Lou's Arrival

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12 years ago

"I'm glad you are able to plant Miss Rose. " Wanda said helping  the older woman dig dirt for the new flowers they just got delivered. The two weren't even sure if they would come in for Stef Foster had made sure almost all of Miss Roses privileges and hobbies had been somehow sabotaged and she had done a good job. The last batch she destroyed right in front of the woman's eyes." I know you waited forever."

"Ah you know how this place is honey. Lucky we got these."

"Well lucky that mean ass bitch didn't destroy them like she did the other bunch."

"Well you just keep living honey. I can't walk around being afraid of what she will do to me along with her Den or whatever they want to call themselves. There are a ton of her in the world. Believe me and she will not be the last one that ends up in here and runs the entire place."

"I guess but honestly she just needs to back off of you. She's cruel as fuck."

"That she is. But she's not the worst that I've dealt with."

"She's a bitch on wheels and how much worse could it get."

"Much worse honey. Much worse."

"Well I hope her skank ass chokes on her food." Wanda laughed as Miss Rose did as well for the two hated Stef more then anything along with her girls. For the last few months they had been harassing Miss Rose as a result of her telling one of Stef's girls off in the shower and Stef herself. That of course did not go over well and the older woman never knew what was going to come next. The blonde liked it that way and odds were her debt would never be paid off and things could get worse." Maybe that bitch will get transferred and we never have to deal with her dyke ass again."

"She's not going anywhere honey. Unfortunately they never do." With Wanda shaking her head the two went back to laughing and joking as a short haired red head walked over who had been listening the entire time.

"Hi ladies may I help? Such pretty flowers to brighten up this place huh?"

Glancing up Wanda made a face as Miss Rose looked up herself at the short and rather innocent looking woman. So she thought. However, the older woman was one to always welcome people and to give them a chance which could sometimes be her downfall. 

"Don't mean to be a bother." 

"Well you are and we busy. Go with your own kind." Wanda sassed as Miss Rose slapped her arm warning her to be nice.

"Sure you may help. Have a seat."

"Well thank you honey. I'm Lou and you are?"

"I'm Rose and this is Wanda."

"Nice meeting you both." The woman said smiling as Miss Rose returned it but Wanda did not for she already didn't like the woman and had a bad feeling about her no matter how nice she looked. "Nice day for this huh?"

"Beautiful day for it."

"Been looking for a hobby like this. I use to plant myself before this."

"Yeah? What did you do to get in here?" Wanda asked sharply rolling her eyes. "Haven't seen you before."

"Killed my boyfriend."

"Well you are not alone in that crime." The older woman said as Lou planted another flower. However as their innocent conversation went on the Lion's Den made their way up to the three women as Stef glared at Miss Rose. The blonde had left her alone for a few weeks by choice just to heighten the uncertainty for Stef did not like to be predictable in any sense.

"Hey there Miss Rose nice flowers." She smirked as Roxy stood next to her. Wanda could only look down and Lou not wanting to cause too much attention tried not to stare but she knew it was her daughter. She knew very well and she knew it was Roxy. Looking down at the flowers she continued to listen to every word just as she had done when Miss Rose and Wanda were talking. 

"Hi Stef." The older woman whispered.

"How is it going? See your flowers finally arrived. Ashamed what happened to the last few huh?" She smirked once again as Roxy stomped on the ones the woman just planted. 

"Oops! Didn't see those!" Roxy said laughing as the blonde smirked again now looking at Lou.

"Made some new friends there Rosie?MM?"

"No she's just helping me plant."

"MM. Better tell her to watch her company or she might owe me a debt too. Can't have you having too many friends ya know? Hey you  might try to form your own group and jump me." Bending down the blonde looked Miss Rose right in the eyes as the older woman said nothing. Lou on the other hand tried to act fearful as well but she was anything but that and admired her daughters tactics. "But you wouldn't do that now would you? MM?"

"No, no I would not Stef." 

"Good. Because if you ever try anything like that with me I'll serve your head on a platter to your kids." With Stef grinning at the woman Miss Rose swallowed hard as her eyes looked into the blondes. "I'm just teasing you or maybe not. I mean you never really know with me do you?"

"No." The woman said swallowing hard as Stef smiled rather cynically.

 "Just have my fucking cigarettes by tomorrow. Got me?"

"Yes, I will."

"Good. Or we will have bigger problems and we don't want that right?"

"No. We don't. I will have them."

"You bet your ass you will." Grabbing a handful of flowers out the ground Stef ripped them in half and over Miss Roses head. "Have a nice day. You too Wanda. Oh and um 3 packs tomorrow Miss Rose. I'm feeling extra stressed." She winked walking off with the other members knowing it would be impossible for the older woman to get another pack like that at the last minute.

"Goodness who was that?" Lou asked.

"No one you want to know. Just stay away from her." Miss Rose said. "Believe me."

"Yeah I'll take note of that." The little red head said letting out her own smirk which neither woman saw. "But if you need cigarettes I can get them for you."

"No don't get involved. I will find a way."

"What a bitch. She knows you won't be able to get another pack that fast. She knows it." Wanda said frustrated.

"I'll find a way Wanda."

As time went on Lou was able to befriended the older woman and chose to mainly because she knew she had a debt to her daughter and could possibly gain information. Which she did. However, Lou was careful not to be around Miss Rose too much but enough to learn as much as she could about Stef. And boy did she ever as she crawled her way into the older woman's life along with many other members who hated her daughter. Even Cheryl for not every leader knew or saw their enemies as later that night Lou handed Miss Rose three packs of cigarettes.

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now