Extended Family

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"Why am I nervous? Why does my fucking stomach hurt?" Lena suddenly heard the blonde say as the two were just waking up.  With it being the possible adoption day for Alice Stef was definitely feeling nervous about it just like she had when it was Callie's turn. The blonde just wanted it to work out for she knew how badly Alice and Callie wanted it along with herself and Lena.

"Because you want it to work out baby which it will. You were nervous during Callie's. Remember? And this is no different. But it will happen just like it did before and it will be all fine and we will have yet another child." Lena could only laugh as Stef let out a grin turning on her side to face her wife and smiling. God Lena was so beautiful in her mind and sometimes she forgot just how much.

"Yeah and I can see my grey hairs coming in even more."

"You love it my love. And I love you, my strong beautiful wife and the most amazing mother to our children and grandchildren."

"MM right back at ya baby." Winking at her wife the two softly kissed as Stef pulled her in closer. "I love you Lena. I love you so much. I hope you know that."

"Of course I know that and I love you too beautiful. Always." Gently stroking the blondes cheek the slim woman leaned in and kissed her once again rolling her tongue around and rubbing Stef's ass.


"Yum yourself blondie."

"MM and as much as I hate to stop I need to shower before our daughter goes in there and then I can't get in for another five million hours."

"Well I could lick you clean."

"Yeah? Well now shit. How the fuck can I say no to that."

"MM you can't but we have no time so go shower."

"You little tease." The blonde said laughing as she sucked on Lena's neck pulling her closer.

"Maybe but you have something to look forward to later. Believe me."

"MM I damm sure do believe you sexy." Winking at her wife the blonde kissed Lena once again as the slim woman chuckled herself laying her head back down. There had been so much going on lately and she was hoping today was a day they could all enjoy as a family. That was what her hope was as she quickly dialed the number to Tracey's rehab to check on the girl like she did every single day.

"Hi may I be connected to room 877. Tracey Green."

"I'm sorry that patient is no longer with us." The woman said on the other end.

"What do you mean? She hasn't complete her program is it possible she was switched to another room?"

"No ma'am. That patient left on her own this morning."

"Jesus. Did she say where she was going?"


"Well is there anyone I can speak to someone has to know something. She is not in any state to be running off!" Lena now yelled as Stef walked back in the room looking confused. "She is an addict and she  needs help. How do you let your patients just walk out. How?"

"Ma'am they are under no legal obligation to stay. I'm sorry." With that Lena hung up more frustrated and worried then ever as let out as sigh looking her wife right in the face.

"Tracey ran off from the rehab Stef. She's in trouble and I know you are angry with her but..

"I know baby. I know she needs our help. Especially mine."

Knowing it was true Stef was well aware that it was time for her to suck up whatever her feelings were towards Tracey and step in. Step in for a girl who was crying out for help in more ways then one and tough love proved not to be the solution.

"Yes she does. And there is one more thing that you need to know Stef."


Alice Jacobs was so nervous as she got dressed that morning feeling her stomach turn as the day had finally come. The day for Stef and Lena to adopt her if all went well and if the judge said it was a go. In all her life she never thought anything like this would happen, and she never expected to have a family like this with two mothers and a handful of brothers and sisters. Aside from her sister Callie, Jude had become a friend to her as well and really felt like the older brother she always wanted. Frankie also felt like her little sister along with baby Stef, Noah and little Andrew. Everyone in the family had a special place in her heart especially Stef and Lena. However it also got her thinking about her own brother, John, who had not been so lucky and would be spending years in prison for various crimes. 

 As Alice looked in the mirror and combed her long wavy hair all her bruises had disappeared almost leaving no traces of her past. Physically, maybe except for the stab wound she had in her stomach from Sheila that she had gotten only 2 years ago. Truthfully that time felt like ages ago, like another lifetime ago when she was running from her mother and her mother's boyfriends without her older sister to protect her and John. 

When the two were little kids Alice and John had been well behaved, kind and polite. That was because Callie had taken care of them, shielded them from their mother as best she could, took beatings for them and fed them. Callie had been like their mother from birth and she loved them as if they were their own. But when she was convicted of murder and sentenced to jail reality began for both Alice and John. They were no longer protected at just 7 and 6 and they had to fend for themselves. By the time Alice was 9 she was far older then her age, resorted to theft, running off, drinking and smoking.  She also began a hatred for her older sister one Sheila helped egg on. John however was quiet and people never noticed or even saw what he was capable of until he got older. And it wasn't good.

The pain at that time was unbearable for the young girl and she was hoping to wipe any memory from that time in her life. Stef had been one of the only ones who forced her to face it, who forced her to deal with her anger and her pain in a better way. And forced her to see she was more then her past, more then a victim and that felt good. Sure she wished her brother had the same advantages that she was getting but with his sentence of 30 years in jail it didn't seem like it.

"You ready Ali?" The girl suddenly heard seeing her sister standing in the doorway smiling. "Ready to officially be an Adams Foster?"

"Yeah I just wish I wasn't so nervous." The girl said looking down as Callie walked over to her and grabbed her hand. 

"Nervous about what? What's wrong?"

"Like it's too good to be true. Like it's not supposed to happen. Is that how you felt?"

"I did yeah. I was terrified."

"Because you wanted it so bad?"

"Yes. I also felt like I wasn't supposed to have it. Like I didn't deserve any of it. But I realized I did. I realized I deserved to be happy and to have a family and moms who cared about me. You deserve the same thing Ali. You deserve a family, and you deserve moms. Our moms."

"Are you still made at Mama Stef?"

"I'm not mad at her Ali. Not by any means and just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean you are angry. Listen I love mom and she's awesome which you already know. Now don't worry about that because we gotta go. Now lets head out Alice Adams Foster."

Smiling at her older sister Alice held her hand tighter as the two exited the house and headed to the court.

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