A Year

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It had been three weeks since Callie disappeared with her birth mother Sheila, a year since Stef's stroke that almost wiped her memory and threatened her marriage with Lena,  a year since Tracey got well and a year since both Frankie and her mother had been at odds. Of course the year had been difficult but also mixed with a few surprises and happy times including the birth of Amelia, Mariana straightening herself up along with Roxy who was now making something of herself. No one really saw that coming nor did they see Mike and Judy potentially getting back together. Anything was possible in this family as the women were cleaning up from breakfast along with baby Stef.

"Can I at least get a second hole in my ear Yaya. Please? For my birthday."

The girl begged once again as Stef let out a sigh handing the girl a dish to wipe.

"Why are you insistent about putting holes in your body mm?"

"I'm not really. I just think two holes in your ears are cool. You have three."

Smiling at the little girl Lena couldn't help but shake her head and let out a small laugh.

"Please, I'm almost twelve in a few weeks. Please Yaya." Glancing to her wife Lena wiped another dish as Stef wasn't sure what to really say to the girl. For one it wasn't her choice to make it was Callie's choice but it was not possible to ask her right now considering they still had no idea where she was.  None.

"Babygirl listen that's not my choice to make. Ok?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it would not be fair of me or Mama Lion to make a decision like that without asking your mama sweetheart."

"Oh. Yeah I guess. But that's never going to happen." Putting the dish down baby Stef walked over to the couch taking a seat. The last few weeks were still plagued with many nightmares for her and fears that she would never see her mother again. Pete was also completely distraught especially after what he found out his fiance was doing. The entire thing destroyed him and someday's he was barely functional until Stef told him to wake the fuck up and that he no time to fall off the deep end. Andrew needed him and so did baby Stef. Sure it was easier said then done for Stef had her many days where she cried hard for her daughter especially when she thought no one was listening. Every night like clockwork she still went out looking for her and had no plans of giving up. Ever for she was hoping one day the girl would come home and get the help she needed. Glancing to the slim woman Stef frowned along with Lena as they both took a seat on either side of their granddaughter holding her hand.

"Baby I know it's hard. We both know it's difficult."

"I don't understand why she doesn't want to be with us anymore. She doesn't like us? Doesn't she know my birthday is coming Yaya?"

"I think deep down she does want to be with us and you. But because she is not well she isn't able to think like she normally did. It doesn't mean she doesn't love you or Andrew it just means her perception of things are different. She see's life differently and until she can get on medication and get help..well..

"Then why doesn't she just do that? Doesn't she want to get better? I don't understand."

"We think she does want to get better baby." Lena said as the little girl turned to look at her. "We really do but sometimes it takes people a bit of time to get it. For many reasons we may not understand."

"Can I be excused? I don't want to talk about this anymore."

"Sure babygirl." The blonde said as the young girl walked off to her room leaving both women feeling defeated. "I don't know what else to tell her Lena. It fucking sucks for all of us. And she doesn't want a party because I destroyed her party last year."

A Chosen Life (Hard Time Series Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now