The Morning After

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If there were any doubts in Stef's mind that she could no longer please her wife those doubts were erased. Erased for good because despite her coordination issues at times and difficultly walking without her cane she had no problems in bed. None as she felt Lena sleep rather soundly on her naked chest with her arm wrapped tight around the blondes waist.

The date had been just like their first date in some aspect for they never got to eat and went straight to screwing. Maybe back in jail it wasn't love making but this time it was. This time it had been about continuing to reconnect, continuing to try to remember who they were to Stef and loving each other. The blonde wasn't even aware that many parts of herself had shown up and come about during the night as she let out a soft smile holding her wife closer and rubbing her back.


"I guess we won't be eating dinner?" Lena teased as she rested her back on the bed grinning and smiling at her wife. She too had noticed how Stef was really taking over and that any doubts she was having were gone as she hovered over Lena's naked body

"MM I see my dinner." She said slowly kissing Lena's shoulder softly."I see my dessert." She moaned sliding her tongue over the woman's breast as Lena moaned once again herself. " I see my snack, breakfast and mmm..." Stopping she glanced in her wife's eyes and gently spread her legs open running her tongue over her clit." And my lunch."

"Stef..Stef baby.." Lena moaned running her fingers through the blondes long hair and not being able to contain how quickly her orgasm came. It came quicker then the first time Stef gave her one as she could feel how sensitive her pussy was as the blonde continued to lick up and down. "Stef it it....

"Cum again. Come on you know you want to..." she teased as the slim woman arched her back more feeling her wife's tongue circle inside her pussy hole and sucking her clit.  It was so hard to even realize that this had been absent for almost 7 months and Lena was pretty much in heaven right now. Stef herself was as well and growing hornier and more confident by the minute just by seeing how turned on her wife was. Running her tongue up her clit once again she hovered over her wife smiling as she slide a finger in her cunt. "Cum again..slowly this time."

"I..I can't think or...

"Mm or what? You want another finger inside you?Mm?" Stef asked rather devilishly and not realizing that Lena was about to take over rather aggressively.

"Mmm I'm gonna fuck you."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. I am. And you are gonna beg." Quickly sliding out from under her wife Stef was rather surprised but turned on as she laid on her back now watching her wife hover over her and slide inside her. "We use to fuck like this all the time." Lena whispered. "You always liked toys and you liked it rough." She  moaned aggressively into the blondes ear as Stef felt the hard on enter her deeper and harder.  It had been months since she cam and it was most certainly pent up as Lena thrust harder into her sucking on her soft, perky tits.  "Cum baby. Let it out."

"MM do I ever understand why I married you." The blonde moaned laughing as Lena let out a soft smirk.

"Many reasons why. Many and you are about to discover and remember another one." Sliding out of her she grinned at her wife and parted her legs licking her clit up and down. Instantly Stef came all in her mouth for shit this was most certainly another reason she married this woman. Fuck.


No there night did not end there at all as they fucked in the shower, on the kitchen counter and against the wall. Stef was certainly very strong much like she use to be and even Lena was surprised as the blonde as pushed her against the wall finger fucking her over and over. It was safe to say the blondes confidence in the bedroom was back and even if it had not been Lena would have tried to help her. In more ways then one.

"Goodness does my back hurt." The slim woman said slowly getting up as she lifted her head and pressed her chin against the blondes chest. Stef could only smile at her as she ran her fingers through her curls.

"MM does it. Why is that?"

"Gee not sure. Could be from slamming against the wall." She laughed as Stef smiled.

"MM you didn't like it?"

"Goodness of course I did. And um...sorry about the scratches."

"MM all for a good reason. So um, it was ok?"

"Is that a real question." Lena laughed but noticing her wife was serious. "Baby of course it was. It was amazing sex. I mean couldn't you tell?"

"I had some idea. But I wanted to make sure you enjoyed it babylove."

"Sweetheart I did. Immensely and not just because it felt good and not because you made me cum about a million times but because it was with you. And when it's with you that's all I need. For the rest of my life."

"Lena, you are the most amazing woman ever. I hope you know that." Stef said smiling and cupping the woman's cheek as Lena slid up to her face.

"Right back at you. So want me to feed you that steak for breakfast? Can't let it go to waste."


"Of course." she winked running into the kitchen as Stef could only laugh.

"Hey wait up! You know I can't run woman!"


While the two women were reconnecting with each other again after a night of making love and enjoying each other Frankie and Noah had stayed with Miss Rose and Stuart while Callie went back home with baby Stef, Andrew and Pete. Since learning she would be staying with her mother baby Stef had been a nightmare. She was misbehaving horribly the past few days, she was fresh, rude and ignoring her mother.  Pete himself tried to discipline her along with Callie but they didn't get very far for the girl would listen to no one. No one but her grandmother.

Thinking she had finally made a little progress with the girl and showing her the room she made for her Callie was relieved when baby Stef finally went to bed. Not because she didn't want to see her but because her attitude was exhausting. Very.

"Babe maybe you shouldn't just take her instantly. Maybe gradually." Pete suggested. "Clearly she's having a hard time."

"Pete she's my daughter and it's my job to raise her. Baby Stef needs to understand I'm her mom."

"She knows your her mom but why all of  sudden are you asserting this so aggressively. Before Mama Stef had her stroke you didn't seem to have an issue. But now it's like you don't even want her other there."

"It's not like that Pete ok? She's lived there long enough." The girl said cleaning the dishes.

"Sure but why are you forcing her. Why are you so cold to not only me but your moms."

"I'm not cold."

"Yeah you are cold Callie."

"Look Pete you don't get it ok. You don't. Because do you know how attached baby Stef is to my mom? If something happens to her again and she doesn't make it then what? Huh? Yeah nothing! So I need to prepare her now incase it does. Alright? So get off my back!" Storming off and slamming the door Pete wasn't really sure what to say as he let out a sigh sitting back down. Maybe he needed to pay the blonde a visit and explain to her what was really going on for it seemed Callie wasn't going to do it herself.

However, as the two both went to sleep that night they never expected the little eleven year old to sneak out with all her things and not one care in the world. She just knew she wanted to be with her grandmother but was well aware Callie would make her come back therefore she had to think of another place to hide. One no one would know or be able to find her. As the little girl was running down the street at nearly 4 in the morning Mariana had snuck out her window as well and into Sean's car not wanting to look back for a second.  Both girls were running and it would devastate the family.



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