The Morning It Happened

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It was the morning the entire family was waiting for as Lena had left her wife for one second to get some coffee and head to the chapel to say a morning prayer. With it being the fourth day that Stef lay unconscious the slim woman prayed night and day  for her to wake up like most members of the family. Sometimes it felt like it was one of the only things she could really do to keep sane. That and looking at their amazing children and family that showed more support then she could ever expect or wish for.

Lena also visited Tracey daily since she was in rehab on the forth floor and the woman was so grateful that the girl was ok. That had been one relief during this entire event that put a tiny bit of her heart at ease. But even if Lena was dealing with the pain of what was going on with Stef she still tired to reassure Tracey that they both loved her and had been looking for her. 

"Mama Lion." Tracey said hugging the woman as Lena hugged her back tightly and just being grateful that the girl was ok. "I'm so sorry I left. I'm sorry for everything. And mom. I...

"Ssh. Don't worry about that. I'm just really happy you are ok. We all are but please honey. Promise us you will stay put and get the help you need. That's all we want. You can't afford to go out there and do what you were doing. You just can't honey."

"I promise this time. I swear."

"Good because mom and I do not want to loose a daughter no matter what and no matter what she is struggling with."

"So, so you both know?"

"Yes. We know you have HIV honey. But that does not mean anything in regards to how much we love you. Please know that. You are our daughter and we will do whatever we can. The both of us."

Of course Tracey was embarrassed but like everyone else she didn't care about that right now. She only cared about her mother and was determined to stick to her program and get clean. Which she would. But that morning while she was attending AA, and while Tula was asleep in the waiting room like most mornings, and the Adams Foster clan was on there way Stefanie Foster was finally opening her eyes.

She was confused, rather numb and still attached to a variety of machines which beeped incessantly. Looking around nervously nothing was familiar and she had no idea where she was, why and what was going on. She in fact couldn't remember much of anything.

Trying to move she realized she couldn't feel her left side  at all and that she didn't understand.  She was also thirsty, tired and growing more and more confused for her body felt off. It felt odd and it didn't feel good as she was growing scared, and rather afraid as she saw a woman walk toward her.

Lena instantly noticed the blondes eyes were open as her coffee fell out of her hands and she ran over to her wife.

"Baby! Stef! You are awake." Lena said dropped her coffee cup out of her hand and rubbing Stef's soft cheek. " Oh baby hi. Hi I missed those eyes. Oh my god. You have no idea. You have no idea my sweetheart." Continuing to rub the woman's cheek Stef still remained confused and somewhat overwhelmed. She didn't get it and didn't understand what had happened or what was happening. What day was it? What time was it?  "It's ok baby. It's ok. Doctors!! My wife is awake she's awake." The woman yelled as tears sprang from her eyes. "You are ok now baby. You are ok. Don't be scared."

Stef was scared. She was for she had no idea who this woman was. None at all.


"It's not unusual for patients who have had such a massive stroke as your wife to experience some memory loss along with impaired speech, blurred vision, paralysis and muscle problems. Physically she has not suffered, some do and some don't."


"Yes some patients may have one side of their face that droops which is not uncommon. That has not happened in her case."

"I can tell she's scared. Almost as if she doesn't know me."

"That can happen for a few days. Listen we don't fully know to what extent the stroke and heart attack has affected her. We will definitely know more in the coming days and we will do extensive testing starting today. Right now I would not have everyone visit her because it can be very overwhelming especially if she is having a hard time remembering. I'd limit it to one new person a day or every other day. Anything more could upset her."

"Thank you. Doctor could she have another stroke again. I mean tomorrow? Or today?"

"I can't sit here and tell you no. But the good thing is if she does she is here and we can act fast."


"Lena this is an amazing thing. She is a strong woman. Not alot of patients come back from that. She really wanted to live."

"She is very strong. Always has been." The slim woman said looking through the glass at her wife.

"Go be with your wife and let your family know one person a day."

"I will. Thank you."

As Lena could finally breath seeing that her wife was awake she headed back into the room and took a seat beside her. Gently she grabbed her hand as the blonde looked to her still unsure and confused.

"It's ok if you don't remember anything right now baby. You have been through alot and we will all be there for you. Our kids, and parents. Your brother. All of us baby. It will take time but we aren't going anywhere. I promise." Lena could only gently rub the blondes hand as she felt tears fall down her face. She could also see tears falling down Stef's face and she gently wiped them. "It's ok sweetheart. It's ok don't cry my love. Do you want to say something? MM?" She asked her wife who was finding it very difficult to even get one syllable out.

"Ju." She said struggling.

"Ju? Jude?" Lena asked as the blonde looked somewhat confused once again. "Jude. Your son. He's here. Do you want to see him? MM?"Nodding her head at the woman she did not remember  Lena got her phone out  and showed her a few pictures of Jude but Stef's face grew confused. She didn't recognize him either and it seemed to be upsetting her even more. Lena wasn't sure what to do as she then showed the blonde a few of when he was little as her eyes perked up.


"Jude. Yes. But he's bigger now. Here lets see. Do you know who this is?" Lena asked showing her a recent picture of Frankie. Once again she didn't know and it was only when she showed her a picture of the little girl when she was about 2 did she remember. Glancing at the photos of her kids Lena did not want to overwhelm her wife anymore as she put it away.

"Baby do you know who I am? MM?"

However, Lena knew the answer. She did as the blonde looked at her with a blank expression and shook her head.

"I'm Lena. I'm your wife sweetheart."

But it was no use right now. Stef had no clue who she was. None at all.


OH man it's amazing Stef is awake but she doesn't recognize Lena.

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