Car Talk

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As both women made their way to Vegas the car was eerily quiet. So quiet that it was making Stef more uncomfortable then she would like to admit and for the last few hours she continued to try to make small take with her wife. Lena  however had no interest in speaking to her wife and was far from interested in anything she had to say for she was so dam frustrated and angry at the woman that she wasn't sure when she wanted to speak to her again. Stef was aware of this and knew she  messed up once again as she glanced to her wife who was sitting in the passenger seat staring out the window with her sunglasses on.

"We should get there rather fast. Maybe a few more hours." She said softly as Lena did not respond. "I just know where to look once we do." She laughed awkwardly.

"We will figure it out." Lena said rather coldly as Stef swallowed hard for it has been hours since their fight and she knew she was on thin ice much less in the dog house.

"Maybe she will answer her phone."

"Maybe." Answering coldly again Stef let out a sigh. 

"Look Len I know your pissed at me about going to see Violet but...

"I said I wasn't speaking to you unless it is in regards to our children. Anything else I'm not interested. Do not speak to me Stefanie and I mean it. If you want to continue to have relationships with these women you use to be involved with go ahead. Go back...

"I'm not Lena I..

"Do not cut me off! I'm not done!"

"Is all you do is yell?"

"Look who is talking! You have one foot in your old life and one in ours and you need to make a damm choice!"

"What! I do not Lena. I am fully committed to our life!"

"You have not left your old life. You have not! And if you do not I'm done."

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

"You know what it means. I will divorce your ass. So you pick."

Pulling to the side of the highway now Stef shut the car off looking at her wife for now she was angry all over again.

"Divorce really? Over what!"

"Because you won't leave that life behind Stefanie. You continue to want to solve things like you did prior to us. Violet is a criminal, Lou is a criminal and Sheila. And I told you to let Mike handle this. The police. Not this street shit you are so eager to continue to live."

"You are unreal. I do not live a street life."

"Oh yes you do. You think I don't want justice for Callie? You I don't want to hurt Sheila or Lou. I do! Every part of me does but I'm not living that life we use to. And I won't have it and I've had enough. I've also had enough of you  maintaining your relationship with past girlfriends. First Tula, now Violet."

"Jesus Christ Lena it's not like that! What you think I'm fucking Violet! Huh!"

"Then what is it like?? Huh!!! What is it like! You yell me! You are disrespectful and selfish."

"Whoa!!! What!! I have done nothing but take care of you and this family! Are you kidding me!"

"In terms of this you are! In term of these relationships you are.  So either you end them all of them or I'm done and so is this marriage. Now let's go and find our daughter because  we will not solved this tonight. And I have nothing more to say to you."

Stef  wasn't even sure what to say to her wife and for the first time she was scared.


"Just a single room." Frankie said as she found a motel close to the bus station for them to stay at for the night. It wasn't the best infact it was horrible but it was all she could afford as Erin remained close.

"65.80." The clerk said eyeballing the two as Frankie handed over the emergency credit card Lena had given her not realizing that as soon as she swiped it an alert would be sent to the slim woman informing her where she was.

"Room is upstairs to the left." He said now eyeballing Erin and grinning as Frankie noticed it. "What's your name cutie?" He asked directing his question to the 17 yr old Irish girl.

"Her name is non of your fucking business. Look or talk to her again and I'll jab this pen right into your fucking neck and eyeballs. Got it?"

"Ohh feisty!" He laughed as Frankie stared at him coldly. "You don't have it in you."

"You wanna try me? Go ahead."

"Francesca it's ok. Ignore him." Erin whispered.

"Yeah listen to your woman Francesca." He laughed. "You got a nice tight little ass I bet." It was then Frankie grabbed him by the tie pulling him toward her slamming his chest against the desk. He was caught off guard as she held the tie harder. "You crazy bitch."

"I told  you not to fuck with me. Don't look at my woman or talk to her. Fucking shit face." Letting go the man let out a cough as she grabbed the keys heading to their room. Erin was use to Frankie by this time and knew the girl was not one to mess with. Much like her mother and this was another reason she always felt safe with her.

"I can give you money Frankie. For the bus and room."

"No I got it sweetheart. Come." She said holding the girls hand as the two entered the room. It was anything but pleasant as Frankie looked around seeing what a dump it was."It's just for one night. You can sleep close to me and I'll stay up."

"Don't you need rest too?"

"Nah. I'm good. You hungry?"

"MM a little."

"Ok. Lets see if we can order something or we can go get something from the seven eleven."

"I can go."

"No way. And I'm not leaving you here. Not with that fucking rapist out front."  She said lighting a vapor and taking a seat on the bed beside Erin.

"I'm going to get you in trouble. In so much trouble."

"Don't stress it. As long as you're ok and away from that family I'm good. Now lets get some food ok freckles?"

"Ok." Erin said smiling as Frankie stroked the girls long brown hair kissing her on the lips.

What she didn't know was her moms had gotten the alert and were about an hour from the motel along with her uncle Mike and Jude.

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now