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As Lena rested in the bed after seeing Frankie and Stef talking she couldn't help but continue to smile. Smile wide for she could see her wife was remembering a few things about her life and their light together that caused the blonde to even call her a pet name. Sure maybe Stef had not noticed herself but Lena surely did and it gave her hope. Hope that their marriage, that their friendship and love was not lost forever. Maybe not all the memories were going to be good ones, but it was a start on a path to becoming herself again and although Lena loved certain changes like her level of calmness which she had begged her wife to try and be for the sake of her health, Lena would never in a million years change who Stef. Right now however she had a feeling the new parts of Stef might have always been there hidden under layers and layers of stress, aggravation, anxiety and feeling the need to control everything.

The last few months had been anything but easy for Lena, infact they had been rather exhausting and heartbreaking if she was honest. The slim woman had been grateful for the help from her family but at some point even that was overwhelming and she asked everyone to leave. Essentially she needed a break from them and wanted to just mainly focus on helping Stef remember as much as she could slowly. When too much family was around it caused a good amount of distraction and the blonde had often felt overwhelmed herself.  The kids were different for Lena could see her wife was really enjoying getting to know all of them all over again.

Of course there were daily challenges still and maybe Stef's parenting had been a little different the last few weeks but overall the way they handled their children had always been different from each other. Her wife had always been harsh and often scared the shit out of the kids where Lena was much more tame and listened. Nowadays it wasn't so much reversed but while Stef was trying to regain a sense of who she was she was also trying to learn how to become a parent again. That at times could be difficult especially since she seemed much less strict. Sure Noah noticed it, and Frankie of course and Lena had to constantly make sure they spoke about it for it had been too easy for the blonde to reverse what her wife told the kids. Nowadays they were getting better and often on the same page. Thankfully.

 As Lena turned over in the bed and finished her glass of water she soon heard the blonde enter the room and quietly close the door. Nowadays Stef was able to get around a bit faster but still needed her cane to help balance herself as she carefully got in the bed and laying her head on the pillow. When the two first started to share a bed after the blonde's stroke Lena was aware how awkward her wife felt. She slept rather far from the woman and always with her back turned. Yes of course it made the slim woman rather sad but she understood that it was like sleeping with a stranger. It was for her too and she would give anything to wrap her arms around the blonde and kiss her all over.

"Stef?" Lena soon whispered turning around as she could see the blonde now facing her in the dark. She thought she had felt Stef gently touch her back but wasn't sure. Or maybe she did for little did she know Stef had been trying to process her earlier memory of Lena.

"I'm sorry did I wake you?"

"No, no. Not at all. I was up. I didn't fall back asleep after I got that glass of water. Everything ok with Frankie?"

"Yeah, but she snuck out to see Mariana, and I told her there would be consequences that you and I would talk about."

Fully sitting up now and resting her back on the headboard Lena turned her nightstand light on so that she could clearly see her wife.

"She was gone for about an hour. Because I got up and checked on all the babies and I saw she wasn't there. I um, I actually heard her leave. So I waited in the living room and wanted to see if she would tell me the truth when she came back. And um she did. Had she been gone longer I would have woken you up."

"I know. I trust your judgement Stef."

"MM really?"

"Yes. Why do you say it like that?"

"Look I know I fucked up with the driving thing and I went against what you told her and Frankie told me she wasn't allowed but I went against you and I'm sorry for that."

"It's ok. You have nothing to be sorry about. I should have told you and communicated with you more about her restrictions. And I should never have said you can't parent. I'm sorry for that."

"MM it's ok baby." The blonde said not even realizing the pet name as Lena's heart was pretty much exploding for it was the second time in a few weeks. "Len can I ask you something?"

"Sure. Anything."

"Did I give you flowers in jail?"

"MM yes. You did." Lena said rather surprised as Stef soon slowly sat up leaning against the headboard as well.

"Roses? A single one on a bench?"

"Yes. Yes that is how it happened. You were this ruthless leader of the prison but at the same time  you were so sweet to me. I was shy and didn't know how to be around you. I just knew I liked you. Alot." Lena laughed as Stef smiled.

"Well maybe I don't remember everything but I can see why I liked you myself. You're beautiful and you're sweet. And you are patient as well. Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you baby." The blonde said rather affectionately as she for the first time gently grabbed Lena's hand as the woman held it. "I mean Lena."

"No. Don't call me Lena. You rarely if ever did. Only if you were angry at me." She laughed as Stef did as well.

"MM like when you call me Stefanie?"

"Yes. Pretty much."

At this point Stef was feeling rather shy as Lena continued to stare at her their hands remaining locked together.

"I'm sorry I kissed Tula. I didn't know what I was doing and..

"I know. I know babe."

"And I didn't have sex with her. That was wrong of her to tell you we did. Very wrong."

"Well she still is in love with you and probably will always carry a torch for you."

"MM. I may remember a good amount about her but what I do know is, what I do know is she's not you. And I'm starting to remember a bit about you. It might take me more time but I'm trying."

"I know you are." Lena said smiling as Stef herself grew rather bashful. "What's wrong?"

"Do you want to try another date? I can't drive but maybe here. Without the kids?"

"Are you asking me out Stef Adams Foster?"

"Ha yes. I believe I am. So will you go on a date with me? Lets say Friday at 8?"

"I would love too."

"Yeah? Ok. And um do me, do me a favor?"


"Wear something sexy."

Lena had no idea what in the hell to say to that as Stef winked at her, turned around slowly soon falling asleep. The slim woman could only grin really wide as she turned the night stand light out and carefully pressed herself next to Stef. Of course the blonde felt it and couldn't help but gently grab the woman's hand holding it. Just like she use to and Lena's heart was damm near exploding.


Oh Stef you are about to kill Lena with that. LOL

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now