New Household

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"See Peach told you I'd fix it up nice! What I'd tell you baby!" Roxy said as she had cleaned Peaches apartment and got a few things to decorate with at the thrift store. Maybe it wasn't anything amazing but it was a far cry from what she use to do when they were together and Roxy really was trying her hardest. However despite letting Roxy back in her life and trying again to start their relationship the Latin woman wasn't really sure how this was going to go.  Maybe Roxy had not been violent, or mentally and emotionally abusive just yet but who is to say she would not be. "Even got you that coffee you like baby. Stop by some fancy ass cafe they got around the corner."

"Thanks. I really like it Roxy. I mean you did all this?" She asked loving the hand me down pillows and new tablecloth that replaced the old torn ones Peaches had.

"Hell yeah and told you. Little man helped me too and I've changed. I'm going to do right by you this time and I swear to you Peach I will never lay a hand on you again. I'm not that person no more. I've changed and I'm determined to show you. I stopped drinking all that stuff I use to do. I don't go to no bars or strip clubs or see anyone else."

"That's good. But, well, I think we should still take it slow."

"Sure I know. Besides I can't do to much anyway and I'm still on parole. But I'm looking for work you know. Just gotta pretend I'm still living at the halfway house." Rox said smoking a cigarette and taking a seat at the old kitchen table. Jesus was happily in his highchair eating as Peaches sat down herself wondering if this was really going to work. The last decade she had been off and on again with different men but her heart was still clinging to Roxy's no matter what the woman had done. It was hard to say way, it was hard to say why she was willing to let this woman back in her life and her kids life after what she had done. But she was and with the strained relationship with the family now she needed and wanted the woman more then anything.

"I don't speak to Stef and Lena anymore." She blurted out. 

"Why so?"

"Just don't."

"In your business or some shit?"

"Well, something to that effect I guess."

Roxy could only stare at the woman as she took a puff of her cigarette.

"You and Mike?"

"Oh that's done.  It's been done and it was a mistake. Should never have gotten together with him or married."

"Peach Mike is a loser. Straight up and a pussy. Always has been. And my sister I don't know. She's just controlling as fuck and thinks she can run over everyone. Her and Lena."

"They tried to take Mariana and Jesus. Even called CPS on me."

"For real? What the fuck for?"

"They claimed I wasn't taking care of them and neglecting them which I wasn't. I was always here. They called and so did Judy."

"Mike's ex huh? The one who adopted Mariana?"


"Look fuck all of em Peach. I'm back and you got me. No one is taking our kids. Fuck that. And I'll do what I gotta do." Roxy could only take a puff of her cigarette as her plans to somehow make amends with Stef were going out the window and she was seconding guessing it.  Or was she as Mariana made her way into the kitchen rolling her eyes and looking in the fridge. One thing was certain was there was no one she hated more then Roxy and if she could kill her she would.

"Hey Mari I got some frozen pancakes. Want some?" Roxy said to the young teen and it was no surprise she refused to speak to her. If she did it was hostile and annoyed for she just didn't understand what her mother was doing. What she failed to realize was she was making the same mistake with Sean but just saw it so differently.

"Honey Roxy asked you something." Peaches said as the young Latin girl rolled her eyes and stuffed her backpack with an apple. "And change your clothes. I've told you over and over not to dress like that."


"Hey. Respect your mother." Roxy said rather sternly as Mariana glared at her and not believing this woman was even trying to discipline her. It was one thing for her Aunt Stef and Lena to which she tried to obey but this woman had no grounds to try or say anything. Nothing.

"Oh like you know the first thing about respect."

"I know plenty little girl. Plenty and things are gonna change around here. First your little attitude."

"Please give me a break. Like I'll even listen to you."

"You will because me and your mom plan on being a family and making things right. I'll be here to take care of her and your little brother and you. That's how it's gonna be." With Roxy taking another puff Mariana glared at her mother not believing any of this shit. Was this serious? Were they both serious.

"Not unless my aunt Stef comes and beats your ass which I'm sure she will." The girl snapped back. "Because she knows you're here and so does Mama Lion. And from what I heard and know ya'll never be what they are. Ever. You are shit, you always were and I hope you die."

"Mariana! Callate!!" Peaches yelled now standing up as Roxy shook her head. Just the mention of Stef made her angry right now and the way this girl said what she did made it even worse. She could smack her if she wanted but the other part of her was trying. "You watch your mouth Mariana!!"

"I'm only speaking the truth! What do you want with this piece of shit anyway! I don't want her around and I don't want her around my little brother! Are you dumb!! Are you!! You remember what she did to you and to us!"

"People change Mari!"

"You are so stupid!!!. Were you always dumb or was it after this bitch almost killed you that you got even dumber!" It was then Peaches smacked her daughter across the face for the first time from being so angry and upset as she saw the girl grab her cheek holding it and look back at her. Mariana was pissed, beyond pissed and so was Roxy who had gotten up at this point standing beside Peaches.

"Your room! Now little girl!"

"Screw you! Tu perra! I'm not scared of you, you cunt! Fuck you." Mariana screamed back getting in Roxy's face. Not for one second was she afraid of her. Not for a minute and she was ready to knock her out or do what she needed for despite everything the girl was tough.  She was and there was no one in the world she hated and despised more then Roxanne Foster. "You are nothing. Piece of shit."

"Little girl you better watch yourself before I show you who I am."

"Really? Why? Plan on putting me in a coma? Huh?"

"Mari." Peaches began. "Callate!"

"Screw you both. Especially you!" She screamed at her mother and storming out the apartment. Peaches wasn't sure what to do as she let out a sigh and Roxy grabbed her hand.

"Let her blow off steam. It will be all good Peach." Letting out a sigh Peaches nodded her head as Roxy softly kissed the top of her head and the two could only expect to have things get worse. And they surely would for all of them as Mariana ran outside the apartment building and right into her aunt Stef.

"Whoa where you going babygirl? What's wrong?" The blonde asked gently grabbing Mariana's hand as the young latin girl was angry and upset. Not even noticing Lena got out the SUV as well and stood on the other side of her. She could see and knew something was wrong as well and of course she was well aware why. Roxy.

"I don't get her. I don't get her aunt Stef! She's letting that heffer stay with us and I'm not going back there. No way! How can she have her in there and with my brother. I don't get it!" 

"Get in the car babygirl. Go on." Stef said. "We will handle it. Go on sweets."

"I hate that woman aunt Stef. Why can't she just die.  I wish you had killed her when you were the leader of the Lions Den. I wish."

Glancing to her wife Stef let out a sigh for no matter what the past was coming back and they all had to face it.



As promised an update to Strings is coming. I'm currently working on it!

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