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"Ok watch your step sweetheart." Lena said holding onto her wife's arm as all the kids helped them inside the home. It had been about a month since Stef was hospitalized and today she was finally allowed to go home. The blonde was still struggling horribly with her memory but her speech was improving as well as some motor skills. Nonetheless she still needed a tremendous amount of help and her temper was still off the charts. Especially towards Lena. "Lets sit on the couch ok."

"Yeah." The blonde said as she walked slowly with a cane and her son helped her sit comfortably. 

"You comfortable ma?"

"Yeah thanks."

"You're welcome."

"So honey this our home. I'm sure you want to rest before we give you a tour." Lena said smiling.

"No what would I want to rest for. I've been resting for a month." She snapped as Lena nodded her head. It really had been typical for the blonde to snap at her nowadays and it always threw Lena off.

"My room is next to yours Yaya. Do you wanna see it?" Baby Stef still could not resist being so close to the woman as she continued to hug her, play in her hair when she could and talk nonstop to her. The family was worried it was a bit much but if Stef was honest she didn't mind the little girl.

"Sure honey."

"Ok I can help you walk there."

"Um sweetheart let Jude." Lena said.

"I can do it." Stef said as she tried hard to get up from the couch but it was rather difficult.

"Here mom I don't mind. Let me help you." Jude said trying to grab his mother's hand but Stef would not have it and smacked it away. All the kids including Frankie and Noah noticed how irritated she could get and very easily.

"Jude I said I can do it. Get off."


Managing to get up herself it took a bit of time as 11 year old baby Stef held her grandmother's hand and they slowly walked toward her bedroom. The blonde however couldn't help but stop and notice all the pictures that lined the hallway and the fridge. Many of her with Lena and their kids where they seemed so happy. As the family looked to one another at times Lena was hesitant to approach her wife but did so anyway with caution.

"That was a trip we took together. When we finally could afford one you took me to this really nice resort. This is the day we adopted Callie, um this is Jude's graduation from the academy. This is of Noah when he graduated from kindergarten. We have alot of photo albums when you are ready to look at them."

"Sure." Nodding her head at the slim woman baby Stef patiently waited as she continued to hold her hand. "Lets um lets see your room."

"Ok yaya."

Standing in the hallway Lena wasn't sure how this would go as the family stood around taking her lead.

"This is me and Frankie's room. I'm happy she moved back."

"Moved back?" The blonde asked confused as she carefully took a seat on baby Stefs bed.

"Yeah she moved for a little bit because you two got into a fight. But when you had your stroke Mama Lion yelled at her and Mariana for stealing a cop car and made her move back in. So she's back. But this is a trophy I got for singing. You helped me practice." Not realizing how much information she revealed to her grandmother Stef couldn't remember any of it. Why did she kick Frankie out? She seemed like a sweet girl. And why did this little girl live here and not with her mother. She had so many questions it was almost overwhelming.  "See." She said bringing it over to the woman as Stef smiled warmly. The best she could.

"When? When did you get it?"

"MM like 6 months ago maybe." The girl said sitting beside her grandmother. "We do lots of stuff together Yaya."

"Why do you call me that? Why do you call me Yaya?" The blonde inquired as baby Stef smiled.

"Well I couldn't say grandma when I was little. So Frankie taught me how to say Yaya. It kind of stuck I guess. You even have a tattoo of it. Do you remember?"

"No babe."

"I'll show you!" Happy to show her grandmother baby Stef  lifted a bit of her shirt up near her arm to show the woman. "See it's there under my name and when I was born. Next to everyone else. Like the tree tattoo you have."

"Tree tattoo?"

"Yeah it's on your back. Each of us has a leaf. Do you want me to show you?"

"No babe. It's, it's ok. Another time." Frustrated at not remembering Callie came to the doorway to check on them.

"Sweetheart don't overwhelmed Yaya ok?" Walking in and taking a seat beside the blonde Stef looked to the girl that she remembered a tiny bit about.

"I was just showing her stuff mama. Showing her stuff in my room to help her remember."

"That's sweet of you. Why don't you help Nana Lion with the dinner table ok? You can pick out Yaya's seat."

"Ok." Happily the girl obeyed her mother as she looked Stef in the eyes again.

"I know you don't remember me but I just want you to know that I love you. And that you are my favorite person in the whole world Yaya." Hugging her Stef could feel tears fall from her eyes as the girl soon ran off to help Lena. Overwhelmed was an understatement as she let out a sigh.

"Sorry if she overwelmed you. She's just excited that you are home."

"It's ok. She's, she's a sweet girl."

"She is. Do you want to come eat? I can help you to the table."

"Um yeah. Sure."

"It's ok mom. We are all here to help. Don't worry you will start remembering things."

"Thanks." Letting out a sigh the womans eyes glanced around the unfamiliar room wishing she could just remember something.

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now