The Return of Mama Lion

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"I think this is a bad idea Roxy. A really bad idea." Peaches said as the two women drove up to Tula's apartment for Roxy was damm near furious.Beyond furious for Stef had confided in her that Tula wanted her to move in and the older woman knew it was bullshit. She knew it and was aware Tula was really taking advantage of her sister in every-way possible. She was and knew Stef didn't remember her wife.


"Have you lost your fucking mind? Just tell me. Have you Stef?"

"Is that a real question because yes if I'm honest." The blonde joked rolling her eyes.

"Of course you remember being a fucking sarcastic comedian. Don't you."

"Well you asked and it's true. I have lost my mind. I don't even know who I am or who I was ok? I don't so get off my back. Get off."

"I'll tell you who you were. You were an amazing wife to an amazing woman with a beautiful family that ya'll worked fucking hard to get.  When you first got out, when all of you got out you had nothing. Nothing at all and that woman stayed by your ass because you weren't easy and never was. You got yourself straight and put that crime shit behind you. So stop feeling sorry for yourself! 

"Fuck you. I'm not feeling sorry for myself and I don't remember any of that. Ok?"

"Then maybe spend more time with that woman in there who loves you. Instead of being mean as fuck to her."

"I said buzz off. Just buzz off." She said trying to get up as Roxy pushed her back down." Don't you touch me. Fuck you."

"No fuck you Stefanie Adams Foster." Roxy screamed at the blonde as the kids inside couldn't help but hear. They all knew their moms were having problems and were worried that their marriage would not survive this as Frankie was furious at this Tula woman.

"Don't, don't call me Stefanie I hate it! I hate it."

"You always did. Because your mother called you that and your father. But tough shit blondie it's your fucking name and that's what I'll call you because I know your judgement can't be this impaired."

"Why, why don't you buzz off and leave me alone Roxanne."

"Because. You are in a pity party. That's fucking why and feeling sorry for yourself. What the fuck is Tula gonna do for you? That hoe bag huh? She tell you she slept with Tracey?"


"Yeah! You remember her?"

"Like, like you should talk. I remember Peaches. Sleeping around. And you hitting your women. I did not forget."

"And? We ain't talking about me. We talking about you and fucking up your marriage. Lena loves you and why would you do that to her. Why? What about your kids, and grandkids. Baby Stef who fucking loves you? What you just plan to forget about all that?"

"No. I never said that. Did, did I? I would visit and Lena is, Lena is scared of me anyway."

"Because your mean as fuck to her. Why?"

"I said to go away. I'm gonna do, I'm gonna do what I want. I am."

"So you are just gonna blow this because you don't remember Lena or your life together? Fucking try harder."

"I am trying. You have nerve."

"No you have nerve. Look I fucked up in life. Big time. I did alot of wrong shit. Alot and you called me out on my shit always. I'm calling you out now.  You leave Lena for this tramp ain't no coming back from that. Because one day you will remember and then your gonna wake up and realize you made a big fucking ass mistake. And that shit is on you."

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now