A Door Closed

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*Trigger warning this chapter mentions self harm

It was hard to say why Tula did what she did for the Adams Foster family had offered to help her get away from her abusive relationship. By then it was possible she was already too far gone and saw no hope of any kind of future for herself. The depression she felt, the anxiety, the guilt and sadness had all but suffocated her along with the daily abuse by her girlfriend, Jacks.  Was there something anyone could have done? If she had already decided to do what she did why did she call Stef that night? To see her one last time and say goodbye to a woman and life she would never have?

It was possible but no one knew the answer as Stef and Lena woke up to Tula being gone that morning. Her sheets were exactly as Stef left them folded and untouched along with the pillow that she never slept on. Infact what they didn't know was Tula had left shortly after the family passed out and headed to her apartment where Jacks was passed out still not even noticing she had left hours before.

Was it planned what she did? Had she planned this entire thing as she locked herself in the bathroom and sat on the bathroom floor not being able to shed anymore tears. She had gone over this scenario in her head many times not seeing any other options. None and her behavior the past few months had been risky. Much like it had in the past but as she sat there letting her life and memories flash through her mind it was no longer something she could stomach. 

Tula had grown up in a violent home watching her parents physically fight daily and commit their own various crimes landing them in jail which got her put into foster care. By the time she was 12 she was sent to live with her aunt in California which proved to be anything positive. In her mind she had been better off back with her mother as her aunt was just as abusive if not more and forced the girl to sell drugs, guns and shoplift. In her mind young Tula knew it was wrong but what choice did she really have as she did what she was told never knowing what a normal life was. And never would.

 As she got older it was hard to shake many of the things that had happened to her under her aunts roof and in foster care. Some she only told Stef about and she vowed never to be with man. Ever. But she neglected to understand women could be just as abusive and manipulative when she dated a 40 year old when she was just 20. At the time she was so naive to life and relationships despite growing up on the streets and had no idea her older girlfriend had been using her.  She had and when the home was raided it was only Tula with enough drugs stashed away to fill up an entire home. The young girl had no clue at all, none whatsoever as she was booked and sentenced to 20 years in Chowchilla for possession of narcotics and weapons.

Fortunately Tula had enough sense and smarts to survive prison especially when she met Stefanie. Everyone had feared the blonde but she had been watching her and was very much attracted to her.  Never did she think she would fall in love with her and be her woman at one point. Yes Stef said she healed her but Stef had also healed Tula from much of the pain of her past and despite being locked up at the time the young Puerto Rican girl was happy.

That was more then twelve years ago and in her mind life was no longer something she could live as she placed the gun to her temple. This was not how she saw her life ending, never for she had been strong, she had survived so much in her life, but she had no one. Not one single person, no family, no friends and mixed with how low she was feeling this was it. It really was for it wasn't just about Stef, it was about everything and this was the only way she knew how to no longer be in pain and escape the life she never wanted.

Of course Stef knew that morning that something was off, that is was wrong as she called Mike asking to go over Tula's apartment knowing she most likely returned home. The blonde knew she couldn't go for it would take everything in her not to kill Tula's girlfriend. Lena knew this as well as they both waited for what seemed like hours Mike stopped by the home looking as if he saw a ghost.

The situation was sad to say the least as Mike sat his sister down explaining what happened and what had taken him so long. But Stef didn't hear one word, nothing as she only felt Lena's hand hold hers tightly and the wind getting knocked out of her. No, she had never been in love with Tula but at one point she was very special to her. Very, and right now Stef felt as if she continued to fail those in her life one by one. 

However, that was so far from the truth way far beyond the truth as Frankie stood in the doorway watching what was going on with a college acceptance letter in her hand, Callie was on her way back to the home since she was now doing well on her medication, Noah received news that he would skip a grade, Jude was being promoted, Pete had just signed up for the Sacramento PD, Ali had gotten accepted into a prestigious law school, Tracey found Nathan and was now signing up to take classes at a community college, Mariana would begin her new school for the gifted, and both baby Andrew and baby Amelia were on their way as well for a sleep over with their grandmothers and baby Stef.

In the midst of this tragedy all the accomplishments her children had made and were making was something that would carry Stef for the next chapter of her and Lena's life. They had been through hell the last year, hell and back and as Lena held her wife knowing how heartbreaking the situation was she knew they would get through it. For their family was tough and they would always remain that way.



This book is now completed but I will be starting Book 5 called, A Completed Life. Many things will be answered in the last book and I look forward to writing it! Thank you all so much for going along this journey with me as we now will see some true happiness shine over this tough family!

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