The Root

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"Stef I'm arresting her. No other way." Mike said coming into the home along with Jude.

"I get it but she needs medical care. Look at her."

"I know. We will take her but she will be handcuffed to the bed and when she's out we will take her to jail for prostitution. You know the deal sis." Letting out a sigh Lena grabbed her wife's hand holding it for she knew how painful this was. It was painful for all of them as the girl was laid on the couch out of it. Stef's heart was broken beyond words for she didn't even recognize her daughter. Not by any means.

"She needs to be admitted. Not taken to jail Mike."

"Sis I understand. I know. Look I gotta get her in cuffs then take her to county. You call Pete?"


"I can call Pete if it helps." Roxy said as the blonde looked to her nodding her head.

"Yeah. I just don't want her daughter to see her like this. So let's just go."

Gently squeezing his sisters hand Mike grabbed the girl off the couch who could barely stand along with Jude as she now opened her eyes looking around. Callie didn't really know what was going on for she had so many drugs in her system it was impossible to focus much less not being treated for her disorder.

"What...what the fuck are you doing? What the fuck....

"Callie Adams Foster you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?"

"Whattt...what the fuck get off me!!! Get the fuck off me!" She screamed now struggling as Stef walked in front of her.

"Callie you need help love. They are only helping you sweetheart. Ok? You aren't well and....

But before Stef could finish the girl did something she never thought she ever would. She spit in Stef's face.

"Fuck you!" She laughed."Fuck you!! You blonde bitch! Fuck all of you!! I'm making my money! I'm being me! This is me! Fuck you!"

"Alright come on." Mike said pulling the girl along with Jude as she was getting progressively more violent.

"Fuck you for arresting me!! Fuck you!! I hate all of you! Especially you!" She screamed looking Stef in the face as Lena held her hand tighter wiping her face for her.

"Baby they just wanna help you. That's all."

"Kiss my ass!! Kiss it!!" She yelled as they dragged her to the car and shoving her in the back. It was the hardest thing for all of them to see as tears rolled down the blondes face as well as Roxy's and Lena's.

"She didn't mean that Stef. She didn't and she ain't right in the head." Roxy said.

"I know. We um need to call Pete and Mama Rose so she can sit with the kids."

"What can I do? Can I do anything?" Roxy asked as the blonde let out a sigh taking a seat on the couch for she couldn't even answer. She just couldn't for Callie had so much rage against her. "Just tell me and it's done."

"Maybe um help Mama Rose with the kids while we go to the hospital." Lena said.

"Yeah sure."

"Where did you find her?" Stef asked looking at her sister.

"Over on 8th."

"8th? That place is filled with shit."

"I know. I never go over there but I was riding around and picked up a few things for Peaches and the kids and I saw her  in there going off at the owner. Trying to take a rack of chips with her. And um there's more. And it's not good."

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