Seeing is Beliving

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"Well I think it's a good thing baby. You know you and Roxy can take your relationship slow. That's fine." Lena says as her and Stef were doing errands along with baby Stef. The blonde had spoken to her about her time at Roxy's bakery and just wasn't sure how she felt about it all. She wanted to trust her sister but could not yet 100 percent.

"Yeah I guess. I just..I don't wanna get burned by her baby. I really don't because I swear to fuck if she does anything that is like that behavior she had before I'm gonna kill her ass this time. Like with my bare fucking hands."

"Love, I really think she won't. I don't think she's going to mess up. She has a lot of good things going for her right now and I think she means it this time and wants a real life. I mean Peaches forgave her which was, well very big. I don't know how many people could forgive someone who did that to them.

"I know."

"And Roxy has to live with that everyday. I mean every single day. I can't imagine." She says as the walk down the baking aisle as Baby Stef runs up to them.

"Yaya can I get this nail polish?" 

"Don't you have that color babe?"

"No. I have deep magenta. This is radiant magenta? Please Yaya?"

"Yes go ahead." She says as the girl happily places the nail polish in the cart. "But go get these items for me. It's in the next aisle and you come right back here understand me? I don't want to have to come looking for you."

"Yes! Ok! I can do that!" Taking the list and running off happily Lena can't help but smile as she grabs her wife's hand.

"She loves helping babe."

"Yeah I just wish she would stop growing. She's like a weed. And the fact she's wearing a bra is not something I can handle. I'll admit that."

"I know that. It's always been very hard for you seeing the girls especially grow up. Noah and Jude yes but Frankie and Baby Stef that's another story. Speaking of which Frankie was asking me about college last night."

"Yeah? I'm not surprised we had a talk about it the other day. She might end up going out of state which I gave her my blessing. Even if I wish I could just have her close. You know make up for lost time." She admits putting the flour in the cart as Lena stares at her. She knew at times thing piled up for her wife and she got very emotional about it. Far more then she ever liked to admit.

"Well I don't know if she will go all that far honey. Regardless of the hard time you both had during her teens she loves you very much."

"I know and I love her too. But why is she so tough acting. She's kinda rough." Lena can only laugh and shake her head at her wife for she really was blind. She had to be but it was funny to her. "She wears so much makeup, her nails and I mean...

"Stef, you are kidding? She is your clone. In more ways then one. I saw pictures of you that Mike had.  Identical." She says as Stef adds a few more things to the cart smiling.

"I mean yeah ok I'm like this because of the life I lead babe. Frankie didn't lead a life like me. So...

"So it's just in your genes. The toughness. Will get her far in life. And I know she didn't lead a life like you but she saw somethings. The tail end of things. But she watched us, she saw us and well it stuck. But she has come along way and we survived her teen years. I think she is finding her way honey."

"Yeah I hope. So Tracey is coming over this weekend. I think I forgot to tell you."

"No I know she called me." Lena says as the blonde now walks beside her and they add a few more things in the cart.  "I'm glad you two are close again and that she is doing better. Nathan seems to be a good kid."

"Yeah, but he has alot of issues she said. Alot of anger issues and he's, well, he has issues."

"Yeah. But, with help she will deal with it just as we have and she has our help too."

"I got everything Yaya!" The two hear now seeing Baby Stef's hands are full as she comes down the aisle. "Did I take long?"

"Nope. Just in time. Now come lets pay for this and grab pizza. Ok babe?"



While the Adams Foster family was growing and changing but still remaining close Tula Gomez  was struggling terribly.  She really was for ever since the night of the bowling alley incident her relationship had gone from bad to worse. Truth was she didn't even know how she ended up in this position again. Not one clue but she was and her girlfriend was beating the shit out of her daily to the point her ribs were cracked, her wrist was broken and her eyes were so puffy she could barely see in front of her. Tula had vowed never to let this happen again in her life and was pretty sure had gotten better in picking out woman. Not that she had dated many since leaving prison for she had been clinging to Stef like no other. But since the blonde pretty much told her to get lost and the two had a falling out she had been trying to move on.  Sadly it was with the wrong woman.

The entire thing was god awful and it was one of the most abusive relationships that she had ever been in. Her confidence was in the ground, her self esteem was non existent and she wasn't sure where she could even go. The woman didn't have family, and she barely had friends if she thought about it  and the ones she did have were in the same position she was. Or they were continuing lives of crime. Tula was trying so hard to stay out of that she was but her girlfriend had hooked her back in with no choice.

This night alone had been particularly hard and she just wasn't sure how much she could handle. She knew if she didn't get away she was dead. She had seen it in her own family so  as her girlfriend had fallen asleep beside her the young Puerto Rican managed to run out once and for all. But where she was going she just couldn't say as she hopped on the bus and looked at the contacts in her phone going to the one phone number she knew she shouldn't. She did and as Stef was passed out beside Lena across town she was woken up by the ring.

"Yeah?" The blonde whispered not even realizing who was calling.

"Stefanie?" The young woman said as her voice cracked and instantly the blonde opened her eyes. "I....I..I'm in trouble. I need help. I..."

"Where are you?"

"Oh the bus. I..I'm sorry.I...."

"I'll come get you."


MM wonder how Lena will feel about this one?

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