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"She needs extensive treatment and we will try two medications with her. She will also go to extensive therapy everyday and we will bring you both into a few of those sessions. Callie is in very, very bad shape and it's one of the worst cases I've seen." Dr. Grace said to the two women along with Pete and Ali. Of course it was difficult to hear but they needed to for this was something the entire family had to be apart of.

"The worst?" Lena asked.

"Yes. I've spoken to Callie several times during the last few days and it is rather troubling. Yes I can treat her and I won't lie to you it will be extensive treatment."

"I don't understand what happened to her." Pete asked. "How did she go from being normal to this. To pimping herself out going back to that awful woman and using drugs."

"It can happen Pete. And most of the time it is from significant trauma or an event that occurred. From there it can go down hill very quickly to the point that the patient become manic, delusional and has an altered sense of reality. Callie has a very altered sense of reality and who she is at this time. She sees herself as this person, and not the person you all know her as. I've seen her experience periods of manic over the past few days so we are adjusting her medication to find the right dosage. You might have noticed when she did speak it didn't make much sense, and that she exhibited anger or rage."

"Definitely." The blonde said.

"Now Stef I know you had a stroke a year ago that caused significant memory loss. Correct?"

"Yeah that did it to her didn't it?" Stef said sadly as Lena grabbed her hand holding it. "I mean this shit is my fault."

"No baby don't say that." Lena soothed as Dr. Grace let out a concerned expression.

"Stef it's very easy to sit here and blame yourself. But I will tell you if your stroke had not set her off something else might have later on."

"Ok but how did being in jail not do it? Wouldn't that trigger it more?"

"Not necessarily. I asked Callie about both of you. She got very angry. She mentioned her daughter  whom you all call baby Stef and her son in regards to both of you. But then she got quiet when I asked how she felt abotu your stroke. It's very mixed in her head everything. Even you Pete so it will take me some time to really get to her feelings and before I can fully speak to her. But her treatment will be extensive and will involve all of you."

"Is it hereditary?" Ali asked as Stef gently held her hand.

"It is yes Ali and sometime it is not diagnose until later on in life. Around Callie's age. If you are concerned abotu yourself we can speak as well. But it doesn't mean you will automatically be bipolar just because you sister is. Same goes for Callie's children. Which you have custody for correct?" She asked both Stef and Lena.

"Yes. But we share custody of Andrew with Pete."

"Pete as you know Callie has be very promiscuous but not because she doesn't' care for you. Infact it has nothing to do with you. At all and I know her behavior is a hard pill to swallow. For all of you."

"That it is." The blonde said continuing to hold both Lena's hand and Ali's.

"Her treatment will require a very strong amount of patience  and understanding on everyone's end. It's important you all know that and the facility we have her in will not permit her to leave since she is a danger to herself and others. We have her on suicide watch."

"Jesus." Stef.

"Listen I want you all to know we will help Callie. We will and you seem like a very strong and committed family which is what she needs."

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now