Another Revelation

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It was rather hard to predict the future. It really was especially in terms of relationships and families. When Frankie was a little girl no one would ever think her and Stef would have a strained relationship, no one would ever think Roxy and Stef would severe ties and no one would ever think Sharon would try to come back into the picture for one reason or another. To add to it no one also ever really saw Mike and Judy splitting up, or Mariana getting pregnant so young, or that Tracey had a son. Nonetheless all these things had happened, some good and some bad, and now it was time to see where all of it would go. Where did the family now stand? What relationships were done for good and which would come back together? These were all questions on everyone's mind as time continued to speed on by with no reconciliations in sight.

Right now it was safe to say that Stef and Frankie were not able to live together or even communicate without an hostility. As sad as that was it was a fact as the girl remained as Miss Rose's home and Stef kept her distance. Big time. Lena however was trying to think of whatever she could in order to mend that relationship but her ideas didn't seem like enough just yet. But what would be? Maybe just time was of the essence and space.

"It's a retreat babe. And it looks like a really nice place." She said handing Stef the pamphlet.

"Sure but what in the hell are they supposed to do for us? I mean what are me and Frankie going to accomplish by riding a boat. Or sitting around a campfire toasting marshmallows."

"Honey it's more then that. It has workshops, and you both meet with a special consular and everyone shares what is going on."

"Is this serious?"

"Yes it is. If you want to repair or need help repairing your relationship with Frankie this is one way. Unless you want it to get worse?"

"Of course I don't."

"Then stop being so stubborn Stefanie. At least be open about it."

"I am being open I just have my doubts. I mean Frankie and I are supposed to share a tent? Seriously?"

"Stef. It allows you to work together as a team. And forces you to listen."

"I do listen." Staring at her wife Lena made a face as Stef let out a sigh. "I'm trying ok?"

"I know you are. But just see ok? It can't hurt."

"Do we even have the money fro this place."

"Yes we do. So stop looking for reasons not to give a chance please. Plus it will be good for you to get away the both of you since things have been so insane."

"That I can't argue with. I still wish we had been able to find Tracey or at least have some indication of where she is. I'm just lossing hope Lena. It's been weeks."

"I know baby. But we are doing what we can. In every way shape and form."

"I just hate to think she's out there sticking needles in her arm and spreading that shit."

"Did you ever hear back from Tula?"

"No. It just seems everybody is fucking disappearing. Or is it just me."

"No it does seem that way. It does. And did you, well did you happen to notice how strange Mariana has been lately?"

"That I have. And I only hope to god my suspicions is off."

"What suspicion?" Lena asked looking to her wife as Stef gave her a look. A look as if she knew what she was thinking. "Oh goodnes you don't think she's...

"Pregnant. Yes I do."

"Stef she's 14."

"Yeah 14 and fucking her brains out. Seems both her and Frankie are."

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now