Bowling Part III

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"Why didn't you let us handle it? You can't do that shit Stef. You are lucky that woman didn't press charges." Mike yelled annoyed at his sister as they stood outside the blonde homes arguing. The family had just returned from the bowling alley where Mike and Jude had to convince the manager not to arrest his sister and he was annoyed to no end about it.

"Look I didn't intend to do it. I don't even remember getting up. Ok? All I saw was someone being smacked around and I  fucking lost it. That's all I saw. Ok? Fucking shoot me!"

"I don't care! You are beyond this and that behavior. You are. You enjoy being banned from the bowling alley and embarrassing your wife and kids? Huh? Why can't you think before you act. Huh?! Why?! Why Stef!"

"Look Mike if you are gonna arrest me then fucking do it! Go on!! Do it! What the fuck do you want me to do! I can't take back what I did!"

"No you need to control your damm temper!!"

"You need to fuck off!!" She said getting in his face as Lena soon came out hearing them screaming from inside.

"What is all the screaming and cursing about?I can hear you both all the way in the bedroom with the door closed. Everyone can."

"Look, I'm headed home and you better control yourself and stop playing vigilante Stef. I'm not kidding." Rolling her eyes at her brother Stef took a seat on the porch chairs as Lena did the same.  Was she happy about what happened at the bowling alley? Not by any means especially since all the kids had seen it and her wife acted impulsive.

"Lena I saw red ok? I don't even remember getting up or going over there. I don't."

"I understand that. But you do realize she could have pressed charges and the alley?"

"Yes. I know."

"Stef did you do it because it was Tula?"

"What? No. This again? Really?"

"No but I'm just asking."

"Babe look I'm not into her and I don't have feelings for her. After what she did and  the shit she said about you. Even before that.  I was wrong on so many levels in terms of my behavior with her in the past and even last year. I was and I apologize for that. I should have set boundaries years ago and stop speaking with her out of respect for you and our babies. But honestly I don't know what happened tonight. I honestly blacked out almost like I use to."

"Use to?"

"Yes. I will tell you when Frankie's father use to kick my ass I barely remembered it. And the night I shot him it took me a long time to remember what happened. It could have been anyone getting smacked around at that alley tonight and I would have done the same thing babe. It's not in my nature to sit back and watch and I didn't intend on embarrassing anyone Lena especially not you or our children."

"Babe I of all people, well we of all people know how you are and that you will come to anyone's defense. Even someone that has done you wrong to a certain degree. Truth is I saw her in the bathroom with a busted eye and mouth earlier that night.  I wanted to say something but didn't because I hated how she spoke to you and how she tried to destroy our marriage. She didn't look the same. She looked tired and broken down. But I didn't say anything because part of me didn't care. But part of me does and I'm angry that she won't seem to go away. As mean as that seems considering she is obviously having issues."

Stef could only let out a deep sigh for she felt bad about all of it.

"I understand that. I do. And that's my fault."

"How? You didn't invite her tonight."

"Maybe not. But out of respect to you I should have minded my own business instead of making you feel that I love her or something. Also her issues are not ours I should not have made them that."

"I know you don't love her baby and I know you couldn't help it. I know who I married." Lena said smiling as Stef glanced to her in frustration at herself.

"Listen my love. I'm sorry for my impulsiveness. Yes she is a bitch and lying cunt. Who said shit about you that made me want knock all her teeth out. And I almost did."

"Well I almost did too. She is lucky she is still breathing after calling you a cripple and retard. Very lucky."

"Oh I know it." The blonde laughed as Lena held her hand tight.

"Listen I get it. We both have no tolerance for abuse and have suffered under it and know what it was like hoping someone would come to our defense.  It was tough when no one did."

"I agree." The blonde said recalling the earlier years of her life when Frankie's father would beat her to a pulp.

"I mean there were somedays I didn't know if I would see the next day. Or the next hour."

"Baby I'm so sorry you lived like that. I'd fucking kill him if I had known you then. I would have and gone to jail for you and not  given a shit. Because you are my everything."

Lena could only smile at the woman as she gently cupped her face.

"I'd do the same for you baby. But our babies?"

"Yes I know. But I'd do anything to protect their Mama Lion. Always. And I'd do anything to protect our babies. I hope you know."

"I never once doubted that sweetheart. I love your protective nature and I always will. You are my life. Always and forever."

"Right back at ya babe. But I am sorry for fucking up family night."

"You didn't. We needed this talk. So don't stress it love. Seriously though even if she was an asshole I do hope Tula gets help."

"Me too baby. Me too. But the odds are slim. Unfortunately."

As both women enjoyed the moonlight and stars together in each other's arms Stef and Lena couldn't help but remember the abuse they both suffered and the relief that it was over even if at times they still felt the effects. They didn't wish that on anyone. No one for it often had deadly consequences.

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