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"Well if she was not over your place then where in the fuck is she!?" Stef yelled at Mariana as Peaches had come over with her once she was caught in her own lie. Roxy was just as worried and Lena was just coming down from being angry with her wife.

"Mariana answer your aunt Stef. Ahora!" Peaches yelled.

"Well um she said she would call you."

"Mariana we are very worried about her and..."Lena began as Stef cut her off.

"Where is she! She has not called and she is not answering her phone and if you don't tell me tomorrow will never come for you. Where is she Mariana?"

"Um...well she sort of is um going to Vegas."

"What?" Lena asked standing up as Stef was almost ready to blow a fuse. "What do you mean Vegas. For what?"

"To get married Lena! She's going to get married." Stef yelled back taking a seat and running her fingers through her long hair.

"Well she can't. The legal age there to marry is 18. So they won't get far Stef." Lena said as she could see her wife was going to explode. "Look please calm down ok. You can't get upset like this."

"How am I supposed to calm down? Huh! Everyone in this house has lost their fucking minds! Everyone Lena! Frankie is going off getting married at 17 or thinking she can, Noah is failing every single fucking class, baby Stef wants holes in her nose and a every single color highlight in her head! Ali..I don't even fucking know!"

"That is not everyone. Ali and baby Stef are doing fine Stef. Noah is , he's he will get it together and Frankie must have an explanation."

"As if I really give a shit or want to hear about some fucking explanation. I do not care! I don't!!

"Erin's parents are abusive." Mariana spit out. "Frankie figures if she marries her Erin won't have to deal with her parents anymore and she can protect her."

"Really?" Stef said. "Why didn't she just tell us instead of trying to take on the fucking world!

"Gee I wonder where she gets that from Stefanie." Lena said rather annoyed. "Mariana did Frankie say where in Vegas. How did they get there?"

"They took the greyhound. I don't know where they are staying. Frankie said she would just wing it."

"Oh great. So they are going to show up in Vegas no money and just fucking wing it!?That's fucking great! Jesus fucking Christ this kid! Is she this stupid! Is she this dumb and hard headed and just doesn't fucking listen!  I have tried with her endlessly. I have an she is just dead set on doing things her way no matter what! We should just leave her ass there."

"Stef! Frankie is not a bad kid. Not at all. She's not marrying Erin or trying to just because. Yes she should have told us why and what was going on but she can't help what she's like. She's just like you."

"Saying she is just like me is not very helpful at this moment Lena."

"You keep implying and you have been implying for years that your daughter is this terrible person. Because she is not what you want her to be!"

"I never said that! I never said anything like that"

"No! You have! You will not accept her!"

"Oh so we should just let her get married then huh? Is that it! I thought you spoke to her and fixed it." The blonde was now more angry then ever and so was Lena. Lena was still furious from earlier that day and her blood was boiling. 

"I told you to talk to her as well!!I told you that Stefanie! And you neglected to talk to her! As always!"

"So this is my fault? Huh? You blame me for this shit!"

"Don't you dare curse at me. You curse at me and I will rip you to shreds. Do not fuck with me." Lena yelled moving closer to her wife as the blonde herself had never seen her this angry towards her ever. "You will do everything in your fucking power to help Callie our daughter who I love with all my heart. But when it comes to Frankie you dismiss her every single time!

"OH fuck you that is not true! How fucking dare you!"

"I told you not to curse at me!!"

"You are cursing at me!"

"SO what! I can. Because you are the one who fucked up with her again! All she wants is a relationship with you. And no I did not wish for you to have a stroke and loose your memory. But sadly after you did it was the only time she felt ok with you. She felt as if you loved her, that you understood her.  She told me, oh mama does love me."

"I have always loved her. She knows that!"

"No! She does not!  You better find her and fix this shit!"

"You have alot of nerve to say what you did."

"I'm telling you the damm ass truth! And I was done earlier when you decided to try and reinstate the fucking Lion's Den and now I'm really done. So you go ahead raise your blood pressure, go ahead villainize our daughter. Go ahead! Because I don't blame her! I don't blame her for not telling you shit again! I'm to call Mike and see what I can do. You do whatever the fuck  you want."

The entire family had no idea what in the hell to say. No one for they had never seen Lena so angry in their entire life. Noah was shocked as he came out of his room along with baby Stef, Peaches, Mariana and  Roxy. What made it worse was Stef knew Lena was right and she should have spoken to Frankie days ago. Once again she failed the girl and it was possible she might continue to. But she also failed her wife and from the looks of it would not speak to her for days.


Holy cow Lena! Yikes!

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