A Chosen Life- Part II

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A few months later

"Come on baby push! Push like you mean it!"  Stef said to Olivia holding her hand tight as Jude held her other. Olivia had finally gone into labor after being a week late to everyone's relief but it had been rough two days and delivery for her.

"I'm trying mama Stef but it hurts. It hurts so bad!!"

"I know baby but the harder you push the faster it will go. You got this. You got it! Hold my hand babygirl. Hold it tight!"

"You got this Liv you can do it. You can." Jude said smiling but also worried at the same time for his fiance for he knew and could see that she was in intense pain and there was nothing he could do. Nonetheless, with their coaching and motivation two hours later Olivia gave birth to Amelia Marie Foster. Of course Stef was beside herself and so happy to be a grandmother for the third time as she smiled at the sweet little baby as Olivia held her close to her chest. 

"There's your baby. And she's beautiful. Look at that face." The blonde said smiling so wide as Jude returned it. for he felt the same way. That his little girl was so special, so beautiful and he was so happy. "Goodness and a full set of hair."

"Ha I know." Olivia said smiling at the blonde. "Thank you mama Stef. Thank you for helping me."

"You are so welcome baby. You did amazing and now you both have this sweet little girl. That I can spoil. Another one I can spoil." Softly kissing the newborns head Olivia and Jude couldn't help but laugh as they took turns holding the sweet little girl. Thankfully by this time Stef's coordination was 100 percent back to normal since her stroke almost a year ago and she was so grateful for that. Grateful that she had survived and that most of her memory had to been restored.

 As the blonde headed out to the waiting room the family was ecstatic and all ran into meet the new little member of the family for it was a happy moment. An amazing moment which they needed for the last few months had been hell.  A hell they did not want to relieve despite the fact that some issues were still ongoing. Painful issues that dug deep into each member of the families heart.

"God she's so beautiful baby." Lena said taking a seat beside her wife who was sipping on coffee and watching the family each hold Amelia.

"She is. Love that little babygirl already. Found these cut little shoes for her with fur."

"You are so funny. You can't help it babe."

"No I really can't." Taking another sip of her coffee Lena glanced to her wife with a concerned expression.

"Baby Stef didn't sleep much last night huh?"

"No. Like most nights babe. She cries, she's scared. Doesn't understand I mean what can I tell her besides the truth. That Callie needs help. Badly, and if she would stay put long enough we could get it for her."

"I know baby. You know it's not your fault right? You didn't cause this."

"I don't know baby. She was fine before my stroke and now she's a fucking mess."

"Stef. Don't do that. Callie went undiagnosed for her entire life. Anything could have triggered it. Anything. Her past could have and things that we may not know about."

"Love it's ok. We both know what did it. I just wish it had not gotten so ugly. I didn't know. As her mother I should have known. I mean I knew something was wrong with her based on how she was behaving but I didn't know that."

"Stef, you realize at that time you were still getting better. And I didn't know what was wrong either. We aren't doctors and we aren't perfect. Being bipolar is not easy especially when you aren't being treated or committing to your treatment. For whatever reason Callie refuses to be committed to getting well and until she does what can we do besides what we are already doing babe. Thankfully with Mike's help we got the restraining order expunged so that we could take care of baby Stef and Andrew."

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now