Redemption II

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"What don't you get by don't fucking come by. Are you fucking stupid?" Stef asked as Roxy showed up at the home once again while the family was having breakfast. "This is our family time so get fucking lost bitch." Almost closing the door on her Roxy held it open with her foot.

"I ain't going till your stubborn ass listens to what I got to say."

"I'm not listening to shit you have to say and get your fucking foot out the door before I break it and knock your ass off my porch."

"Then I guess you gonna have to do it. Go on."

"You really wanna test me? Do you?" She said moving closer to the woman."Do you!"

"No Stef I don't. I just want my fucking sister back! Ok! That's all I fucking want. I love you and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for every fucking thing I did back in jail and when I got out. I am. I miss you, I miss what we had and I'm not fuckin around. It's the real thing Stef. It is."

By this point Roxy was nearly tearing and begging her ass off as Lena could hear from the kitchen table along with the rest of the kids. "I know I hurt you, I know I betrayed all of you and this entire family. I know I hurt Lena, and Callie and you. I know I almost killed Peaches. I know and I live with that shit every single day. I lost my daughter because I was an asshole. I know that and I don't know why I did it. I don't."

"I don't care. I got bigger problems then your begging ass."

"Are you really this mother fucking stubborn?!"

"I don't know are you really this mother fucking stupid to keep showing up at my home begging like a little pussy for forgiveness. I'm not thinking about you, not at all. You know what I'm thinking about. MM? My daughter. Not your skank ass. So I'll tell you one more time. Get out and don't fucking come back. Ever."

With that Stef slammed the door in the woman's face as she sat back down to have breakfast with her family who was quit. Frankie wasn't sure what to say, as well as Noah or Ali, but one person did besides Lena.


"Yes love." The blonde asked taking a sip of coffee.

"I think you should forgive her. I mean when you forgive someone you set your soul free and you don't carry so much anger."

"Baby sometimes it's not that simple ok love?"

"Why? I'm upset with mama for leaving. Everyday and I had to forgive her for it. If I didn't I'd be an angry person and then I can't think straight. But Roxy must really want you to forgive her because she keeps coming over. I know you said it's not simple but you can make it simple right?"

Glancing at her granddaughter who was so innocent and wise beyond her years Lena could only smile as she could see her wife was deep in thought. The slim woman knew Stef wanted to forgive Roxy but she was still very stubborn about it and having conflicting feelings.

"Just a thought. Nana Lion forgives you all the time. Why is that different?"

"Because they are married." Frankie said. "And you take vows."

"Well, I know Roxy was a bad person when I was little but maybe she did change Yaya. If Frankie did bad stuff Id' forgive her." The girl said getting up now and standing beside the blonde and wrapping her arm around her neck. So was good for always bringing out the softest side of Stef as Ali held Andrew smiling.

"I know you would baby."

"Sometimes I don't like to listen to people if they make me mad. So I kind of block them off. But then when I do listen I can tell if they are being honest or not. Maybe you can try that?"

"Maybe I can babygirl." Winking at the little girl Stef glanced to her wife who smiled warmly at her. She did as the kids got ready for school and baby Stef walked up to her grandmother once again.

"Do you think we will find her today or she will come home today?"

"I don't baby but I hope so and we will keep looking. I promise."

"Ok." Baby Stef said the little girl hugged and kissed them goodbye heading to school with her siblings.

"She asks that everyday Lena. And I ask myself that everyday too."

"I know baby. Me too." Grabbing her wife's hand the two sat in silence as Stef could only think of the daughter who needed help so badly. More then any of them knew.


As Roxy headed back home she was not one to cry at all but she had been and knew it was going to take time for Stef to forgive her. She also knew her sister was stubborn as hell. Really stubborn as she stopped at the 7 eleven before her shift at the bakery.  Her mind was pretty clouded from her conversation with Lou which didn't go well at all. Not in the least but she had been honest and would now need to look over her shoulder.  She would for she owed Lou a debt and it was one she would never be able to pay. Ever and there was no way she was going to comprise her sister or her life. 

Taking a sip of water and letting out a sigh she headed into the store to grab some candy for Mariana and chips for Jesus. Even though Peaches was trying to get everyone to eat healthy when she had the money Roxy treated them as she picked up some of her woman's favorite soda.

"I didn't steal from your stupid store asshole. I bought all this crap. I bought it all." The woman suddenly heard and recognizing the voice instantly as she ran to the front of the store seeing Callie with half the rack of chips in her hand. But to her she was unrecognizable in a short torn skirt and heels she could barely stand in. She had also cut her hair to her ears in a rather butchered way.

"Get out of my store before I call the cops. I told you that yesterday."

" off! I own this store. I own too. "

"Get out!"

"I can suck your dick for it. Come on I'm hungry! I'm starving I just ate 40 candy bars!"

Putting her own stuff down Roxy grabbed the girl by the arm as Callie looked to her disgusted and not recognizing the woman at first site.

"I don't do girls." Callie slurred trying to pull away. "Especially not big ones."

"She with you? Please get her out of here. She's nuts."

"She's not nuts. She needs help."

"I don't care get her out of here!"

"My stuff!! I need my chips! I need this store!" Callie shouted.

"Fine!" Roxy said handing the guy 20 bucks for all the stuff for her goal was to get Callie in the car and out of this fucking mess she got herself into. "Come!"

"You are so rough! Why are you so rough and I'm coming back to this store later. Drop me back later. I need my stuff. And the hotel it's on 8th. You know 8th. My boss is there."

"Yeah sure." She said putting the girl in the car who could barely walk for she was so doped up and out of it that she didn't know which way was up. The entire thing was sad it really was as Sheila came running from her own car banging on Roxy's window.


 I wonder how this will go.

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