Redemption III

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"She ain't going with you! Fuck you!" Roxy screamed getting out the car staring Sheila in the face. If there was anyone she wanted to strangle it was this woman but she knew she had to be careful for she was still on parole. Messing that up was not an option even if she wanted to kill this bitch. "You lucky I don't break your neck based on what you got her doing! How you do this to your own flesh and blood?! Huh!? She's  your fucking daughter!"

"Who the fuck are you!! I don't answer to you! Callie get out the car! We got money to make!" Sheila yelled going to the other side of the car as Roxy grabbed her arm pulling her away from the car. Callie however heard nothing for she was out of it by now and passing out.  "Get the fuck off me! I'm taking my daughter!"

"You ain't taking her!! So get the fuck off my car! Get off cunt!"  She yelled pinning the woman against her car. "I will fuck you up royally but not as bad as my sister will. You ain't got no chance with her. Ever, so you best walk away and never contact Callie again. Ever."

"She works for me!! You hear me? She works for me!!! And she got a debt with me!! And she's coming with me because I ain't scared of you honey!! Nor am I scared of that bitch of a sister you got who thinks she's so much better then me. If she was Callie wouldn't be out here with me. Besides I heard she's retarded now. All fucked in the head." Laughing at this Roxy banged the woman's body into the car furious. Furious beyond words.

"Let my sister's name come out your mouth again and you won't see tomorrow. You won't see nothing no more ever.

"Ha! Lookie I'm getting my money's worth out of this kid!! I am. All of it."

"Your kid is not well! You get that!! And you pump her full of drugs and shit! How can you live with yourself! How!"

"I live with myself just fine. So you get off me before we really have problems."

"We already got problems!!"

"That little heifer owes me money! I will make my money off her and when the time comes her little shit of a sister too! Besides I ain't force Callie. She came to me! She came to me!"

"She came to you because she's not right in her mind right now! Any you want money? Fine. How much is she worth to you huh! How much!! Take my car. Go on!"

"I can't do much with this hooptie you got! I can make way more with her. You know how many men wanna fuck a cute girl like her. Lots! And I plan to make way more off her. All she's good for. Nothing else."

"You real shit. You know that? Real shit and I'm done talking to you! Get the fuck off my car!" Pushing the woman on the ground Sheila feel hard on her side as a young man came running out another car.  A man Roxy didn't know was Callie's younger brother John who was a heartless criminal who was also working for his mother and many others.

"What the fuck. You fuck with my ma bitch! Get my sister out the fucking car before I hurt you!"

"Oh you gonna hurt me? You got a record yourself little boy! This how you play? By helping kill your sister. Huh!"

"I ain't killing no one. But I will kill you if you don't step off!. I'll kill you right here."

"Then go on. Kill me boy. I done time myself and you ain't nothing to me. But you not taking this girl. Fuck no. So do what you gotta do and so will I. One thing I do know my brother is a cop. And he will definitely have your ass arrested if he knows what the two of you have been doing. Won't look good pretty boy. SO make your choice. Freedom or fucking jail again?"

"Little bitch. No way your brother is a cop. You bluffing." Sheila said to Roxy as she told her son to hush up.

"Try me. Try me right now. Got his ass on speed dial and he's been looking for Callie too. His niece. You wanna fuck with that go on! Both of ya'll."

"Little cunt." Sheila said. "Go on and take her. But ya'll see me again. Believe me. Ya'll see both of us. So watch your back honey. Watch it real good."

"No you watch yours." Roxy said as both Sheila and John snarled at her for she did believe she wouldn't see the last of them. But she didn't give a fuck as she got back in the car and sped away as fast as she could.

"You just gonna let her get away ma?"

"Hell no. Not at all my boy. Not at all. Callie owes me money and she's gonna pay. I'm not having Lou on my ass."


Yikes. Callie's brother!

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