First Date

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It was true that Stef was nervous beyond belief for her first date with Lena. Unlike in Chowchilla when their options were extremely limited they now had the freedom and access to anything they wanted to make the date successful. Or Stef could hope. If she was honest she was starting to remember a bit of that first date they had over eleven years ago and knew that it consisted of way more then kissing. Much more and maybe it was because Stef was a charmer, rather charismatic and domineering which got her a tone of women in jail. But was she still like that? That she was not sure but little did she know Lena liked her for many more reasons then that.

With the help of Roxy and even Frankie and Noah Stef was able to set a candlelight dinner with appetizers, a main course and a dessert. She also had Mike pick up flowers and transformed their kitchen and living room into a romantic setting the best she could. Sometimes coordination was still an issue for her but it was getting better and better each day. Right now if she as honest  the blonde was a tad nervous about the entire date. Really nervous for she had not seen Lena in a few hours because the slim woman decided to get ready as Miss Roses. She too wanted to make her appearance a surprise for her wife one she would never forget. And she would not as Stef wondered over and over if the date would go ok and if they would continue to reconnect like they had been. 

"Alright I'm out. You got everything so no reason to fuck up!" Roxy said as Stef couldn't help but roll her eyes as her sister helped her zipper up her black jumper. "And you sure you want to wear this? It's gonna be hard as fuck for Lena to get off." She teased.

"Why do you always say that to me? To not fuck up? And yes I want to wear this."

"Because if I don't you will fuck up! So I'll keep telling you until you don't! Now, the wine is chilling, take the steak out in 5 minutes or it will be all fuckin' dried out and the tiramisu will be done in 30 minutes. Got it?"

"Yes I got it I'm not a fucking idiot."

"Look I never said you were a fucking idiot so chill the fuck out! Just don't fuck up the meal I made. I worked hard on that shit so all you gotta focus on is your wife. Now, I gotta head home so Peaches can go to work and I can watch Jesus and make sure Mariana doesn't try to escape again."

"How is she doing?"

"Same. We looking into a boot camp. Real soon. Gotta get her away from that fucking kid. But we will talk later.  Bye sister girl and fuck you wife!"

"Bye Roxanne!" Stef yelled pushing the woman out.

"Don't fuck up." She said laughing as the blonde laughed herself soon seeing Lena pull up. Instantly her stomach turned but in a nervous way as she carefully  watched her wife walk slowly up the steps. Right  now Stef was noticing things she had not in the last few months. How long Lena's legs were, how damm sexy she was and how much she was really turning her on. 

"May I come into your cell." Lena joked as Stef let out a wide grin laughing.

"You may. Come here." Gently grabbing her hand the two walked inside as Lena took her jacket off and the blonde almost fainted for there wasn't much to her outfit. Not at all and Stef could feel herself getting rather warm, and hot for she knew Lena had nothing on under her skin tight dress.

"Sexy enough for you? Do you remember this dress?"

"It is damm sure sexy yes and I don't remember it. Where is it from baby?" The blonde asked unable to take one single eye off Lena's body as she swallowed hard moving closer to her wife.

"MM you got for me. In jail you got it for me." She smiled as the blonde laughed gently holding one of Lena's hand as she admired her tight fighting short black dress and wanting to touch so bad. Why was she so shy and feeling flustered.

"How did I manage that?"

"Oh you managed alot of things. And you look sexy yourself." She winked now looking towards to kitchen. "Wow you did this? It's beautiful babe."

"Yeah. I mean with help but yes.  Come and sit and let me take the food out the oven."

"You need help taking it out?"

"No I got it baby. Let me pull your chair out. Wine?"

"Sure. Thank you." Lena said continuing to smile as Stef carefully took the steak out rather slowly. "You sure you don't need help babe. I don't mind. It's not less of a date if I help."

"Um just with the plates. I don't want to drop them."

"Sure. I got it love." Lena said grabbing the two plates as Stef carefully poured wine for them and taking a seat. The setting was everything she wanted it to be as she couldn't stop staring at the slim woman and gently placed her hand on top of hers. 

"You're beautiful. Everything about you. Your eyes, your smile, those beautiful curls. Maybe six months ago you were a stranger to me, and I didn't know you or remember being in love with you or why I was in love with you. But of course I can see why I was. You're an amazing woman Lena and an amazing wife and friend and mother. And I love you."

"I love you too beautiful. All of you." Moving closer to her wife the two softly kissed for what seemed like minutes and hours as Lena soon moved always, but not too far as she gently stroked Stef's cheek. "And dinner looks amazing."

"Well confession I didn't make it. Roxy did."

"That's ok.  It's still amazing because it's with you. But um, not to be forward but do you wish to eat how  we did many times?"


"MM I'll show you." Getting up Lena carefully straddled the the woman and Stef could only smile as Lena fed her. "Good?"

"Yes. So that wasn't a fake memory."


"I got it mixed up. It was you that use to sit like this with me and smile at me, and feed me. It was you."

"Yes. We did all the time. Why sweetheart?"

"Nothing I just, I couldn't picture who it was with.  I thought it was one person but it wasn't. I mean I think I had a few girlfriends in jail and before then but the feeling, the feeling that I have been trying so hard to remember and to access, is different. Meaning everything is different with you. You um, you are not like them  from what I remember.  And I can't really explain why it's not a tangible thing. But your smell, the way your skin feels.." The blonde continued now rubbing Lena's thighs up and down giving the woman goosebumps she had not felt in months." The way you look at me when your horny. No one on this planet does what you do to me and I'm starting to remember how that feels."


"Yes baby."

"MM who said I was horny." Lena asked in a rather sultry voice as the blonde began to slide the straps down to Lena's dress kissing her shoulder softly for Stef could no longer stand it. She couldn't and if she was feeling shy it was surly going away.

"You mean you aren't? Could have fooled me. Because you definitely smell horny. Unless I'm wrong." Stef teased running her hands all the way up Lena's thighs now to the point that the woman's bare ass was straddling her lap.

"I'm wet."

"Are you? And what does that mean? MM?"

"I want you."

"Yeah? Sounds familiar Mama Lion. Tell me what you want from me? MM?" Whispering in her ear Stef slowly teased Lena's pussy hole with two fingers sliding in and out as she could hear her wife moan. "Tell me what you want."

"I want to feel you all night. All fucking night Stefanie." Lena said moaning even louder as the blonde rubbed and fingered her pussy slowly. The slim woman had planned on taking over in case her wife wasn't able to but it seemed that would not be the case as she could feel the blonde now rubbing her ass all over. Moaning louder Lena slide her bare pussy up and down on her wife's thigh as the blonde sucked on each of her nipples. "I missed this..I...." She moaned again yanking Stef's hair as the blonde stopped looking her dead in the face for all of this felt so familiar to her. All of it as she smiled at the slim woman.

"Let me make love to you Lena. Please. Let me try to baby." 

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now