. At the end of the day you are apart of our family and that will never change honey. Ever."

"It's because of Tula right? I haven't even seen her since that night and it was a mistake and...

"Baby mom doesn't care about that. She...

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now