College Prep

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"That looks like a nice school Mariana." Lena says as the  young teen had really turned things around in the last few months and was excelling in school. Infact she was excelling so much that her teachers recommended her for a college prep academy which Mariana was both excited and unsure about. Sure Peaches couldn't afford the tuition but with a voucher she would be able to attend and with Mike and Judy's help even if the girl was feeling rather nervous. It was a much more challenging school and she would really need to keep her A average.

"You think? I don't know, what if I'm not good and like fail. It seems really advanced and just way out of my league."

"You won't fail baby. You have the smarts and it is damm sure not out of your league. Why do you stay that?" The blonde says taking a sip of water as she looks over the application.

"Aunt Stef, all these kids are so loaded. I can barely afford the lunch and they are going to know I'm one of the pour kids."

"Fuck them."

"Stef. Language." Lena says placing pancakes on the table as the blonde lets out a sigh for even after all these years she still couldn't control her mouth.

"I just mean who gives a shi...crap. Money doesn't doesn't mean a damm thing. And let me tell you alot of those kids got in because they knew someone. You got in because you're smart as a whip. So don't you go around feeling ashamed. This is going to get you to where you want to go baby. You got me? And you are most certainly NOT poor."

"Yeah." The latin girl said smiling. " But it's so expensive. It's like as much as a house! How can anyone afford to even go here?"

"I think I recall your Mama and Judy telling you not to worry about that, yes?"

"I know Aunt Stef but I just don't want anyone going broke." She says as Frankie walks in grabbing some juice and looking over the brochure. By this time Frankie had tamed down some and was working hard in school herself even if her grades were nothing compared to Mariana's. She still was in at least one AP class for history which Stef was very proud of and she was really focused on doing well even if she wasn't fully sure what she wanted to do with her life yet.

"Cool. Is this prep academy Mari?"

"Yeah. Fancy right?"

"Yeah. So you going? Because I think you should.  Our school has shit for you." The girl says taking a seat and biting into a piece of bacon as Lena flashes her a look instantly.

"Francesca." Lena warns as Stef flashes the girl a look as well even if she had herself to blame for her daughters mouth." How many times do I have to tell you about your mouth?" She asks shaking her head. "How many Francesca?"

"Sorry Mama Lion it slipped out."

"Well don't let it slip out again. I'm not kidding Frankie."

"I apologize. But you should go Mari. You're smart enough and y'all knock those kids off their as...I mean butts."

"Ha. Thanks Franks."

"It's true. Use your brain. I'd never make it in a school like that."

"Why do you say that baby?" The blonde asks now looking at her daughter as well as Lena.

"Because I'm not smart. I mean yeah I got into like one AP class but I'm not that smart."

"That's so not true Franks. You are totally smart."

"Sure. Anyways I gotta get my stuff I'll be ready in 5." The girl says getting up and heading to her room as both Stef and Lena look at each other. The blonde never realized Frankie felt that way about herself as Mariana waited outside along with baby Stef and Noah. Grabbing her cane which she still needed sometimes the blonde headed into Frankie's bedroom and stood in her doorway.  

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