The Start of Conversations

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While Stef and Lena were on their way to spend the day at the beach for lunch Callie had stopped by to see Tracey at the rehab center. It had been months since she had spoken to the girl, infact the last time was at the hosptial when Stef had her stroke. She wanted to give the girl time and space to get better but  missed her best friend and sister more then anything.

"Cals! Hey!" Tracey said smiling and giving the girl a hug as Callie returned it smiling wide at the girl. Thankfully Tracey looked like her old self for the help she was getting put her back on the right path.

"Trac hey! I'm sorry I didn't come earlier. I really am."

"It's ok I'm glad you didn't because I was looking like real shit. But come sit. Let's chat. What's going on tell me. How is baby Stef and Andrew?"

"They are good. Baby Stef is getting bigger and so is Andrew."

"Goodness I can only imagine. I can't believe she is 11 already."

"Oh I know. 11 turning 40."

"That's really funny. And how are you and Pete?"

"We are good too."

"Yeah? Any kind of wedding plans or not yet?"

"MM not yet. Maybe when stuff calms down a bit with mom."

"Yeah. How is she doing? She ok?"

"Yeah. She's um, she's getting better each day.Still not 100 percent herself but she's getting there. Still needs alot of help and can't be left alone yet but it's, she's on a good path to recovery."

"That's good. What about her memory? Does she remember Mama Lion yet?"

"No. I mean she has her moments sometimes I think but overall she still doesn't remember her. She barely remembers us I mean sometimes she still calls me Cate and she will call Noah like James. But I know she's trying really hard and it can't be easy. Ya know?"

"Yeah I can't even imagine how she feels or what she's even going through. To have no control over that when you use to pretty much be in control of eveything. That's no joke."

"I know. So when do you plan on coming by and seeing her? You can't hide forever you know."

"I'm not hiding." Tracey said getting up and looking out the window for she was hiding. Definitely and wasn't sure when she would stop by for she felt so awkward about it. About it all.

"You are definitely hiding Tracey. Why don't you stop by just for a little bit. I'm sure she would love to see you. She remembers you."

"Does she? Good stuff?"

"I'm not sure.  But we showed her your picture and she smiled and said your name. So she knows who you are. Even Roxy is back."

"Say what? I thought I saw her at the hospital but I was so fucked I didn't realize. Or wasn't sure. But you are serious? Does mom remember her?"

"Yeah she does. She's acting ok. Mama Lion is still on guard with her but so far shes been pretty helpful."

"Damm. That's crazy."

"So you didn't answer my question. When are you coming by?"

"I don't know Cal. It's going to be weird seeing her like that. You know different. I'm kinda of a pussy when it comes to that and not sure if I can handle seeing her that way."

"I get it but I'm sure she would like to see you regardless. Sure it can be jarring and a little different but at the time same time it's good to know she is ok."

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now