Bowling Part II

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"How did you bowl four strikes! Madness!" Lena said to Roxy laughing along with Peaches and Frankie along with the rest of the family.

"Because I got skills Mama Lion. I got skills. Stef and I spent a shit load of time at the lanes."

 Lena could only playfully shake her head and smile as Noah looked rather stressed out.

"We need a new strategy mama." Noah said. "We can't keep losing unless mom can bowl. There is unacceptable."

"Honey it's just a game. It will be ok." Lena said laughing at her son who was now drawing out a plan. 

"No way mama. We will win."

"It doesn't have to be so competitive baby. It's just fun."

"Sure mama."

Walking off to chat with the other kids about his new plan Lena could only bust out laughing but her smile soon turned to anger.  Big time.

"What the fuck is this fucking bitch doing here." She said in a rather angry tone. "Fucking cunt." Roxy could only look at her rather surprised for it was very rare that she spoke that way unless someone was threatening her wife or kids.

"What's up? Who?" Roxy asked as she now turned around  seeing who it was.  "Ahh shit. This trifling heifer. Want me to take care of her? I don't mind."

"No it's a free world. She just better stay the fuck away from my wife."

"I'm sure she knows better. Especially once she sees you."

"She better because I'm not fucking around with her." That was something Roxy damm sure knew as Stef soon walked back over with Erin handing her granddaughter a snow cone. Sure she had seen Tula and Tula had seen her but she had not said anything to Stef and was with another woman and wearing dark shades.

"What I'd miss. Roxy slam ya'll yet." The blonde said joking as Lena let out a soft smile still rather irritated.

"Matter fact I did sister girl. Creamed all ya'll! Your youngest son is trying to come up with a way to beat me."

"Yeah? The blonde said laughing as she glanced to Lena who seemed angry. " You ok babe what's up?"


"No? You sure my love you seem upset. Everything ok?"

"That heifer is here "

"Yeah I saw her. Why you worried about her? MM? We came for our family to have fun. Don't worry about her. Got me?"

"Yes. It just makes me angry with she called you. I get ....

"Hey, Mama Lion." The blonde said gently cupping her cheek" I do not care. Yes? She can bowl all night and next to us and I don't care. People have said far worse things to me and about me. I know I'm not retarded or a cripple. Ok?"

"Yes. Ok."

"Alright. So come let's beat my sisters ass in this game. I'll show her who fucking boss is."

As the family enjoyed the next few hours bowling and goofing around Lena and Stef had forgotten all about Tula until the slim woman headed into the bathroom  seeing the woman by the sinks. Sure she was angry and pissed but what she saw she did not expect as the young woman was cleaning her bruised eye and bleeding lip staring right back at Lena in the mirror. Not saying a word Lena headed into the stall and soon came back out to wash her hands noticing Tula covering her eye up with makeup. What could she say? Sure she could see something was going on with the woman but part of her did not care for she tried to break up their family and called her wife awful names.

"Tula where the fuck are you! How long does it take to piss!" Lena soon heard seeing a woman come into the bathroom who was much older then both of them. 

"I'm coming. Just fixing my face."

"We don't have all night for you to fix your face. Hurry the fuck up."

"Yes I am. Sorry."

Watching the older woman walk off Lena dried her hands as Tula put her makeup back in her bag. Now the slim woman was concerned but not at the same time.

"Tell Stefanie I said hi." She said in a rather hushed tone and walking off as Lena dried her hands more and headed back over to the family. This was none of her business and she didn't want to make it her business for that woman had caused nothing but trouble.  Whatever was happening to her was her business and Lena didn't care. Not one bit for she was loyal to her wife and not to some tramp who seemed to be getting her ass kicked.

Taking a seat beside her wife she noticed their score went up significantly as Stef grinned at her.

"We were losing when I left."

"Yeah I know but I bowled a few strikes in that time love." Stef winked as they soon heard shouting going on. What it was they weren't sure as they looked over a few lanes down seeing the same woman Tula was with yelling and screaming at her. It was loud enough for everyone to hear as Stef saw the woman being pulled by her arm and slammed down in her seat and smacked across the face.

"What the fuck."  Stef said rather pissed off as she soon got up faster then Lena could grab her and went over to the woman decking her in the face. "What the fuck is your problem!" The blonde yelled as Lena and Roxy ran over along with Mike, Jude and Tracey as Stef had the woman by the collar. "I will fucking kill you, you old cunt!"

"Stefanie it's ok!" Tula yelled. "It's ok."

The kids could all see this from where they were sitting as Mariana stood beside her older cousin concerned as well as Noah. Judy tried to distract them along with Olivia but it was harder with the older kids.

"So that's Tula." Frankie said watching Lena gently grabbed her wife and pulling her off the woman. She of all people damm sure knew how her mother was as Mariana stood surprised.

"Who is Tula? And whoever that other woman is must have really pissed Aunt Stef off. I mean she decked her. Like decked her."

"Mama's girlfriend in jail. The one who gave her that Lion necklace she use to have. Sometimes love never dies. No matter what." She said as Erin came over grabbing Frankie's hand.

"What happened?"

"We don't know but Aunt Stef decked that women."

"Honey's come lets go get some more drinks." Judy said to all the girls as Frankie ignored her walking over to her moms.



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