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Francesca Adams Foster had a few secrets of her own that were partly tearing  her apart. Sure in her moms eyes she had come to terms with being gay but she had not and for the past few weeks she was trying whatever she could to not be attracted to girls. Why she wasn't sure and she was making one mistake after the other which her girlfriend Erin noticed.

"Are you sure everything is ok? You have been super quiet Frankie." Erin said as the two were sitting on the pews during youth group.

"Yeah I'm good why wouldn't I be?"

"You just seem kinda off. I don't know it's hard to explain but you seem like you don't really want to talk to me anymore either. Did I do something?"

"No. You didn't do anything. My mom is just, she's pressuring me about college. That's all."

"Why? She doesn't want you to go to Sacramento state?"

"No, I'm not going.  I don't want to go at all. I Just want to work on my music."

"Since when? I thought we were going to go together and take religious studies? When did you change your mind?"

"I don't know Erin recently. I just, I don't want to do that anymore. I'm not into it. I'm not even this anymore."

"Us?" She said sadly as Frankie looked to her letting out a sigh while playing with her fingers

"No. I mean coming here. I love Nana Rose but I'm just not into this anymore. I wanna do other stuff and I wanna be free. I'm not even sure I want to keep going to school."

"Frankie you are so smart. Why, why wouldn't you want to keep going to school. So you want to drop out."


"But what would you do? Where would you go?"

"Meet new people Erin.  Live the life I want instead of the one my mom wants. She's so controlling and never listens to me ever. And with her and Mama Lion adopting a new kid every week that she loves more it won't make a difference."

"That's not true Frankie. They love you and I think she just cares. So do I. You, you don't want to be with me do you?"

"I didn't say that."

"But you didn't not say it."

Glancing at her girlfriend Frankie let out another sigh as tears feel from Erin's eyes. They did for she really did like and love Frankie but she could see the girl had changed and she wasn't sure what to do. Frankie wasn't sure either as she continued to save money from her little job for when she would leave with a group of friends so they could start their music careers. Maybe it was a bad idea but in her mind it was better then being forced and controlled into a life she didn't want by her mother.

Trying to be who she really was seemed to be something Stef couldn't accept or understand which caused Frankie to act out even more without them noticing at first. The girl had snuck and got another tattoo after her moms made her remove the other one, she will still smoking e cigarettes and now, she had been making out with boys since she broke it off with Erin. What was going through her mind no one knew but sex with Phil started the change in her. A big change and she only struggled more after it.


As Stef and Lena along with Mike walked up to the trailer where Tracey's aunt lived it was anything but nice. It was rusted, there were old couches and cars in the lots and the smell of weed lingered. Stef could only let out a sigh as she felt Lena hold her hand tightly and Miek turned around looking at his sister.

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now