Visiting Her Brother

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It was true and not to pat myself on the back or to make myself sound more important then I was but I usually tried to bridge the gap in family issues or problems the best I could. Yes I was controlling, yes I came off annoying and aggressive but sometimes it was the only way I could get things done. Or make things happen so to say. Maybe at times I could be pushy but with all my babies and grandbabies I tried to be soothing and loving to them which Lena said I was. Sure it took time sometimes with Frankie when she was going through her rebel stage and the same with Jude but thankfully they both came out ok in the end and I was grateful for that even if I had my doubts at the time. My brother however sometimes he could be another issue for we had butted heads our entire life sometimes worse then other times. Was I happy with how he treated Judy, not by any means and I often let him know I wasn't. Whether it pissed him off or not I didn't care but he sometimes refused to see how his choices and actions fucked things up, and his actions would only continue to.

"I don't know how you keep up sis." Mike said pouring me some coffee for I wanted to pay him a visit. Today I planned on getting on his ass about a few things as I put my grandson down.

"I just do. Go on baby boy. Yaya needs to talk. Ok suga bear."

"Ok Yaya!" he giggled as I kissed his cheek and he ran off as I turned my attention back to Mike. "Use to multitasking. Ya know?"

"Yeah I'm sure. Can't believe how big Andrew got. Sweet kid."

"That he is. He's just like his mama actually. See alot of Callie in him. A bit of Pete too."

"Yeah nice kid. So what do I owe this visit. Gonna bust my ass again?" He laughed as I flashed him a look and took another sip of my coffee.

"Depends on what you think I need to bust your ass about."

"Come on Stef it's usually the same thing. Almost like you feel you need to remind me. I know Mariana is in bad shape."

"Yeah do you?"

"Course I do. Everyone knows but she will probably grow out of it."

"Ha on what planet do you live on that you think she will grow out of this?"

"Frankie grew out of hers and Jude."

"This is not the same things Mike. Not even remotely. It's bigger then what Frankie or Jude were dealing with and for different reasons."

"Ok what was your reasoning for their acting out?"

"Jude because I was in jail and thought he could run all over me. He soon found out he couldn't. Frankie because she found out why I was in jail and who her father was. Again she realized I wasn't dealing with her behavior and she smartened up. But I stayed on their ass, Lena stayed on their asses until they came to the conclusion that they ahd no fuckign choice but to clean up their act and make the right choice. We showed them how to make good choices and the consequences of poor ones. Maybe Mariana had that as a kid Mike but she doesn't any longer."

"Stef what do you want me to do. You know how Peaches is. You have seen her. I know she's a bad example for Mariana. We all know that. I mean ever since she got better she changed. Alot and sometimes she won't even let me in just so I can take Mariana out to lunch or something. Even when I do that kids got an attitude."

"Yeah well she's pissed you left you know."

"I had no choice. Her mother was screwing every guy on the block and in my precinct. I couldn't stay with her."

"I know it and I'm not saying you should have not at all."

"Then what are you saying huh? What are you saying?" He asked growing frustrated. "Because it sounds like you're asking me to reinvent the wheel."

"I'm not asking you that but Mariana spends alot of time on the street and with that shitty ass kid Sean. Did you at least check him out? Or do I have ti fucking find him again and blow off his kneecaps?"

"I have Stef. Nothing. And we don't need you blowing anyones knee caps off. But you gotta understand I am trying my best with her. Even Judy. What do you want me to do?"

"We all need to keep an even closer eye on her Mike. All of us. More then we ever have because if we don't she won't make it. Mariana rarely goes to school and Peaches doesn't make her. I really don't want to call CPS on her."

"Neither do I and I know we have been holding off. I know but I'll talk to her again and Judy.  See what we can do before we go the CPS route."

"I want the best for Mariana Mike. And for little Jesus. But right now neither of them are getting it."

"I know." He said letting out a sigh. "Look there is something I've been meaning to talk to you about. I mean in addition to this."

"Yeah? What's up?" I asked taking another sip of coffee as I turned to see Andrew engrossed in Sesame Street.

"I found her Stef."

"Found who?"

"Our mother."

"I'm sorry?" I said looking at him like I had just seen a fucking ghost. "My mother lives on Linden BLVD Mike that's all I fucking know."

"Stef I don't mean Mama Rose. I mean our birth mother. Sharon."

"What the fuck are you doing talking to her? Or even looking for her?"

"I was curious Stef. Aren't you at all?"

"Fuck no. Her weak ass left. That was her fucking choice so why in the fuck would you even open that can of worms. Why?"

"Stef, weak was the last thing she was trust me."

"Of course she was."

"She wasn't. She was in prison."


Well now. That's interesting.

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