The Blowup

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"Lets rest here for a bit baby Stef.  I think we are ok for now. Hopefully that jerk won't find me." Mariana said to her little cousin as the two relaxed under a beach boardwalk. It was rather chilly and getting light out as the older girl could see it was getting light out. "I wonder what time it is?"

"MM 7." Baby Stef said taking a sandwich out of her bag and handing the other half to her cousin. "According to my watch. Here have half."

"You really came prepared huh? It's ok you eat both halves you need more energy then me."

"No we both need it Mari. It's fine I have more in my bag."

"Thanks baby Stef."

"You're welcome Mari." She said smiling as her older cousin looked to her with curiosity for if she was honest she didn't know her little cousin as well as she thought.

"So what is your plan? Or what was your plan if we had not run into each other?" The girl said biting into the peanut butter and jelly sandwich as baby Stef took out a bottle of water opening it for the two of them.

"MM not really sure. I guess I was going to kind of wing it. I don't know."

"Wing it?"

"Yeah. I was trying to think of a place my mom wouldn't find me. Or even a place Yaya wouldn't find me even if I don't really want that."

"So you really ran off because you your mom wants you to live with her? I mean would it be that bad?"

"Not wants. Forcing. She never asked me how I felt about it and doesn't care. She thinks I need to be with her and Pete and my brother and Ali. But I want to live at both places. I don't see the big deal."

"You told her this?"

"Yes. But she doesn't listen to me. She thinks I don't know anything and treats me like I'm two. Yaya doesn't treat me like that neither does Nana Lion."

"DO you not like Pete or something either?"

"No he's nice. I don't mind him but I've been with Yaya since I was a baby and I love her and she's my best friend. I'm not scared of her having another stroke or anything. But my mom is. Things happen in life you know?"

"You seem older then eleven that's for sure."

"Eleven and a half." The girl smiled as Mariana did the same.

"Yes sorry. But does Yaya know about your dirty mouth. I mean not that she should talk."

"No. I'm not really interested in getting my butt popped. No way. But do you really want to live with Sean and be away from all of us Mari? He made you get rid of your baby."

"What? Baby Stef how do you even know this."

"You and Frankie talk loud you know. Not that I'm being nosy but I do have ears. He's a jerk off and you shouldn't go with him."

"Hey do you even know what that means? Don't say that."

"Fine. He's an ass wipe. Better?"

"No. It's not better but whatever."

"Why don't you want to live with your mother. Peaches?"

"Ahh it's a long story baby Stef."

"We have time. Maybe she just wants to get to know you. Maybe you can live with her and Judy."


"Yeah. Your adoptive mom. She loves you too and Jesus. But who do you want to live with? Like if you could pick and God made it happen who would you pick? And why?"

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now