Motel Talk

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"Coming to Vegas on a greyhound to get married was not a smart idea. Do you both understand that?" Lena asked the two girls as they sat listening. Frankie had been rather quiet as she periodically would glance at the blonde seeing for any type of reaction but her mother was just as quiet letting Lena speak. That alone was throwing the girl off and contributing to her nervousness as she held Erin's hand tight. "First off it's dangerous, second why didn't you talk to us or come to us? Mom and I would have done whatever we could to help."

"I don't know. I was going to handle it myself." Frankie admitted as Lena looked concerned. Glancing over to her wife Stef's eyes remained on the floor.

"Mrs. Adam's Foster I didn't mean to get Francesca in trouble.  I really didn't. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. This was my plan not yours." Frankie said to her girlfriend as Erin let out a sigh. "It was my idea to come here and see if we could get married."

"But why marriage honey? There are other ways to solve this." Lena said.

"Because if she's my wife then I can protect her more. Isn't that what marriage is about? Protecting your spouse from things?" With this question Lena looked to Stef again who looked right at her and she was hoping the blonde would say something. Anything.

"Yeah baby that is part of marriage. "The blonde said. " But it comes with a ton of other stuff too. It comes with maturity, understanding, love, commitment and being honest with your spouse. It's more then just one thing.  And it's work. It's beautiful especially when you meet the right person and I'm not saying you are not the right person Erin, I'm just saying if you want to get married do it because you want to. Not because you feel you need to. The both of you are so young, and you have your entire life to get married. I swear you do." Glancing to her daughter Frankie looked her mother in the eyes not sure what to say. So badly did she want to talk to her abotu everything but just had not for fear their relationship was turning sour again.

"Mom is right. You both are so young and have all the time in the world to get married when the time is right. "

"You do and yes Frankie as a spouse you do protect you wife, and your family. That is a very important part of it. Among many other things and when you are more mature and wiser it will be that much better. You understand?"

"Yes." Both girls said as Frankie let out a frustrated sigh for she felt she already was. But the last thing she wanted to do was fight with her mothers in front of Erin so she kept her mouth closed.

"And Erin, we can help you love.  You can tell me and Lena what has been going on and Frankie you know you could have told us as well."

"I guess I was too embarrassed to. I could barely tell Francesca. I just didn't know what to do or say."

"It's ok. That's understandable. But let us know what is going on exactly so we can help and get you out of there. We can help honey. So please let us." Lena said softly as the girl had tears rolling down her eyes. One's Frankie soon wiped for her as both women smiled at her level of affection. Maybe Stef had not really seen all of her daughter and had not realized all sides of her but she could see why Erin liked her and so could Lena.


After their talk with both girls Stef and Lena checked them out the seedy motel and into the local Marriott. Being Sacramento was almost nine hours they decided to stay over and head back in the morning for they were exhausted and Stef was rather drained as she watched the two girls on the balcony.  Seeing her daughter with Erin she watched her stroke the girls face smiling and Stef realized she was looking at younger version of her and Lena.

"Being like you is not a bad thing." Lena whispered as the blonde looked to her. "She's passionate, compassionate, loving, protective and kind. Tough as hell too which she definitely got from you baby."

"Yeah that she is. Always was." She said continuing to look at her strong willed daughter.

"Go talk to her. She needs you."

"Lena I..

"We can deal with us later. Go."

"Don't leave me. Please." Tearing now Lena grabbed her wife's hand holding it as Stef looked deep into her eyes. "I will do better. So much better. I just want to protect our family so much."

"I'm not leaving you baby. But we will talk when we get back? Ok?" Gently stroking her wife's check Stef grabbed Lena's hand holding it closer to her. She had been wrong many of her choices and sometimes she just forgot. Forgot that she could not keep living the way she was with one foot in each life. She had to make a choice, and a decision that was best for the entire family. Not just one kid.

"I'm in this life with us. I will never go behind your back again baby and I will cut all ties people from my old life. I am sorry my love. I really am. Just please don't leave me baby."

Lena could only softly smile at her wife as she continued to rub her cheek.

"I won't my love. But you better not ever keep anything from me again. I swear you better not Stefanie or I will tear you to shreds worse."

"I believe it." The blonde said laughing.

"Good. You better because don't fuck with me."

"Ha! Don't I know it!" She said laughing as the two kissed and Erin walked in on them.

"Oh I'm sorry. I was just heading to bed I didn't mean to interrupt."

"No you didn't love. GO on to bed it's been a long night." The blonde said as Erin smiled at both women.

"It has and thank you. Thank you for everything."

"Anytime sweetheart." 

Now walking off into the bedroom Erin quietly closed the door as both women looked to Frankie on the balcony. Stef knew she had to suck up everything and just talk to her daughter about everything. It would prove to be a very long night but necessary if she wanted to remain close to her and maybe for the first time they would have a permanent breakthrough. Hopefully.

"I'm gonna go talk to her."

"Go ahead baby. Take your time." Lena said as the blonde headed out onto the balcony and taking a seat beside her daughter. She had so much to say to her and as Frankie looked her in the face she had so much to say as well as Stef gently grabbed her hand holding it close.

"So we need to talk my love. More then we ever have in your life. So, tell me what's really going on and how I can help more?Please."

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now