Their Own Plans

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"Stef have you lost your mind? Going to see Vi? What the fuck is wrong with you. I know I ain't one to talk but I I thought you left alll that mess behind. Now you making trips to Chow?" Roxy said to her sister as the two were sitting in the backyard relaxing from the day when the blonde had spilled where she had been last week.

"Rox I don't need to explain shit to you. And I didn't tell you for you to get on my ass."

"Maybe not but you damm sure will have to explain it to you wife. Does she know? She doesn't does she. Stef why you playing with fire like this?"

"I'm not. But what am I'm supposed to sit and let that shit happen with no repercussions for them? Huh? Rox she was tricking my daughter out! She got her hooked on fucking drugs! Do you know how fucked Callie is? Huh?! This Lou bitch she knew damm well what she was doing! She knew damm fucking well! Mike can't handle this! I'm her mother Rox and I will fight for her always even if I have to ripe someones fucking throat out!"

"Stef! You of all people know I get it!  You know I get it and you I was always down for his! Forever since day one! But now? Hell nah sis! Hell na! We both have come too fucking far for this shit and to mess shit up! Let Mike deal with it, let the police, or karma or whatever the fuck you wanna call it. But let me tell you, you don't wanna fuck with Lou. Sheila ain't nobody but Lou, your mother  you don''t. Leave it be."

"Oh fuck her. I'm not scared of her because she hasn't seen anything yet! You think I'm scared of her? I'm not scared of no one! No one Roxanne!  Fuck her and she will pay for what she did to my daughter! I swear to god her ass is gonna end up in a mother fucking body bag along with that Sheila bitch. You really expect me to do nothing when Lou is behind all of this! Getting Sheila to work for her so she could get to my daughter? You realize that!"

"I know that Stef. Hell yeah I know bu what about the rest of your kids S? Huh? You wanna risk everything for this because your ass will end up right back in Chowchilla!! You had no business seeing or even talking to Violet! None. Much less going back up to Chow and messing wit people you left behind. For a reason Stef. What about your wife? Lena? Huh? You think about her when you went up there?"

"You did what?" Lena asked just getting home from work and hearing the two women from inside the house. Stef could only look at her as Roxy shook her head. "Tell me I did not hear what I think I heard. Tell me Stefanie! Now!!!" She screamed walking over to the blonde as Stef let out a sigh herself. "Tell me you did not go to Chowchilla and see Violet. For what?!"

"Lena I needed to ok and...

"No it is not ok!! It is not and you went up there and neglected to tell me! So we are back to keeping secrets huh!!!!"

"No! I....

"I don't want to hear it! You wanna fuck things up then go ahead! You fuck it up but you leave me and these kids out of it! I'm tired of you! And do not expect me to stick around if you plan on going back to that old life!" Storming off Lena was furious beyond words as neither Roxy or Stef new what to say.


While Stef and Lena were arguing Frankie Adams Foster had other plans. Saying she was heading to Mariana's to study and help with a paper she was doing anything but that.  Anything but that as she had packed her backpack with a few times and the little ring she had gotten Erin.  Maybe she was impulsive, maybe she knew her moms would kill her but in her eyes she was seventeen soon to be eighteen and was grown. She felt she could make her own choices and knew what was best for her at this moment. 

"Frankie are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure?" Mariana said to her cousin as the girl was saying her goodbye.

"I am. I love her Mari. I know my moms mean well but this is how I am. I'll call them so if my moms ask where I am it's ok if you bust me."

"I'll try to hold off. Just please let me know you got there ok? Please."

"I will. Love you cousin!"

"Love you too Frankie." Hugging her older cousin Mariana watched her climb down the window and heading toward the bus station.

Meeting Erin twenty minutes later the two headed on a greyhound bus s hand in hand and headed to Vegas. This would never go over well with either of her moms but she was doing what she felt was right in her heart.  She was going to marry Erin and get her away from her abusive family.

"I got you babe." Frankie said holding the girl close and kissing her forehead as Erin snuggled closer to the girl and  Frankie could only look out the window leaving the only home she had ever had known.


Busy week!!!! I know it's a short chapter but I wanted to get something out to you guys! More updates to come and keep an eye out in July for my two Christmas stories I will be working on!

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