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"Where is she? Where is she?" Callie asked barging into the home as thankfully both women were fully clothed enjoying coffee. Sitting on her wifes lap Lena  looked very  suprised at the girl's attitude as well as Stef who was growing more annoyed by the day at Callie. Her attitude continued to get progressively worse and Stef was two seconds away from smacking the shit out of her. And she just might.

"Good morning to you too Callie." The blonde said rather irritated. "I assume you lost your manners my love?"

"No. I haven't lost anything but where is she?"

"Where is who honey?" Lena asked confused as Stef was even more annoyed and extremely frustrated at her daughters tone. What in the fuck was really her issue besides the bullshit she told her on the porch the other night. Whatever it was she was going to get to the bottom of it today if it was the last thing she did.

"Baby Stef. I went to wake her and she's gone so I assume she is hiding here. So where do you have her?"

"What do you mean she's gone?!" The blonde yelled darting her eyes back to Callie and now becoming extremely worried. Gone? Her grandbaby was gone!

"Gone where Callie? When is the last time you saw her?" Lena asked and grabbing her cell for what did she mean gone!

"She's not at home. And I know she is here. So where is she?!"

By this time both Stef and Lena were not only worried but also upset that baby Stef was missing for they had no idea. None at all and they were also upset that it seemed Callie was accusing them of hiding her. In the blondes mind her daughter had lost her mind as right at that momment more memories of her and Callie's relationship was beginning to come to light.

"First off your attitude is getting on my fucking nerves Callie. That's number one. And the fact that you think Mama Lion and I would hide  baby Stef from you is even worse. Do you really think we would do that. Huh? After everything we have done for you, after everything I have done for you can you really sit up here and accuse us of such a fucking thing. Because if you can then I don't know what in the fuck to say to you."

"It's ok babe." Lena soothed as she stood up grabbing Callie's hand. Yes they had an urgent situation and she was terrified at how it was affecting her wife.  "Honey mom and I would do no such thing and you should know that. We would never hide your daughter from you ever. Now where did you see her last and when?"

"How do I know that. I don't know what you would do Lena!"

"Hey! You better watch your fucking tone little girl before I get out this seat and fix it for you. Clearly we had no idea our granddaughter was missing at all! None! So knock your shitty, accusatory attitude off because we have a bigger issue at hand."

"Yeah we do. You!"

"Callie." Lena said continuing to be even more suprised at what was going on and this girls behavior. She just didn't get it.

"Excuse me?" Stef asked now feeling nothing but anger for what in the fuck was wrong with this girl.

" I said you are the issue Stef. You."

"Callie do not upset mom like this. Do not.  She is in no way the issue and our problem right now is where baby Stef is. So whatever issues you have with either of us can wait. I'll call Mike and try to think of any place she may go Callie. Any."

"I don't need your help! I'll will find her myself. I don't need either of you looking for her."

"Have you lost your ever loving fucking mind!" Stef yelled now standing up without her cane for the first time and looking Callie dead in the eyes. The girl was actually rather fearful but was pretending not to be at this moment.  "I told you to stop your attitude and I damm well meant it.  Neither me or Mama Lion, yes Mama Lion she is to you not Lena, deserve this at all.  And I am not Stef to you. Ever so you better get with it and cut the shit because that little girl is out there missing Callie while you are sitting here yelling at us for no reason."

"Like I said I'll find her myself." Storming out the home Stef was beyond furious and beyond upset as Lena managed to get ahold of Mike but soon seeing her wife grab keys.

"Mike I'll call you back. Baby where are you going? You can't drive you...

"Lena, I'm going to find my babygirl. Ok? Fuck this no driving shit. Baby Stef is out there God knows where, Callie is being a little shit and...

"And calm down. Please. Please. You can not get upset like this ever. You can not. We will go together to look for her. And the entire family knows. But baby you won't be any use if you have another stroke because next time you might not make it. Please baby. Ok? Please. We know why baby Stef ran."

"Yes I do. But to where baby? My little baby who I loved even before she was born. Where?"

"I don't know sweetheart but let's head out and look. Ok? We will find her.  Her and Mariana."


"Mariana ran off last night. Peaches just called Mike."

"Jesus fucking Christ. Did they both drink from the same fountain last night or what!"

"Babe relax. Please. I'm begging you."

"Lena I'm trying. I am. But that little girl is only eleven and Mariana is barely 15."

"I know. We will find them sweetheart. We will."

Seeing tears fall from the blondes eyes Lena gently grabbed her and held her close for both kids were her life and she could see more and more of her wife resurfacing.


Stef is really becoming herself.

Baby Stef:(

I think Stef is 2 seconds away from slapping Callie. Lol

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