Normal To Her

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"Are you sure you are ok Mari?" Frankie whispered as the two were laying in bed after the long night. The older teen was rather worried about her cousin and just wanted her to be ok. She also was hoping it was a wake up call and that she would get herself together and stop seeing Sean. Frankie knew her mother was right the guy was scum, using Mariana and far too old.

"Yeah I'm fine. Doesn't hurt as much as last time."

"What?" Turning to face her cousin who was staring at the ceiling Frankie was horrified. "What do you mean not as bad as last time? He has hit you before?"

"Well yeah but it was no big deal. I was being a pain in the ass."

"No. No. There is no excuse. Are you kidding me? I don't care how annoying you were. That's no excuse and not right Mari."

"Sssh. Keep your voice down before you wake baby Stef and your mama's. It's fine Frankie he doesn't mean it. Plus be bought me a diamond necklace to make up for it. And we had awesome sex." She admitted as Frankie shook her head not believing what she was hearing from her cousin. Was Mari this dumb? Was she this serious? There was no way.

"Mari. I don't care what he got you and he really is too old for you. You shouldn't be having sex with him."

"Look Franks not everyone can be the virgin Mary like you. OK?"

"I never said that. And I'm not the virgin Mary ok?"

"No? So you and Erin had sex? You never told me." She whispered looking at her cousin.

"We didn't. Just fooled around. But this is different Mari. Sean is not a good person and it's not right. You don't deserve to get beat up. Didn't you learn that from your mother?"

"This is not the same. I'm nothing like her Frankie. She's weak. I'm not and I can leave him at anytime. I just don't want to."

"Because he buys you stuff and let's you ride in his ugly car? That's why?"

"No. There is more to him then that. You don't get it Frankie."

"What don't I get. He's an abusive asshole and you need to stay away from him. He..

"He's good to me. He's all I have."

"What? That's not true. We are your family and you have use Mari. You know mama and Mama Lion will help you and Jesus. Judy will...

"Judy? Yea ok. Look let's just go to sleep. I'm fine." Turning away from her cousin and closing her latin eyes Frankie could only shake her head for she knew her cousin was serious. She really did and was wondering if calling CPS had made things worse.


"Well she can stay with us until Judy gets here. Bad enough she's going around thinking no one wants her and I don't want her feeling that way. Breaks my heart." The blonde said sipping on her morning coffee after the long night they all had.

"I know. When did Judy say she was coming?" Lena asked as she placed the breakfast on the table for the girls while baby Stef was with Callie and Noah was at his chess game.

"Well she's on her way back from Chicago and trying to get an early flight so she should be here tonight or the morning. Still can't find Peaches."

"MM. You think something happened to her?"

"Mike thinks she shacked up with some guy because she scared CPS will come back. He's probably right."

"Maybe a neighbor called or one of Mariana's teachers."

"She doesn't go to school enough for them to babe. Her little ass is going to get left back but sadly I don't think she cares. She needs stability and Peaches isn't it."

"Is she really visiting Roxy?"

"Sadly she is."

"I don't understand it. That woman almost killed her and because of it Peaches is not even the same person anymore." Lena whispered.

"I don't know I'm starting to think some parts of her are but we didn't see it. Or I didn't see it. Yes she was very attentive to Mariana when she was little but baby Jesus. Not even remotely. I think she always liked men especially married ones. Mike didn't run after her alone. She helped. She was always fast but it's more extreme now. It's like the worsts parts of her personality are more extreme and Mariana is following right behind her."

"Yeah I know. There has to be a way we can stop this. Mariana is very bright and intelligent. Do you know how smart she is Stef?"

"I know. I saw it when she was growing up. Which makes this even more frustrating. She's got extreme potential but things got so fucked. We all need to make this right for her and Jesus."

"We will baby." Lena said as the two continued to whisper and both Frankie and Mariana walked into the kitchen.

"Hey babies. Come sit and eat. Mama Lion made some pancakes, sausage, some eggs, bacon, and juice." Stef said sipping on her coffee as both girls said good morning and Frankie hugged them both like she did every morning. Taking her usual seat next to her mother she loaded her plate with pancakes as Mariana took her own seat adding a bit of food to her plate as well as Stef glanced to her. "Sleep ok honey? MM?"

"Yeah it was fine. Thanks."

"That's good. So listen you are going to stay here for a bit ok? And Judy will take you after she gets back from her trip either tonight or tomorrow morning. We don't want you shuffling around but we want to make sure you have a place to stay that is stable. You and your brother."

"They can't with us?" Frankie asked.

"Judy has her room there and everything love. Plus she also has more room for Jesus as well sweetheart."

"Yeah before she ditched me." Mariana said.

"Babylove she didn't ditch you." Lena said gently resting her hand on Mariana's. "She cares for you very much and at the time she was doing what she thought was best for you. We all love you and she does too sweetheart." Shrugging her shoulders the girl took a sip of her orange juice.

"Did you find my mother Aunt Stef?"

"No love not yet."

"She's probably shacked up with some guy. Wouldn't shock me. That's what she does when CPS shows up. She runs and takes my brother."

"What do you mean? CPS has shown up before?" Lena asked.

"A few times. Nothing comes of it. She just freaks out takes my brother and runs off."

"Mariana why didn't you tell us?" The blonde asked.

"I was fine. I'm always fine. I stayed with a friend and it was all good." Looking to Lena Stef let out a sigh as she glanced to Frankie who looked upset.

"Yeah? Sean?"

"It was fine Aunt Stef."

"No more of that shit Miss Thang. We will all be in charge of you and your brother. Me, Mama Lion, Judy. Understand? We aren't letting you fall more to the wasteside so that you can fall into a fucking hole and never get out. You are too smart for that, you are too fucking bright and you are bigger then some drug dealing piece of shit who you have no business being with. Trust me I've been down this road many times honey and you don't want to keep going. It will land you right where I was and you do no want to go there. So eat up, get dressed, we will pick up some of your clothes, that are age appropriate because you aren't walking around dressed like some skimpy street hoe walker. Over my dead body. And if you see Sean, or meet him or talk to him, or whatever the fuck you do, well god help your life honey. Because you won't have one when I'm done with you. You got me?"

"Yes Aunt Stef."


In a few chapters (Maybe the next one) we will see Stef's job at the prison and it's possible she bumps into some of her old friends. Maybe?

No worries more Stef and Lena chapters are coming! Like I said it's not just a Mariana and Peaches story. :) Also we will see what is up with Callie, Tracey and a few others.

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now