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Sometimes there was so much going on with the Adams Foster clan that it was hard for everyone to keep up. Both Stef and Lena tried to keep the kids out of it and proceed with normacily when things were insane but sometimes it was rather difficult. 


"What to do you mean she is in trouble? What happened!" Stef asked getting up and looking more worried then ever as well as Lena. They could see Frankie was in tears.

"She, she called me. She said Sean is beating her up and she's scared locked in a closet mama.

"Jesus fucking christ!"

"Frankie is she still on the phone?" Lena asked trying to remain calm and gently grabbing the girls hand.

"No we got cut off! I think her phone died or he found her! We have to help her mama's." Frankie begged as Stef was throwing her clothes on already and calling Mike.  This was the shit she was afraid of. "She said she couldn't reach aunt Peaches or Judy."

"We will help her baby. We will. Don't you worry. Stef....

"I'm going. Frankie where does this fucker live?"

"She texted it to me. I'm coming too."

"Oh no. You stay here. I do not want you involved in this."

"But mama I need to help too."

"Francesca. No. I mean it. You stay here with Mama Lion and your siblings and I will call you. I do not want you involved in this. No way."

"But she's really scared mama, she..." Placing both hands on her daughter's shoulders the blondes face turned softer which was a stark contrast from the anger she felt earlier. Stef put it aside for now for she knew how sensitive Frankie was and how close she was to Mariana. 

"Babygirl let me and uncle Mike handle it. We got this and I promise we will help her. But I need you to stay here because if I have both of you in trouble then I can't think. Understand me?"

"Yeah." She said rather hesitantly as Stef hugged her.

"Alright I gotta go. Mike is on his way too."

"Baby please call me. Let me know what's going on." Lena said looking worried once again. She hated these situations she did and it seemed they happened more often then not.

"You know I will my love. Hold the fort down and watch the babies. And Frankie you watch over Mama Lion hear me?"

"Yeah mama. Be careful please."

"I will sweetness." She said winking at her daughter and wife as they watched her race to the car and drive off while Callie, Alison and baby Andrew drove up.


It was almost like history was repeating itself which was never a good thing for Stef was ready to kick his ass herself. This was something they were afraid of and she knew very well what kind of situation her niece was in. Of course she tried to reach Peaches with no luck as she could only roll her eyes. This was one reason why Mariana was so fucking out of control. The woman wasn't around. 

Pulling up to the home and not able to reach Judy as well she saw both Mike and her son arrive in their squad car. The two had been partners for the last six months and according to Jude it was going well.  That was a relief to Stef as well knowing her brother was watching her son especially since the two worked nights.

"Stef stay in the car." Mike yelled getting out the car. 

"Are you fucking kidding. I'm going in so I can kick his ass myself."

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now