A Year Later

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"Yaya, Yaya, I got an email from mom." Baby Stef said running into the kitchen as Stef and Lena were preparing and getting things ready for the girls 12th birthday party. Unlike the year before the girl was older, a tad more mature and not into much little kid stuff anymore. She now paid attention to her clothes, her nails, and hair as Frankie gave her one highlight she had been trilled about and Stef let her get an extra hole in her ear.

"Oh yeah babe? That's great." The blonde said smiling as baby Stef was now up to her shoulders in height. "I bet you're happy to get one right?"

"Yeah. You think she will be back soon?"

"I'm sure she will babygirl. She is getting better and better each day. It just requires alot of patience like we talked about."

"Yeah I know. But do you feel ok today Yaya? Nothing hurts right?" Both women could only smile softly at the young pre teen as Stef gently grabbed her hands with her manicured nails that she let the young girl get or her birthday.

"I am fine sweetheart. And I am feeling very good. Better than I have in my entire life. Minus the fact that you are getting so damm big. I still can't believe you are twelve. What happened to my bad little babygirl that use to run away from us naked when we tried to change your diaper?"

"Oh man I remember those days.  You were so cute and had such a personality even then." Lena said laughing and smiling as baby Stef returned it.

"Run away naked? No way!" She giggled.

"Oh yes way and the amount of times I spanked your butt. Oh man. You were a firecracker. Still are and it will serve you well in life."

"Well I have super cool role models." The girl grinned as both women smiled at her. "Thanks for taking care of me."

"You never have to thank us for that babygirl. Ever." Stef said stroking the girls long hair as Lena looked somewhat concerned.

"I just wanted to let you know. Alot of stuff happened last year. So much and some of it I forgot and it got really scary sometimes. I mean things with mom got scary too when I was there.  When she would say weird stuff and I don't know throw stuff around and everything. I know she tried to make it so that I couldn't ever see you again too."

"That was her illness baby. That wasn't her and that's in the past and not something you should worry about. You hear me?"


"Ok good. Now go and help your sister finish setting up."

"Why am I setting up my own party." The girl sassed as Stef flashed her a rather amused look.

"Would you like to set up for no party?"

"Noooooo. I was only goofing Yaya. I'll go help." Running off and laughing Lena could only smile at the young girl as she looked to her wife.

"You ok? About today I mean?"

"Yeah of course baby. Why wouldn't I be." She said slicing up a tomato for the cheese platter.

"Well a few things. You are worried about Callie coming here that it's too early? Or are you worried what happened last year will happen again?"

"No. I am fine baby and I think Callie will be ok here for a few hours. It will be nice for baby Stef to see her and she's not expecting it."

"No she's not. But it doesn't mean that you can't be worried about what you called messing up her birthday last year. You know you were in a different place health wise."

"I know I was and I was stupid for not listening to you or the doctor. Just like my damm daughter for smoking those fucking vapors. Does she not get it or what?"

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