Passing Sadness

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It had only been two days since Stef was admitted into the hospital for a massive stroke and Lena still had not gone home nor had she eaten a thing. She just couldn't stomach anything not even water. Thankfully the kids had brought her clothing and the hosptial set up a little bed for her so that she could get a bit of rest. But she wasn't sleeping at all as her wife still lay in a coma for the second day.

As she laid there for the second night kissing her wife on the cheek there many years together flew through her mind and memory. If there was any question whether she loved the blonde, and if there was any question that she would do anything for her that was answered. Because she would and had. Stef too. She had promised Lena the world and tried to give it to her. Maybe there attempt to have a child by getting a sperm donor didn't work out but they still were happy, and grateful for one another and the life they had built.

Right now the family was struggling terribly for it felt like a year had gone by since Stef was admitted. Thankfully with the help of  Mama Rose along with Stuart and Dana the kids were being taken care of.  Baby Stef however was not doing well and would not stop crying for anything to the point that Callie was at a lose. However, she had to admit she was at a lose herself and cried often in the bathroom with her sister and Noah. Had it only been two days? Yes it had as Frankie sat on her mothers bed unsure of how to feel and wiping her tears.

It was true her stomach was in knots and she too had been crying for days and hours. The girl really regretted the last thing she said to her mother for now it seemed so stupid. All of it seemed stupid and she couldn't help but feel like she contributed to her mother having a stroke and a heart attack. Glancing to the picture of her and Stef on the woman's nightstand Frankie picked it up and smiled at it. She was just 10 years old in it and it was the day Stef took her to the annual carnival they went to every year. The picture beside it was more recent from their day at the beach were they took a selfie. Gently she rubbed her mother's face and laid down on her side of the bed crying once again. Right now she would give anything to take back her actions, to take back how she had behaved for her mother to be ok. She didn't care anymore she would go to college and do whatever she wanted.


"The water is one thing I have always loved about California. Course I've never been anywhere else but I can surely appreciate it." The blonde said to her daughter as the two sat on the sand enjoying the warm sun and sharing a green iced tea.

"I love it too. Where did you want to travel Mama? Somewhere fancy?"

"MM many places babygirl. Mama Lion has been all over." The blonde said digging her feet in the sand as Frankie did the same. She loved days like these when it was just her and Stef but would never admit it at 16." I want that for you because there is more to life then just Sacramento. Hear me?"

"Yeah I hear you."

"You know sweetness not for nothing but I don't mean to run over your life and bulldoze through things. I just want so much for you baby. Things I never got to do because of foolishness and my crazy upbringing. You are a beautiful young lady just like I knew you would be. And the world is just waiting for you no matter what you choose to be sweetheart. I may not always agree but one thing is that I will always love you,my first babygirl." Frankie could only smile at her mother as Stef wraped her arm around her pulling her close.

"I love you mama."

"Yeah?I love you too sweetheart. Don't ever forget that or question it. Promise?"

"I promise." The teen said as Stef kissed the top of her head and Frankie passed out in her mother's arms.


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