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"I don't know she is such a jerk. I mean when we were kids it was fine and we were best friends forever. But I don't know what happened to her. She became the biggest jerk." Frankie said as the family sat around the table eating dinner. Callie had come over as well with Andrew and Ali as baby Stef sat beside them munching on string beans. "I mean I'm definitely not going to ever be friends with her again in life. Not after the crap she pulled."

"Language Francesca." Lena reprimanded.

"Sorry Mama Lion."

"Why the mention of Darlene anyway. You haven't talked about her in years." Stef asked curiously.

"Because mama she's been trying to talk to me again even though I told her to buzz off. And she's been bothering Erin."

"Just ignore her. She just wants your attention and to cause drama." Callie said as Ali nodded her head in agreement for they both knew all about that. Well all the women at the table did. 

"I don't get it. Why are women so dramatic? It's always something with girls." Noah said shaking his head. "Maybe that time of the month for her."

"Hey watch it or I'll send you to a woman's sensitivity training class. Just because a woman is in a bad mood doesn't mean she's on her cycle young man." Lena scolded. "Watch yourself."

"Yeah don't be such a male chauvinist. It's disgusting." Frankie could only show disgust on her face as Stef shook her head as well at her sons comment but also at the level of drama that high school seemed to bring as well. That was something she never really experienced to much of since she didn't go to school for long and dropped out in the 10th grade. However from what she remembered it was similar to Chowchilla especially when you bunched up a ton of women together. It really was survival of the fittest in and outside of prison.

"Honestly high school sounds like jail. If I'm honest. Except you get to go home. It really was no different Frankie . We had the trouble makers, the peace makers, the shit starters. Almost like everyone has their own role in life or some shit."

"Language baby." The slim woman reprimanded again even if she knew her wife could not help it sometimes.  She really couldn't no matter what.

"Sorry babe. Seriously though it's just how you handle it Francesca.  Maybe a few years ago I'd tell you to beat her as....I mean knock her out but I think for now you either ignore her or you have a few words with her. Just to remind her. Nothing crazy but civil enough that she gets the point without you having to break her face. We don't want you getting in trouble at school on a count of her dumb ass especially with college so close."

Munching on her dinner Frankie didn't say a word but was wondering if she should or not. It was something she had been meaning to bring up but wasn't sure how it was going to go over. Actually she knew how it was going to go over and had been holding off on telling her moms.

"Well, I don't really need to worry that."

"Worry about what?" The blonde asked biting into her chicken.


"Why is that?"

"Because I'm not going." With that statement silence fell across the entire table as Stef glared at her daughter as well as Lena. Was Frankie serious or had she lost her mind again?

"What do you mean you are not going to college?" The blonde asked as she could feel the rage starting to boil inside and no one said a word for from the very beginning it was not a choice in their home. It just wasn't because both women wanted their kids to have more opportunities then they did, especially Stef. Sure Lena had two degrees but prison had messed up her future in more then one way.

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now