Redemption IV

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It was one of the few days Stef and Lena stayed home just to relax for they both needed it at times as the blonde rested her head in Lena lap while the two were naked together sharing a joint. Maybe it wasn't kosher of them by any means but at times they could get a little wild and break their own rules. Affectionately, running her fingers through the woman's hair while reading her magazine Lena took a puff of the joint and handed it to her wife.

"I'm so tired of using that fucking cane. Someday I really wanna just throw it out the fucking window." Stef said taking a puff and rolling her eyes.

"I know you do and one day you won't need it. But for now you do baby."

"I feel fucking stupid with it always. And look stupid."

"That you don't. You look beautiful and we are just happy you are alive and doing well. Focus on that baby."

"I guess. But seriously I could sleep for hours on you baby. Make that days." Kissing the woman's caramel thigh Stef took another puff and handed it back to her wife as Lena looked down smiling at the woman. Sure they were both feeling a little buzzed but it was hours before he kids got home and they had their moments of recklessness for it seemed not all of prison life left them at times.

"You have and you can. Anytime my sweet love."

"Mm you smell so good. What the fuck do you have on? Perfume or what?"

"No. You ask that all the time. This is just how I smell."

"Mm. That's another reason I always wanna fuck you so hard. You know that right?" Turning around to face her Stef could only smile as she looked up at the ceiling daydreaming like she usually did. "Remember when we use to drink that nasty ass pruno. Fuck that shit was horrible."

"I never drank it."

"Ha! Like fuck you did. You damm sure drank it. Tasted like shit. Even if Rox tried to make it the best she could. She would spend days on that shit when I for one never had the patience for it. It was like some kind of art making for her. She would trade all kind of shit just to make it Len. I mean any and everything."

Looking down at her wife Lena could see in Stef's eyes she did miss the woman as she simply let her talk.

"She liked making it for the den. For the parties we had. Made me drunk as fuck that's all I know."

"Made us all drunk." Lena said smiling as Stef returned it and taking another puff of their joint.

"True. I guess that's why she's apparently into this culinary thing now."

"Yeah she's in school for it. For the past year. After you had your stroke. Seems she really wants to make amends with you baby and even your granddaughter thinks so. I know you are angry with Roxy."

"Once I remembered all the shit she did. Lena she betrayed all of us. How does that sit right with you."

"It doesn't and it didn't baby. All the things she did back in Chowchilla and the nonsense she pulled when she got out. How she almost killed Peaches. None of that ever sat well with me and never will. But, when you had your stroke I saw the old Roxy. Mixed with something else. She changed and she was truly torn up about you. She came over everyday Stef. In the hospital she slept there and brought me clothes and food everyday. She cried. Alot. Look I don't excuse her past behavior and she did apologize to me and I had to think about. About weather or not if I wanted to forgive her. Of course I remain loyal to you baby but while you were in the hosptial I had no time to think about anything else. If you do forgive what are you worried about? Her breaking your heart?"

"Fuck that. She didn't break my heart."

"Baby look at me." Lena said putting the joint down and cupping the blondes cheek. "It's you and me in here. No one else so take those walls down my love. I know for a fact what she did broke you. It hurt you and I understand that. Also learning she was your sister at a time when she was acting crazy and your father passing. It was alot to process. Deep in your heart what do you want. Do you want a relationship with her?"

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now