Months Passing

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It had been a handful of months since Stef's stroke and during that time the family had been trying to keep it together. They were actually doing a better job then months prior minus a few hiccups in the road but overall things were changing and some of these changes were rather surprising.

One such change and surprise was that both Roxy and Peaches had been doing well for the former inmate was working hard at a bakery and learn the craft she was starting to really enjoy. Never in a million years did she ever think she would find something she enjoyed, besides a life of crime, and that she would be good at. Sure back in the day she use to do hair but this was different. This was something she wanted to make a career out of as she continued to work as much as she could and take a few free classes that were provided to new parolees.

Peaches was well aware that Roxy was on the straight path and had no desire to turn back. She wanted this life, she had for awhile and even before Stef's stroke it was her mission to rekindle her relationship with the blonde and the family. Yes Mike and Lena were very, very much on guard when it came to Roxy as was the rest of the family for they still were not 100 percent sure if this was an act or if this was who the new Roxy was. But this was who she seemed to be now, and was determined  to make something of herself, finally give Peaches the life she deserved along with her kids and continue to attend therapy, and anger management. Right now as the happiest she had ever been in her life and she enjoyed taking care of Peaches as well as Jesus. In regards to her sister remembering what went down between them she knew the best thing was to come clean with her. She did and for her luck right now Lou had been a no show. Where she was no one was sure.

Mariana however, was not trusting of Roxy at all despite tolerating her the last few months when she had been on good behavior. Now that her Aunt Stef was starting to feel better the girl was at it again. It was safe to say she never really stopped being wild even after she became pregnant. That of course had been another issue all together as both Peaches and Roxy tried so very hard to help the girl, to make the best decision they could for her and to be there for her. Maybe they had failed in the past, maybe even Judy had as well but in the end the 15 year old ignored her family and went with Sean to some cheap clinic to get an abortion. Something she deeply regretted.

The girl still had plans to run off with Sean and take her brother with her but was furious when she learned Frankie no longer wanted to come. It was something they had planned for months prior to Stef's stroke and with Frankie changing her mind it caused a giant rift between two teens.

"Mariana. He doesn't care about you. What don't you understand? He hurts you, he hits you, he killed...

"He did not kill the baby. We decided not to have it and you don't understand that sometimes Sean has a bad day. He does."

"A bad day? Really is that what would you call it? A bad day? And you both didn't decide. He did for you and forced you to get that abortion. We were all trying to help you, and would have helped you raise him or her."

"Oh please Frankie! I don't think so and I didn't want it. I'm too young!"

"Yeah I know so why are you not using protection. Why do you keep sleeping with him and I don't get it. What do you see in him!"

"Look who is talking! So you are goody goody now! Huh! After what you and Phil did you want to talk about me. Phil who is 25! Do your moms know about that! Huh?!"

"Look we aren't talking about me ok. I know I messed up for months bu we are talking about you and I only care about you. You are my sister Mariana and I came out here, snuck out the house mind you to talk sense into you."

"Whatever. So we are leaving a week from Friday. Sean said he will pay for us until we get jobs."

"Mariana. I"m not going."

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now