Cruel Comments

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"Stefanie! I'm so glad you called me. Come in beautiful I made you food." Tula said smiling and trying to kiss the blonde but Stef moved her head surprising the woman. "Everything ok? I haven't heard from you. Text nothing."

"Yeah, can we talk Tu?"

"Sure, let me help you to your seat."

"Thanks." Grabbing the woman's hand the two sat in their usual spot at the table as Tula gave her a glass of water and the blonde rested her cane against the table. In her mind she had alot to say to this woman and was rather annoyed if she was honest. Maybe at one point they were on good terms but things were rubbing the blonde the wrong way especially hearing that she lied to Lena.

"So is um everything ok Stefanie? You seem upset and you disappeared on me. Did I do something?" She asked and getting ready to straddle the woman when Stef put her hand on Tula's chest causing her to stop.

"Please. Don't."

"Ok. " The dark haired woman said looking rather confused and offended. "So you don't want me to touch you? What did I do? You didn't mind it last time." 

"Did you, did you tell Lena we fucked?"

"No. Why would I tell her that?"

"She said you told her that Tu. That when I came over here a few months ago that we, that we were intimate. Besides the kiss that was wrong that was it. Nothing else happened. So why, why would lie to her like that?"

"Why was the kiss wrong? You didn't seem to mind it and you kissed me as well. And you seemed like you wanted to be with me and move in."

"Tula, at that time I wasn't, I wasn't well and I didn't know who I even was. And you, you knew that. Didn't you? You I was married and didn't remember myself or my wife. Nothing."

"I was trying to help you remember Stefanie."

"Yes how? By lying to my wife?" Stef said as Tula shook her head almost laughing. "Why did you lie to her? MM? Just tell me Tu."

"I wasn't trying to be mean Stefanie. Maybe I wanted her to give up on you so you could come live with me. I guess I'll always have a thing for you, and I was hoping you might actually start having one for me too. I mean what is it that Lena has that I don't. I don't get it. A few months ago you didn't even love her."

"I didn't remember her. I didn't."

"So you remembered me, and it seemed like you wanted me. In my eyes I can offer far more then she ever could. She's a stuck up snot." Tula mouthed off rolling her eyes as Stef now grew angry. Really angry.

"You want to repeat that?"

"I said Lena is a stuck up snot know it all who thinks her shit doesn't stink. She would not have even survived jail without you. She only got into the Lion's Den because of you and I don't and never will see anything great about her."

Stef wasn't really sure what was happening right now or how she was feeling but something inside her was boiling. It was and she was trying to figure out how not to kill this woman. What the blonde was not aware of was she did have an extremely protective side especially when it came to Lena. She always had from day one.

"I'm gonna tell you something and I'm only going to say it one time. I may have lost a good amount of my memory. A good portion of it and I don't know Lena like I use to, and I don't know  you like I use to. But, if you ever say what you just said about my wife again Tula, I will knock all those pretty white teeth out of your mouth and rearrange your face.  And I won't hesitant to come back here if you ever lie to Lena again about what we did or didn't do. You don't ever say that kind of shit about my wife. Ever or try to screw with my family."

"You don't even have the coordination to do that to me or to anyone esle. You're a fuckin cripple and retard now." Tula snapped back rather harshly.

Stef could only smirk at this comment as let out a mild laugh.

"You know you claim to love me and have this thing for me but I don't think you do.  Because if you did honey you would never say such a thing to me. And point out that kind of flaw you know I struggle with. You also would not have tried to seduce me when you knew I wasn't well. Sure you may have loved me at one point, and maybe you are angry with me. But thank you for showing me who you are and how you see me. Maybe in another life we would have been something and it didn't need to be this way. You my love are pretty cruel."

Staring the blonde in the eyes Tula said nothing. Absolutely nothing but it was safe to say she was rather annoyed and irritated.

"Well, Tracey was a better fuck then you. And 30 years younger. With your injury and all your parts probably don't even work."

"Yeah ok.  Who knows if they do or don't but you will never find out. And my wife she would love me no matter if my parts worked or not. Have a nice life love. Oh and um I think you should take this back." Handing the woman the lion necklace she gave her almost a decade ago Tula gently took it back saying nothing. Nothing at all as Stef walked off as she closed off that chapter in her life. Sure it was rather painful because if she was honest she felt self conscious about her sexual abilities now. And Tula knew that, she did. Nonetheless the younger women was heartbroken herself. She knew she fucked up, she knew Stef would never be hers. Ever. And maybe her heart was broken for it. But that was the reality and there was nothing she could do to change it for even being friends was no longer an option, and never would be again.


Damm that was harsh what Tula called Stef. Ouch. Did she honestly really love her?

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