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The conversation Stef and Lena had a few nights ago had already altered a few things between the two women. Stef was going to try her hardest to make sure she respected Lena, wasn't mean, and didn't have her angry outbursts that she got out of frustration. Of course at times it really wasn't in her control and it really was something she had to continue to work on as a result of the injury to her brain. Skills she learned in therapy could maybe help with that as Lena adjusted the way she spoke to the blonde and treated her. She never realized she had been solely acting as a nurse and less of a wife. Nonetheless it was only because she cared so much for wife and at times she had to play both roles and the balance could be uneven. Many times. 

One thing Lena was learning was that even if Stef was very uncomfortable with her at times, since she was still somewhat of a stranger, Lena noticed the blonde responded well to a certain kind of affection. Not the pity kinda that she may have been giving her but the random stroking of her hand, or the twirl of her hair possibly. Of course she would go slow with that depending on the kind of day her wife was having which was still unpredictable.

Nonetheless the two still had a long way to go in terms of the blondes recovery for it would not happen overnight.  Not at all as Lena continued to inform the family along with their children that it could take months or even years for the blonde to seem like herself again or even at all. She also warned them that because of the type of brain injury the stroke caused that Stef might forever be a little different even if she made a full recovery. That was something they all needed to prepare for even Lena herself. 

Sure mostly everyone noticed the subtle changes in her personality that was not their prior. For starters all her kids especially Frankie noticed she was rather more easy going and more open. Even if the blonde wasn't parenting them right now she often thought Lena was far too strict on all of them. Maybe she had her reasons but  Stef wasn't in the position yet or well enough to question it just yet. Yes Lena felt as if she was a single parent at the moment but she could handle it for the time being with the help of her family.

As the slim woman was preparing Friday morning breakfast for the family she heard her wife slowly exit the bedroom as little Stef ran to her more excited then ever.

"Yaya!!" She said carefully hugging the woman as Stef did so in return with her free hand. "What color straw do you want today?" Baby Stef asked her grandmother like she did every morning for it had been her idea to get straws for the blonde. It helped so she did not have to try to lift the hot coffee cup to her lips which often resulted in her spilling or breaking yet another cup.

"Honey, don't bombard Yaya as soon as she wakes up ok?" Callie said worried for the little girl had literally ran to her grandmother in excitement who was now walking slowly to her seat. Noah as usual like every morning ran to help his mother as she smiled at him as well as baby Stef and Callie.

"It's ok Callie. I, I don't mind. You pick for Yaya ok baby?"

"Ok Yaya!"

 "And thank you sweetheart for helping me." The blonde said to Noah as the boy smiled and gave his mother a kiss on the cheek and hug. He was more then willing to continue to help her around the house as much as she needed and did. All the kids were helpful even Mariana who was dealing with her own set of issues right now. Ones the family definitely knew about but  Stef had forgotten. However under Lena's rules Mariana and Frankie were forbidden to hang out together alone or even together until she decided.

"You're welcome mom. I'll get your coffee."

"Thank, thank you Noah."

"How about blue Yaya?"

"Red is fine honey. It's a nice color. I mean blue I'm sorry."

"It's ok." She said sticking it in the coffee mug as Lena let out a warm smile. " That should help but be careful it's hot. Do you want me to blow it for you?"

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now