Family Talks

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"Well I'm glad to hear she is getting the help she needs. That is very good." Miss Rose said smiling at both Stef and Lena as they sat around drinking coffee. It had been a few days since Callie was admitted and the family was still adjusting to all of it. Pete was doing the best he could with working and visiting Callie in the facility as Stef and Lena took on more responsibility in terms of baby Andrew.

"Yes. I mean it will take time but it's a start." Lena said.

"Yes.  And Pete how is he?"

"He's ok. I mean as good as he can be. Very devoted to Callie I must say and always has been." The blonde said taking a sip of her own coffee.

"Well that is no surprise. He was always devoted to her, from the beginning."

"Yes he has been. And to his son and baby Stef."

"And you my dear? I heard your pressure was up in the hosptial. When will you get a clue that it's nothing to play around with?"

"I know it mama and I took care of it. They also have me on some new meds so we will see and I need to check my pressure more often. Fucking pain in the ass I tell you."

"Pain in the ass or not you will do it. No one is losing you."

"I told her that Mama Rose." Lena chimed in as Stef playfully rolled her eyes. "She's working hard on it though. That much I have noticed despite everything that has been going on. Right baby?"

"Yes my sweet love I am." Winking at her wife Stef smiled  at the slim woman as Lena gently held her hand. "Despite Noah acting a fool as well."


"Yes. Lena caught him with a girl in here." 

"Oh goodness. Really?"

"Yes. I don't know what got into him that day but he cut school and brought her back here for some crazy reason. HE had no idea I was coming home early thought and I busted him on the couch with her. The girl was on top of him."

"Was she?"

"Yes and Noah said they were studying."

 "Oh yeah he was studying alright. The art of anatomy and fucking." The blonde said as Lena shook her head.

"Well he is at that age honey and well he is at that age. No matter how much of book worm he may be he still has those hormones."

"Not much longer if he tries to bring another heifer into this house. Because I will have his head and hers." Stef said as Lena agreed. "He's behaving now so to speak but I definitely took his fucking phone and every other damm ass electronic he owns. He's not getting shit back."

"He's not. But these kids are creative today. They really are and it's getting hard to keep track of what some of them do because of what is available now."

"Like what? Keep track of what?" Mama Rose asked.

"Well for one those vapors they are rampant at the center. Because they don't smell we don't see them and the girls share them. It's become  tremendous."

"Well I can vouch for that. They do make it easier to hide." Stef admitted.

"Sure but they are even worse then normal cigarettes because they contain even more nicotine and come in flavors.  I'm just glad none of the kids do that and that Frankie stopped." Lena said taking a sip of her coffee as the blonde gently rubbed her hand.

"Well I know I didn't help when I smoked them. I wasn't a good example."

"Well babe you stopped so you are a good example which they see."

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