The Red Head Part I

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Stef had no idea she was in for a surprise and a big one. One that she never saw coming as the blonde continued to chat with her older brother while sipping on her coffee. Meeting Mike for lunch was nothing out of the ordinary for her for the siblings made it a point to check in with each other regardless of what issues were arising. Sure Stef drove her brother crazy and visa versa but they had remained close never to go back to what they were when the blonde was in jail. Of course Mike knew once his sister realized what he did that she would be utterly pissed and may not speak to him but for some reason he was willing to risk it for he felt Sharon owed both of them an explanation of some sort. Whether they would get it was another thing all together and based on what Mike knew of their mother he had his strong doubts. When he spoke to the older red head on the phone it was as if he was talking to his sister. Their voices sounded different but it was almost as if they went to the same school of toughness. He heard the harshness, the street smarts and most certainly the same attitude. How this would go he could only guess. Badly.

Sharon having just stepped into the diner looked right at Stef knowing instantly who she was and wondering how she was going to approach this. She knew how the blonde was even as a little girl and had seen her full potential in Chowchilla when she ran the prison without so much as batting an eyelash. Was she surprised? Not really and she saw a good amount of Frank in her when she watched and witnessed how she put the fear of God in many of the inmates. Funny thing was she also saw a good amount of herself as well. Being she decided to lay low in Chowchilla it was one way Stef had not seen her for Sharon knew how to blend in very well and had gone by the name, Lou.

Continuing to stare at the two kids she had abandoned decades ago people might wonder what kind of mother runs off and leaves their children with an abusive father. Not many but Sharon felt she didn't need to answer to anyone and did what she wanted at the time and still did. It was her choice, and she had other priorities at the time including being with another man. Being the woman wasn't much of the maternal type to begin with, and rather ruthless herself if she was honest she did love her kids but in a different way. A way in which some people didn't understand. Especially Stef. For years Sharon watched her two kids from afar but never too close considering she had run off with a substantial amount of Franks money and had thought of taking Mike with her that night she left for she knew the boy would never be able to withstand Frank. That turned out to be true for he suffered for years under his abuse but it also enabled him to move out as fast as a could and establish a straight life.

One thing Sharon was aware of was that Mike had become a cop much like she knew her daughter had ended up in Chowchilla, much like she knew she had been a stripper, had two children and ran Franks gang. She had known everything as she approached the table and her son looked dead in her eyes swallowing hard. Of course he recognized her even if neither him or Stef looked like her but he knew damm well who she was. Stef on the other hand as she took her last sip of coffee glanced up at the woman not recognizing her at all for the last time she had seen her was when she was barely 10 and not one photo of her existed in the home. Frank made sure of that and any mention of her in the home often got you smacked.

"Well now look at the both of you all grown up. Time flies doesn't it baby dolls?" The older woman said smiling at both kids as the look Stef gave her was one no one would ever forget. Ever.

"Excuse me?" The blonde said continuing to throw daggers at the woman while Mike could feel his stomach tighten. Shit now he realized what an idiot he was for doing this and if he could take it back be damm sure would as his sister looked to him once again confused.

"I said look how you both have grown up. Michael a cop and you Stefanie working with teens I heard to prevent them from going to jail. Pretty fitting."

"Who the fuck is this Mike?" the blonde asked now looking right at her brother hoping it was not what she was thinking.

"You always had a mouth. Guess I have myself to blame for that and your father. Move so I can sit please son."

At this point Stef glanced back at the older woman now knowing who she was as her eyes shifted to her brother who had not said a word. The only thing she could think of was how she was going to kill him when she got out of this diner and how she was going to rip him and this woman in half. How on earth could he blindside her like this and have this woman show up at the diner giving Stef no option. Zero.

"Listen here, I get you are pissed off with me Stefanie." Lighting a cigarette as she looked to her daughter the blondes eyes narrowed more as she directed it back to her brother. "Hell I'd be pissed too. Sure I'd get over it but I'd be pissed."

"This was why you wanted to met with me? Seriously Mike? I fucking told you I had no interest whatsoever in meeting or talking to this bitch ever. Ever in fucking life and I told you she could rot in fucking hell and I couldn't give two fucking shits."

"Stef.." Mike began when the older red head cut him off not even batting an eyelash at her daughter.

"You watch yourself there. I mean I know you were the leader of the Lion's Den but that doesn't mean nothing to me."


"I saw you. I saw you everyday honey, I saw what you did, I saw who you beat up, who you killed, who you married, and who you fucked. I know all about Cheryl and your no good fat ass half sister Roxy. I saw you all those years and I stayed away. Sure you are like Frank but let me tell you, you got most of how you are from me. You think you are the only Foster that can run a prison? Not so babygirl. Not so." Taking a puff of her cigarette Sharon looked at her daughter knowing she was pissed off big time and seeing the anger coming out of her ears. Sharon's level of calmness which was similar to how the blonde could be was making Stef even more angry at this point. Why? Because she wanted to ring her fucking neck.

"What the fuck are you even talking about. You're a fucking coward. You can't run shit and you let our father....

"Beat me? Same as you let your daughter's father beat you up and land you in jail for it after Jude shot and killed him?"

"Sharon look..." Mike began but was soon cut off as Stef was more enraged then ever.

"Fuck you cunt. You watch what the fuck you say because you don't know shit. I don't give a fuck who you say you are but if I hear my kids names come out of your mouth again I'll cut your fucking tongue out and shove it down your old ass throat. You mean nothing to me, you never have and you never will. So you stay the fuck away and out of my face before I cut your head off. And Mike, fuck you."

Grabbing her bag and getting up from the table Stef had never been so pissed in her entire life. She really had not as Sharon shook her head looking at her son.

"She is surly a pleasant one huh? And I guess you let her run all over you?"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me Michael. Just like when you were kids your sister ran all over you. I see that has not changed."

"Look what gives you the right to even say any of that. You don't know me or her."

"Oh that's where you are wrong baby boy. I know you better then you know yourself. Far better. Infact how is Peaches? You know the young tramp you fucked and left your wife for? Still banging her and making babies or have you come to your senses?"


Thought on Sharon? Good or trouble?

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