The Red Head Part II

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"Nice place Michael. Glad to see your hard earned money pays off. Really nice." Sharon said sarcastically walking into her sons apartment noticing unpacked moving boxes all over, and take out containers everywhere. It had been two weeks since Mike contacted the older woman and she had been driving him crazy. To say she was just like Stef or that Stef was just like her was an understatement for the two were twins in some regards. To be honest it was almost uncanny as Sharon lit a smoke looking around disgusted at her sons pigsty. "Is this the bachelor lifestyle or something because you won't win or keep any woman with this shit all over. Unless you are trying to keep them away."

"No I just haven't had a chance to unpack and clean. Have a seat ma."  Mike said taking the newspapers off the cushion and clearing a place for her to sit. No he usually wasn't so messy but Mike had to admit since his two divorces he sort of gave up and let his place go while working excessive overtime. Even Jude wouldn't step foot in the place and Stef had yelled at him numerous times.

"You sure it's safe to sit. God only knows how much pussy and head you got on this old thing. I think its seen better days." Chuckling at her son Mike shook his head continuing to be shocked at some of the things that came out her mouth during the last few days. Even if he should not have been for it was just like his sisters unfiltered mouth.

"Ma seriously come on.  It's not like that please have a seat. Goodness."

"What I'm stating facts baby. Don't be a prude mama knows what grown men do ya know."

Ignoring his mother Mike was trying his hardest even if he had to admit she was driving him up a wall.

"Can I get you like a drink?"

"Sure baby. Gin and tonic."

"It's 10 in the morning."

"Well if I plan on seeing that ray of sunshine sister of yours again I need all the alcohol I can get. Although she has met her match and doesn't realize it if I do say so myself."

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to see her again. And if I'm honest I made the mistake of having you meet us at the diner knowing how she felt. I knew Stef wanted nothing to do with you and it wasn't right of me to push you on her. So I don't think you should just show up at her place."

"That's just the thing honey. I don't need your permission or your opinion because I never asked for it.  If you haven't noticed I do what I want and little Miss Lions Den will have to deal with it. And so will you. Your daddy thought he could rule me too and shit did I win in the end." She said laughing.

"How did you win ma? By leaving me and Stef, stealing money and ending up in jail? That's what you call winning?" Handing her a soda in frustration Sharon took it calmly and shook her head.

"You never saw all sides to life Michael. Ever.  But there are many and sometimes it takes time to notice you have won.  Or certain things need to happen. I left for many reasons and I watched you both. For years "

"Watched us how?"

"I had my ways. Many times I thought of coming to get you.  Frank was too much for you and I knew you couldn't handle him. Your sister on the other hand was different.  I knew what she would become and I knew she could handle your father."

"I handled him just fine. While you were off shaking up with another family leaving me and Stef to rot with that asshole. I don't get it. You knew what kind of person he was. You said so yourself."

"Micheal what kind of person did you think I was or am? You think I was home making cookies? You think I was Martha Stewart or some shit. No baby I wasn't and never will be. I had shit to do. I wasn't....

"So if you were so tough why did you let him beat you? For years? Why?"

Looking right as his mother furious Mike was frustrated. Frustrated beyond words as the woman took a puff of her cigarette and remaining calm.

"You know sometimes it takes time for people to realize certain things and sometimes people behave a certain way to get something."

"What does that even mean?"

"It means I did what I needed to get what I wanted in life.  Hell your sister knows all about that. So does that hussy you married and I don't mean Judy. "

"I'm not discussing that with you when you have no clue about it. Peaches was a good woman."

"Was is right. You gotta smarten up baby boy."

"That's where you are mistaken. I'm not a boy and I've gotten along just fine. Both Stef and I."

"Whatever you say. But I need to head out and pay your sister a visit. And you might want to tidy up if you plan on getting Judy back. She's a good woman and you were a fool for leaving her. But what can I say like most men you used your dick as a brain and let that young pussy get to you."

Shaking his head once again Mike wasn't sure what to say as Sharon left his apartment. To him he had opened up a can of worms and before he could warn his younger sister that Sharon was about to show up on her doorstep someone showed up on his. But who?

Sharon can't help herself lol.

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