Precious Life

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It was safe to say for the time being that Peaches had been lucky along with Roxy for CPS had come by when the ex con wasn't there of course and reported no issue. Even with Stef and Lena reporting her along with Judy and Mike both Mariana and Jesus remained in the home. That took everything in the blonde and the rest of the family not to go crazy for they had no legal right to take them especially Jesus. Mariana didn't want to leave her brother either so everyone was doing what they could to get the kids out. But the question remained if they would be able to.

"What do you mean they didn't take them! She's got a violent ex con living there Mike! Not to mention someone who tried to kill her!" Stef said as the family had just heard the news.

"Stef I know. But Peaches is smart. So is Roxy. And, well, there were no signs of Roxy living there and Peaches doesn't have an order of protection against her anymore."

"This is bullshit. You know that right? This is complete bullshit." Stef said as Lena gently rubbed her back. "It's bad enough with her having men in and out and all kinds of boyfriends but having Roxy living there. Shit is Peaches waiting until she really kills her this time or what. Or hurts Mariana and Jesus? Is that what she is waiting for Mike?!"

"Stef I know. I'm just as upset as you are. I am."

"Yeah? Do you also know Mariana wants to kill Roxy?"

"What? Where did you hear that from?" Mike asked as neither Judy or Lena looked surprised for Frankie had spoke to her moms about it and what she was afraid of in terms of her cousin.

"Mike it's obvious from the time she was a little girl. She is still very, very angry." Judy said. "She probably always will be and the therapy I was getting her pointed that out. She still very much needs to be in therapy actually to deal with all the issues she has that are only getting worse."

"Yeah tell me about it." Stef said.

"Well the last thing we need is for Mariana to do anything to Roxanne." Mike said. "And Stef you can't go over there anymore. No way."

"Fine. I won't."

"Stef I'm serious. You can't afford to especially with your health."

"I heard you Mike. I'm not fucking deaf. I'm not gonna go over there ok? Jesus lord and it's just high blood pressure. I'm not a fucking piece of glass ok?" 

"Baby he just cares. We all do and we know how upset Roxanne makes you. It's the last thing you need love."

"I know baby. I know and I'm just so frustrated because I want to help those babies and I promised Mariana. We all did."

"Well what if Mariana got an order of protection?" Judy asked as the family looked to her. "Against Roxy. Could that work? Or even against her mother. It could get dicey but just a thought. Mike?"

Glancing to his ex wife and to Stef and Lena the family continued to discuss what the next steps would be in order to protect the kids.

Meanwhile Peaches really didn't see anything wrong with rekindling her relationship with Roxy for the woman protected her, provided in some sense, made her feel safe and so far was really good with her son. When the abuse would start again no one was sure but Mariana was more angry and more rebellious then ever.

"Peach I got you that tea you like again. Me and baby boy got you a bunch of stuff." Roxy said as her and Jesus had just gotten back from the store. It had been a few weeks since she moved in and she was trying hard to be good to Peaches and in some sense she was. She had also gotten a job washing dishes at a local diner and was trying to earn an honest living for the first time in her life.  Sure it was hard and the fight with Stef angered her and caused her to be on high alert in terms of Mike and Jude considering they were cops.  Being well aware that she was on probation the woman knew any fuck up would send her back to jail and that was the last thing she wanted. Despite everything she was staying most nights at Peaches for the halfway house she was in was rather lax and corrupt.

"Thanks. That was so nice of you. Jesus behave himself?" She asked taking the little boy who was passed out.

"Course he did. He's a sweet little man. Good kid Peach. Real good kid."

"I'm glad. Listen, I'm sorry about Mariana. She will come around."

"Ain't no bother. I wasn't no peach when I was her age either. Me and St...never mind." Roxy said unpacking the groceries.

"You and Stef what?"

"Nothing. Over and done. So what you want for dinner? I can cook you something real good. Show off my culinary skills baby!"

"Culinary skills?" Peaches asked smiling.

"Yeah. I'm not just the dishwasher anymore. They got me cooking too. Nothing major but something. Feels good to get some honest ass money."

"That's good Rox. I'm so proud of you."

"Didn't I tell you I was gonna do right by you. I wasn't lying non." Grabbing the Latin woman by her waist the two kissed rather roughly which was nothing unusual." Oh and I cashed your disability check. Might need to borrow a few dollars till I get my first check."

"That's fine."

"You are letting her cash your check and borrow money you will never see again. Are you crazy?" Mariana scolded as she walked into the kitchen totally disgusted once again. "She won't give it back you know."

"Mariana I'm good for it. I'm not stealing from the woman I love. I told you and your mother I've changed. I'm doing right by all of you."

"Yeah sure. I don't believe anything you say.  You are still a loser, you are still fat and lazy and you are still nothing but shit. I told you to stay away from me and my brother. I mean it."

"Mari! Watch your mouth I have told you. Over and over." Peaches yelled once again.

"Screw you. I'm out. Do whatever the fuck you want."

"No! You will not! That boy is off limits. He is no good  and he is to old. I know that's where you are going." Grabbing her daughters arm Mariana pulled away rather disgusted.

"No good? No good! Says the one who has that fat bitch living here!! Really!!"

"Watch your mouth! Roxy is a good person and she isn't like that anymore. She's done alot for us since being back."

"Oh please!!! Are you that dumb! I can't wait to get the hell away from you! I really can't stand you Peaches!"

"How many times have I told you to watch it little girl." Roxy said chiming in. "She ain't Peaches to you. She's mom, mama, mommy. I told you that before little girl."

"And how many times do I need to tell you that I don't need to listen to your fat ass. You are shit."

Letting out a mild laugh as Peaches was at her wits end Roxy shook her head at the teen.

"Look. We can all get along Mari. Hey I get you don't trust me. But I'm a changed woman. Put all that violence behind me. I know I hurt your mother and...

"Hurt? No almost killed. Which she seems to have forgotten. But I haven't. I remember what you did to my mother and always will because you were the one who should have ended up in a coma. Not her. And maybe someday someone will put you in one."

"Mariana...Stop.."Peaches began but Roxy cut her off.

"You threatening me?"

"If that's how you take it then yes. I hope someone puts you in a coma, or disposes of you. You are a waist of space and if you ever touch my little brother again even to hold him I'll cut your hands off."

"Mariana you don't....

"Little one don't play those games with me."Roxy said moving closer to the teen and cutting Peaches off once again who had no idea what to say or do at this point. "Been hanging out with your auntie Stef huh? I can tell."

"Yeah. And ya'll never be half the woman she is. Ever. So don't even try."

"We will see little girl. We will see."

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now