The Nose

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"What did you do?" Stef said in an aggressive tone to her granddaughter as her and Lena had just gotten back no less then an hour ago from Vegas with Frankie. After calling relatives Erin was now staying with an aunt much to Frankie's relief and her mothers. They were all grateful the girl was ok and that they had gotten to Vegas in time to help and to prevent the two from marrying. Even if that would not have happened. However, things at home were a complete circus as Mama Rose poured coffee shaking her head at what the young girl had done. "This is what you do when me and Nana Lion are gone and expect you to be on your best damm behavior. This is what you do?"

"You don't like it?" Baby Stef asked grinning as Lena let out a sigh and Stef's eyes narrowed.

"You put a hole in your face! No I don't like it!" The blonde shouted.

"Stefanie Marie where did you even get that?" Lena asked the young girl.

"I did it myself Nana Lion."

Stef could only rub her temples as
Noah himself only busted out laughing as both his mother's flashed him a look.

"I'm sorry you want something to? Because I can whip your little ass before I whip hers. Wanna fucking try me?" The blonde could only look at her son with nothing but annoyance as he instantly changed his tune knowing he was already in enough trouble for how he was behaving lately.

" I'm sorry ma I was just joking. I'm sorry."

"Yeah? You shut your mouth because you're already in your own mess of fucking trouble between bringing a girl into this house, mind you not one girl but two and failing in school? You have no grounds to laugh at anyone and you better shut it before I beat your behind like I did yesterday. Want that again?"

"No, no mom. But I..

"Noah hush. You heard your mother and you do as she says. You are in enough trouble and I will happily whip your ass instead." Lena said cutting her son a look as she sipped on coffee rather calmly and the boy obeyed.

As Stef redirected her gaze to baby Stef the girl remained silent knowing she was in trouble.

"Stef, Lena, I'm sorry I had no idea she even did that to her nose. She did not have that last night I will tell you." Mama Rose said feeling bad about not having paid more attention to baby Stef. But who knew she would try to pierce her own nose. No one as the young girl tried to use her chance and sneak back in her room.

"It's not your fault mama. Not in the least. " The blonde said seeing the girl walking off." Stefanie Marie get your behind over here. Now! I didn't say you could go. Did I?" Yelling at the young girl baby Stef walked over to her grandmother rather hesitantly. She knew she was in deep shit and she knew she should not have done what she did. But part of her was a tiny bit rebellious and she knew she would pay the price now. " Did I say you could walk off!?"

"No Yaya."

"Now remind me, you know what it's better you don't because it will only make me even more angry. I distinctly remember telling you more then once that you could NOT get your noise pierced. Did I not say that?! MM."

"I think."

"You think? I think your little ass should try again and tell me the real dam answer. You get one more try and that's it."

"You said I couldn't. But..

"There is no but! You think there is a but in this! Really?!When I said no I mean't no and you should know that!"

"I'm sorry Yaya."

"You're not sorry at all. But you will be when I finish with you. Now you go get your ass in that room and take that fucking thing out of your nose before I ripe it out. And I plan on wailing your ass so you better sit while you can. Now GET!"

"Yes Yaya." Running off into her room to do as she was told Stef shook her head as Lena did the same.

"Noah finish your breakfast and go to school. We will deal with you when you get home. You are not out of hot water yet mister. Not by any means." Lena said to her son as he let out his own sigh obeying the woman for it seemed once again all the kids were giving them a run for their money. Which they were and Ali seemed to be on the only one who was behaving.

"Everyone has lost their mind. Everyone and I hate to whip her but she has a hearing problem it seems."

"Try not to be too hard on her honey." Mama Rose said taking a seat. "She is going through puberty and it's been hard with Callie."

"Mama what does that have to do with her level of hearing comprehension besides nothing? She knows what I said and she defied me. Openly."

"I think mama is just saying she is normally a good kid honey." Lena said rather amused as the blonde sipped on her coffee.

"Sure. But she is drinking the same fucking kool-aid the rest of these kids are in this damm house."

Mama Rose could only laugh as Lena did as well taking another sip o her coffee.

"How is Frankie? She's ok?" The older woman asked.

"She's ok. Upset that Erin might possibly be moving but she's ok. She's just damm impulsive which I have myself to blame for but I just have to keep being open and calm with her. Otherwise she goes off the damm rails."

"Gee I wonder how she got like that." Lena laughed as the blonde rolled her eyes again.

"Yeah, yeah. Let me know when you are ready baby so we can head to see Callie."

"I will be in about ten minutes love."

"Ok. Now let me go handle this girl before she looses her mind even more and I have to break her fuckin legs."

"Baby please go easy on her. Please." Lena begged watching her wife take her belt off and letting out a sigh.

"Yeah." She mumbled heading into the bedroom as Lena glanced to Mama Rose.

"I have to say these kids love her but try her patience. That's for sure. I surely would not if I was them." She joked as the older woman laughed as well.

"Me either honey. But you both do well. Kids loose their minds from time to time but you are both very strong and do what you can. No one is perfect. No one and these kids all know you love them."

"I hope so. I just never expected Noah to start acting up. I don't know what's wrong with him lately but he has been very fresh lately and talking back. I don't know maybe he needs a male around more."

"Have him spend some time with Mike and Jude. He might need some male time honey. Boys are different."

"Maybe we will." She said rubbing her forehead.

"And you are ok? I know you keep this family afloat. Don't forget about you too." Gently placing her hand on the younger woman's arm Lena looked to her smiling. "You are the head of this family. You are. So you make sure to check in with yourself at times. Understood?"

"Yes, thank you Mama Rose."

"And I hope that damm nose earring was worth it for Christ sake!" Stef said yelling and coming out the room placing her belt back on. "Freaking kids are going to make me insane. You ready my love?" She said smiling at her wife as Lena returned it.

"I am. But do you mind if we stop and get a latte first?"

"Of course. And I'll even pay." She winked kissing the woman as Lena grinned widely.

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