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It was true and it was safe to say that Francesca Adams Foster had lost her mind. When it started no one really knew but the path she was now taking was one Stef feared. She feared it more then anything and she would soon realize just how deep the girl was in. Frankie had been lying for months, and covering it up the best she could so that her moms would not notice even if Stef had some clue something was rather off for in her mind Frankie had been too good and now she was starting to see why. The little girl, that sweet six year old that she had once been seemed to be hiding under layers and layers of confusion, anger, annoyance and pain. Maybe it was resentment, maybe it was the lack of control she felt or maybe she really did feel as if Stef did not allow her to be herself. The short leash the blonde had her own was backfiring bigger then even Lena knew and how they would get Frankie back no one knew.

 "Where in the fuck have you been?! You aren't supposed to be going anywhere!!" Stef yelled getting in her daughters face once again as Lena told all the kids to wait outside. She knew this would get very ugly, but she had no idea how ugly it would really get. No one did and it would be big enough to raise Stef's blood pressure and destroy a once beautiful relationship.

"I just took a walk mama. Calm down." Frankie replied rather freshly walking off in a dismissive way as Stef yanked her arm causing the girls backpack to fall and spill open. However as she bent down to get her stuff it was then both women saw e- cigarettes as well as condoms. By this point Frankie knew it was all over for her as Lena let out a sigh and the blonde glared at Frankie with so much anger she had no idea what she was going to do with. It was safe to say her blood pressure was sky rocking at this point as she held both items in front of the girl.

"What in the fuck is this. Huh? What is this."

"Nothing. I'm holding it fr someone."

"Holding it for someone. What you think I was fucking born yesterday! What the fuck is this Francesca! What is it!"

"They aren't mind mama. Neither of those things are."

"You tell me one more fucking lie. Go ahead tell me one more lie and see if I don't fucking kill you! Do it!" All Stef could do was scream at the girl as Frankie looked to her rather nervous.  Truth was she had stolen them from her mother and gotten the condoms from Phil.

"Frankie be honest with us. You are already in enough trouble as it is. Where did you get the cigarettes."

"From mama. I took them out your bag." All Stef could do was laugh at this point for she she realized Frankie had really gone off the deep end. Big time.

"So you stole from me? MM? You little damm thief! That's what you do you steal from me and go around fucking! Who are you fucking Frankie because I know damm well you don't need this for you and Erin."

"No one. I'm not doing anything. Why do you always think I am!"

"Because you always are and you are a damm liar! So you tell me what in the hell you are doing!"

"I'm 17 and I'm tired of you telling me what to do and what I can't do! I'm my own person!"

"Little girl you will do what the hell I say all day every damm ass day! If I tell you to pee you pee! If I tell you to breath you breath because you have no choice ever! Never! You wanna smoke your brains out with this! Huh?! You wanna steal! You wanna go fucking around! Huh!  What in the fuck is going on and what in the hell is wrong with you!" Getting in the girls face more Frankie didn't back down this time. She really didn't for she had enough.

"Nothing is going on Stefanie." It took everything in Stef, almost every bit of energy not to kill her but it didn't prevent her from smacking the girl in the face and slamming her against the wall as Lena tried to intervene but she couldn't. She couldn't in the least as Stef was directly in Frankie's face right now with no room to breath whatsoever. None as Lena herself didn't even know what to do.

"Stef just let her go...you  need to calm down and Frankie you  need to ...

"I dare you to call me that again. I really fucking dare you because if you do I will break your body in half." The blonde said to her daughter.

"Do it. Go ahead break me in half. Because I haven't been to school in a month. I dropped out. And I never applied to college! Those letters were fake all of them! So go ahead break me in half see if I care Stefanie."

Neither Stef or Lena expected that. Never in life and Stef had never been this angry in her entire life. Never as Frankie's heart was beating fast along with Stef's as Lena herself couldn't believe what she was seeing or hearing. This was insane and the way Frankie was talking to her wife was also insane. How did this happen?

"Stef let go of her. Let her go." Lena said trying to pry Stef's hand off the girl but it was no use. None at all as her mind and body were filled with nothing but rage as she looked to Frankie's eyes once again.

"Get out." The blonde said.


"I said get out. Get the fuck out. Now. You wanna be all big and bad, think you are grown, mouth off to me, lie, fuck around, steal and not go to school anymore. Get out of this house."

"Stef." Lena said now grabbing her wife's arm but Stef didn't listen. Not at all for all she saw was red. A deep read and her eyes never left Frankie's.

"I don't care Lena. I've had it up to here with this girl. I'm tired of your little disrespectful self standing here thinking you can talk to me however you want. You get all your shit and you get the fuck out this house. Now!"

"Fine I will." She said heading to her room.

"Frankie no. Come back here we will all talk about this. Stef this is not the answer."

"Oh yes it is. Her little ungrateful ass is out and I'm gonna help her!" Storming into the girls room Stef emptied all her clothes out the closet and out of her dressor throwing them on the front lawn while the other kids looked shocked and she continued to shout at her daughter.

"You get out! You wanna talk to me like that! You wanna fuck up your life! And lie to me! You get out now and I don't want to see you again in here again. You take all this shit and leave!"

"Fine I will I don't need you anyway! I can't wait to get away from you!"

"Good! Get away from me and don't you ever fucking come back here! Ever!"

"I won't!"

"Stef your blood pressure you can not get this upset! Do not throw her out we can talk abotu this. This is not the answer!" Lena begged as she tried to stop Stef from throwing more of Frankie's things on the front lawn with not much luck.

"I don't need to talk about anything Mama Lion. I'm gone.I don't care."

"Good!" Stef yelled once again at her daughter. "You leave and don't come back in here! Take every last piece of everything! You hear me everything and I don't give a shit where you go!"

"Good because I won't tell you!"

"Don't! You and your little ungrateful ass!" Slamming the door Frankie grabbed what she could stuffing it in a bag as Lena tried harder then ever to get her to stay. Even Noah did, as well as Mariana who couldn't believe what she was seeing either.  However Frankie was not interested  and she was determined to leave and never wanted to speak to her mother again. Ever as the slim woman drove her to Miss Roses home hoping to calm both sides down. But could she?


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