Kept Secrets

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"Mariana are you crazy? You can't. You just can't." Frankie begged as she had snuck to Mariana's house after school trying to convince the girl not to run to Sean's.  The Latin girl had missed school again and Frankie knew she was going to be in trouble herself if she got home late as she was only trying to help her stubborn cousin. Being at Peaches was another strike against her that Stef would have her head for. 

"Look what is school going to do for me.  At least Sean gives me money and we can have some kind of future together. As long as baby Jesus is taken care of I'm free as a bird. I just have to get him squared away with your moms."

"What about you? Aunt Judy plans on...

"Oh please Frankie. Judy had her chance with me and she blew it. I'm not interested in a woman that gives her kid away. Not at all and I don't want her taking my brother. The older people I trust with him are your moms. That's it."

"Mari she didn't give you away. She didn't know Peaches would end up, well like this. No one did and she wants you back. You and Jesus."

"Well I don't want her. Never again and I will be fine with Sean. He said he will buy us a house Frankie. How amazing is that."

"With what? His drug money?" The girl asked sarcastically.

"No. Stop it. He really is amazing."

"Ok when what? When he is not beating you up? Or forcing you to have sex."

"No one is forcing me and he doesn't beat me up. It was a couple of times that's all. Nothing major."

"It is major because you are smart. You are too smart for him and you could go to any college you want to with your brain. Your are not like me. I can't get in anywhere so I'm not even going to try."

"Wait what? You are totally smart Frankie. And you work so hard what do you mean you aren't going?"

"No I'm not.  I wouldn't know what to study anyway but you. Many you could study anything especially math and science. Why do you sell yourself short because that is what will really get you out of her."

"Forget about me Frankie. My mind is set. But you gotta go to college. It's totally for you. You could compose music or get your degree in psychology. You are forever analyzing everyone's issues you know."

"No I don't."

"Oh you totally do. Plus your mom will kill you if you don't go."

"Well I plan on telling her I applied then just saying I didn't get in." Frankie said as Mariana flashed her a look almost laughing.

"You really think that will work? Even I know that won't work with Aunt Stef. She's going to want to see you applying and she's going to want to see those letters or acceptance or so called rejection. Her and Mama Lion."

"Well then you will have to pretend you are college admissions. You are good at that stuff. Can't you write the emails and send it on the college letterhead etc?"

"Really? Like you really don't want to go that bad?"

"I really don't."

"Well yeah I can do that for you but you can't harass me about Sean."

"Mariana I'm only looking out for  you. He's dangerous and I really care about you. I always have from the time I met you."

Sitting on the bed beside her cousin Mariana softly smiled at the girl and gently held her hand. It was true she felt the same about Frankie and always adored how she loved her, how she made her feel comfortable and how she welcomed her from day one. Even now as teenagers she appreciated how much Frankie looked after her and cared and that was something she didn't take for granted. Ever.

"Look Franks I know you care. You always have  just like I care about you. And I appreciate it more then you ever know. But I love Sean and he takes care of me. He really does and if it gets bad, or dangerous I will leave him. I swear it. But I love him and I want to be with him so you gotta trust me. Please."

"I trust you Mari. I just don't trust him."

"Well if you trust me then know I will be ok and do the right thing. Now let me know what colleges you plan on so called applying to and I'll start up the rejection letters. Deal?"

Hesitantly Frankie nodded her head knowing it was a bad idea and something that would eat her alive.


Something had been weighing on Lena's mind more then anything the last few days and that was Tracey. Tracey needed more help then even she realized and what she had discovered about her when helping the girl pack was nothing good. Infact it was rather upsetting, somewhat surprising and dangerous for anyone the girl had slept with. Sure Lena understood why the girl didn't tell her or Stef that she was ill but she wasn't sure how long she had been sick and she was now worried about Tula. Big time.

Telling Stef that Tracey was ill was not an option right now. Not at all for the woman was so closed off and putting so many walls up interns of the girl that Lena just didn't have the time. She would eventually tell her but as she knocked on Tula's door this too was one conversation she didn't not want to have. Was it her place to tell the woman? She wasn't sure but someone needed to for Tracey was in no condition to do much of anything. 

Knocking on the door she had never really even spoken to the woman and never really wanted to. At one point she couldn't stand her for obvious reasons as the young black hair woman answered the door with a blank face. Tula in her eyes was a tramp and she didn't see any reason why Stef had been attracted to her. Yes she was rather beautiful but other then that Lena felt she was young, naive and somewhat manipulative herself.

"Lena?" The young woman asked surprised standing in the doorway with her skin tight jeans and tight shirt.

"Hi. I'm sorry to drop by like this. Do you have a minute it's important."

"Um sure. Is, is Stefanie ok?" She asked as Lena walked in trying not to roll her eyes. It made her nuts that she called her wife Stefanie and that the blonde let her for Stef didn't let anyone call her that. Not even Lena.

"Yes she's fine."

"Well that I know." The young woman joked as Lena tried not to get irritated watching Tula light a cigarette.

"I'm not really here about Stef Tula. I'm here about Tracey."

"Tracey?" She asked looking rather embarrassed. "What about her?"

"Well I'm not getting into your business at all. That is not what I do. But you mind if we sit?"

"Sure." Showing the woman where to sit both took a seat as Lena swallowed hard for this was not something she wanted to do by any means. Tula herself was very surprised to see Lena and had no idea what she was getting at. But it was making her nervous and annoyed if she was honest. Maybe Lena wasn't her favorite person infact she really wasn't and was rather jealous of her. Jealous because it was no secret that the young woman would always love Stef.

"Listen I am not getting personal but I know you and Tracey have been intimate."

"Ok. Once because we were both trashed and it was a mistake. What's your point."

"Tula, you need to get tested."

"Tested for what?"



Was it right of Lena to tell Tula?

And Frankie oh man.

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now