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"So Mama's I have a proposal." Frankie said as the family sat around eating dinner and Lena couldn't help but look to her wife and smile. Stef smiled back holding the slim woman's hand under the table as Noah already let out a chuckle and baby Stef sat beside Lena helping her with Andrew. The little girl who was really not so little anymore as she now had braces, was more picky about her clothing, took forever in the bathroom to get ready, and wore her hair without barrettes was doing somewhat ok but still having a considerable amount of nightmares about her mother. Sometimes she was rather inconsolable to the point that all Stef and Lena could do was just hold her. Sometimes for hours.

 "This should be good." The blonde said. "So what is this proposal Francesca? MM?"

"I know I messed up alot in the last few months. Well, maybe a couple of years but I'm really trying mama's. Hard. I got straight A's and B's now in my new classes, I haven't done anything crazy and I've been following all the rules. I mean you have to admit right?"

"Yes you have been doing all you said." Lena said as the blonde continued to listen and smile at her granddaughter who returned it for the two had gotten into a mild dispute earlier about piercing her nose which Stef was absolutely against. Regardless of if she was almost 12 she was far to young.

"Ok well so I was thinking I'm only one year away from 18."

"Almost one year. You have a little bit more time." The blonde said correcting her daughter as Lena chuckled.

"Yes a little more then a year. And look I know I messed up before and I'm really sorry and learned my lesson. And I know you made me get it removed and I screwed up but can I please get a tattoo. Please. I swear I will keep my grades up and continue to do what I promised. You can even tell me where to get it and come with me and approve of it and..

"Well honey mom and I have to talk about it." Lena said.

"It's fine Francesca." Stef said rather calmly for even Lena was surprised as well as Noah and Frankie herself. 

"Fine?" Frankie asked confused. "Really?"

 "Yeah.  I mean you are going to get one anyway and you have been bugging the shit out of us forever.  It's fine. If it's what you want, yes you are almost 18 and we would rather go with you then you sneak off and get it done yourself at another streetfair. Just there are restrictions."

"I think we need to talk about this." Lena whispered to her wife as Stef glanced to her.

"Yeah we will."

"But before we tell her yes."

"That's fine. Restrictions are fine." Frankie said more excited then anything as Lena was extremely annoyed right now for it seemed her wife was blowing her off and did not discuss this with her at all.

"Ok well nothing on your face, neck, tits or any other private part.  No boyfriend or girlfriends names none of that shit."

"Wait, mama has a neck tattoo of your name mom and you of hers. And you both have them in um certain spots. How come that is allowed?" Noah said as the blonde froze and stared at her son.

"How old are you?" Stef asked him.


"You wanna see 14?"


 "Then don't ask that shit again. Mama Lion and I are adults and don't have to answer to you. Got it?"

"Yes mom."

"Yaya how come I can't get my noise pierced." Baby Stef asked again as Lena shook here head and the blonde let out another sigh.

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now