Hallway Chats

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"Mind if I sit?" Roxy said to the blonde as Stef sat in the hallway with a portable machine attached to her arm. Truth was earlier she had gotten a headache and just to be on the safe side Lena immediately called the doctor to monitor her blood pressure which of course had elevated.  Seeing this the doctor gave her medication right away and would not allow her to leave monitoring her every few minutes. Of course it annoyed her but Lena was not having it as she ran to the cafe to get her wife a sandwich.

"It's fine."

Taking a seat Roxy handed the woman a bottle of water as Stef took it thanking her.

"How you feeling?"

"Alright. Just have to keep checking my fucking pressure. Stupid shit. Got this bullshit from my father.  Well our father."

"Least you know it so you can monitor it and shit. Don't want you having another stroke and shit. Nobody needs that."

"Yeah. Mama Rose is ok with the kids?"

"Yeah. Judy came over too and Stuart. Brought dinner."

"That's good. I'll call them soon."

"Your granddaughter was asking for you. She knows something is up. Can't hide shit from her huh?"

"Not really." Stef said giving the woman pretty vague answers which Roxy picked up on. 

"Look I just came down to check on ya'll and Callie. See if you need anything. I know you don't want shit to do with me sis but I ain't going away."

"Yeah I realize that and I appreciate you bringing Callie and standing up for her.  But was it for her or you have ulterior motives?" She asked looking the woman straight in the eyes. "Because I need to fucking know.  You do it for me or her?"

"It was for her Stef. Wasn't no motive but to help her. Look before all the bullshit I started  Callie and I were close. Until I fucked up. Same with you and with Tracey. Look, I can't redo my shit or the way in which I fucked up. But I'm starting over. Clean slate and shit and like I said before I just want my sister and friend back. We was close Stef since we were kids.

"Yeah I get it. I'm not ready to forgive you. I'm not even ready to trust you or talk much to you. I need time and I don't know if it will be like it was Roxy. I really don't. Alot of shit has changed."

"I get that. I do and I didn't expect it to be. Just  maybe once in awhile we could chat you know about simple shit. Nothing deep. I do care I always did even when I was trippin out. I just wanna squash the bullshit and I'm gonna tell you something you might not wanna hear."

"What?" Stef asked in a rather annoyed tone glancing at the woman.

"Look. You worked hard to get to where you are. You and Lena and Callie. Don't fuck that shit up."


"I know your ass. I know you wanna go after Sheila. Leave that shit to the cops Stef."

"You haven't even remotely earned the right to give me any mother fucking advice. Are you fucking kidding me? Are you?"

"Hell no I'm not. Leave them fucking people alone. Leave them for the cops. I don't know what shit they into and you got a clean record. A real clean one. You got a wife, kids, three grandkids. Don't fucking do it Stef."

"You know as well as I do that cops can't do shit when it comes to people like her. You know this. People like Callie's birth mother are scum, they are shit and they are sneaky as fuck. Only we know the deal and you of all people know this shit Rox."

"Yeah and twelve years ago I had been down with it. She had been bleeding out on the floor. For real. How we use to roll Stef nobody really stood a chance. And I get why you wanna go after her, fuck man I get it because she fucked with your kid."

"Hell yeah she did and she's threatening to fuck with my other kid too which I can't fucking have. Fuck her. You see how fucked Callie is? The shit she pumped into her. You know how many drugs she has in her system. Pimping her out. What do you expect me to do Rox."

"I get it Stef. I get it! Believe me. But you can't fuck your life up over this cunt. We all will help Callie and squash it. Look I know she's your baby but don't do it. Just don't."

Stef of course didn't want to hear any of that for at the forefront of her mind was how she was going to literally cut the woman's head off for what she had done to her daughter. Big time even if she understood what Roxy was saying.

"Speaking of kid look, I'm sorry about Raquel. I am and always have been and it's haunted me. That shit wasn't right what I did. It wasn't and  should be asking for your forgiveness in terms of that. No one has the right to take someones child from them."

"Raquel was long gone by then. She was."

"She was still your baby. I'll never forgive myself for that. Ever. What the fuck happened to us in there?"

"I don't know. Locked up too long. I was trippin. I was drinking fucking up."

"I wasn't any better. Rox look I never meant to make you feel unimportant when I left and I never wanted to make you feel like I didn't care about you. You were there from the time we were kids Roxy. And none of that shit should have happened between us. None of it because it was all fucking jail bullshit and I wish it had not happened. Life is too fucking short for this shit. It really is."

"I know me too. Truth was I ain't want you to leave and I didn't know know how to do shit without you. Nothing. You were up and leaving and starting a family and my ass was jealous. I wanted that. And I knew I'd never be the woman you were or are. I had to learn how to accept who I was but I was real wrong. I'm fucking sorry sis. I let that shit get out of control."

"We both did. But now it seems your finding a way? This cooking thing?"

"Yeah it's cool. Hopefully one day I'll open my own place and shit."

"That's good. Glad you found something like that. Everyone has a purpose here on Earth. Even the scum. Not that you're scum Rox but I'm glad you found a passion beside this crime shit. I really am."

"Ha. Ain't that the fucking truth. But to be real you scared the fucked out of me when you were in here. I fucking hate that it took some shit like that for me to realize how much I cared about you. For real."

"Look lets just not have that bullshit happen again. Alright?"

"Yeah. I'm down with that. For real."

"Alright. Now help me take this fucking thing off before I loose my shit."

"Fuck no. And have your wife tear my ass up. Fuck no."

"You're a fucking pussy." The blonde teased as Roxy let out a laugh.

"Nah.I ain't fucking with Mama Lion. No one should."

"That's for damm sure."

Seeing the two laugh and chat from a distance Lena could only smile for she really felt the two could mend their torn relationship.

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